Jacob Weisberg/Slate: only racism prevents Barack Obama from being elected

Jacob Weisberg of Slate offers If "Obama Loses/Racism is the only reason McCain might beat him" (link). I hopefully don't need to excerpt any of it to point out that it's not only wrong, it's also a roadmap for how the Democratic Party will operate for the next four years (or in perpetuity). Note that Weisburg isn't just some nobody; he's the "editor-in-chief of the Slate Group".

So, I'll just reprise the comment I left on the article:

I hope that most of us find this to be one of the most despicable columns Slate has ever printed. The question is, what to do about things like this?

Whether BHO wins or loses, the Dems are going to spend the next four years playing the race card every chance they get.

There's only one way out of that: for the good of the country, we need to show beyond any shadow of a doubt just how unqualified BHO is before the election.

The way to do that is to go to his public appearances and call him on his lies, misleading statements, and absurd polices. Then, upload his responses to Youtube and other sites.

Imagine this: Youtube's popular lists filled with videos featuring regular citizens showing just how unqualified BHO is. Millions of viewers will see those videos, and the Dems won't be able to play their divisive games.

Here are three questions for Obama, and if you search for his name here [note: this site] you'll find a large number of things you can ask him about.

But, you need to do this yourself. Find out when Obama is going to be in your area, print out the page above, and just go there and read one of those questions. If you can't do even that, then just print up a bunch of copies and hand them out to others.

If you don't, the MSM will continue to cover for BHO, and people like Jacob Weisberg will get to play their despicable games.


Yes Obama Is not a U.S. Citizen but that will not stop him from becoming your ruler. and say McCain becomes the next bitch in the white house so what? he hates you as much as Obama hates you, both want the same evil on you, both need you to become a third world people, and both will do the work of evil on you. Black and browns and yellow people say "Obama ro Die", let this coming evil happen now 20 years from now this evil will be total, now it would only murder 50 million people and not a third world war, but 20 years from now it will murder 5 billion, what do you want?

This leftist nut is in the same tent as commenter "Joe."