New from Obama cultists: the November 4 PROPHECY (Quincy Jones)

Some of you were probably asking, "Why hasn't Quincy Jones produced his own creepy video showing a cult-like devotion to Barack Obama's personality cult, complete with the contention that it's a 'prophecy' for him to be elected president?" Well, your prayers to The One have been answered!

I rush to remind our "liberal" friends that this is not at all creepy, and it would be great if it went viral just like the kids singing to Dear Leader video did. I especially urge everyone to send it to religious people, so they can be well aware of our newest prophet.

From their site:
The prophecy tells us that many may try to prevent it from occuring, yet it cannot be stopped.

Everyday, those supporting it gets larger and larger, and those fearing it get smaller and smaller.

The prophecy says we are the ones that will rise, awaken, and change the future.

Many have hoped for us, and many have feared us, yet the prophecy cannot be changed.

We will arise and awaken...


"[I] will not be supporting the Republican presidential candidates this year. We believe strongly in what our grandfather stood for: honesty, integrity, and personal freedom, free from political maneuvering and fear tactics." --CC Goldwater, Barry Goldwater's granddaughter, joining Colin Powell, Jim Leach, Jim Whitaker, Scott McClellan, and Arne Carlson in the Obama cult

Yeah I would give her some "goldwater" alright. Right in the punch bowl at her garden party. As far as the article...... This is the kind of crap the left dreams about.....why I dont know? You really have to have a particular hatred of this Country to give Amnesty to millions of invaders and their offspring and then offer to finance our own displacement. Only in America!

I don't pray. But if I did, you're right -- this is what I would have been praying for.