numbers usa
numbers usa: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Numbers USA highlights their members getting snowed by politicians, failing to stop amnesty - 09/02/13
Numbers USA and I both want to scuttle comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. Where we disagree is on the best way to do that.
Amnesty fans cheer GOP, Teaparty mostly ignoring immigration to oppose Obamacare (NumbersUSA, Tea Party "Patriots") - 08/20/13
Jim Avila and Serena Marshall of ABC News enthusiastically offer "Obamacare Backlash Leaves Room for Immigration Reform to Breathe" ( ). It covers how those who should be opposing amnesty are either AWOL yet again, or aren't doing things correctly.
NumbersUSA, Steve King, Teaparty Patriots assist amnesty with weak immigration rally - 08/13/13
Yesterday, Numbers USA, Steve King, and the Tea Parties "Patriots" held an immigration rally in Richmond, Virginia that ended up helping those who favor an amnesty for illegal aliens.
The best way to help NumbersUSA stop amnesty (immigration, House, FAXes) - 07/14/13
Back in 2007, members of Numbers USA helped block amnesty by sending a million or so FAXes to Congress.
Marco Rubio leads smear campaign against anti-amnesty groups FAIR, NumbersUSA, and CIS (Mario Lopez, Alfonso Aguilar) - 02/14/13
From this:
A new battle has flared inside the Republican Party in recent days as supporters of more-liberal immigration laws wage a behind-the-scenes campaign to discredit the influential advocacy groups that have long powered the GOP's hard-line stance on the issue.
Very likely Rep. Trey Gowdy will help push immigration amnesty - 01/08/13
Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina is the new head of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. Despite what you might hear from Gowdy and others, it looks like he's weak on comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty, aka some sort of large illegal alien legalization program).
A minor example of why illegal immigration continues and why amnesty is being considered - 12/04/12
I'll briefly give an example of a serious problem involved in opposing illegal immigration and amnesty.
Jane Timm (@janestreet) of MSNBC offers "Meet the Grover Norquist of the immigration debate" ( ), a hit piece on Roy Beck of Numbers USA.
Beck responds here [1].
GOP consultants: which Hispanic outreach approach is better? - 08/30/12
Here are some quick questions for GOP consultants, pundits, and other thought leaders. If you consult Republican politicians or are in a related field, please answer the questions below [1].
If that's not you, you can still help out by asking consultants the questions below.
If you're a consultant/pundit/etc., I'd like you to first take a look at these two approaches to Hispanic outreach:
Approach A:
*Any* form of DREAM Act would not serve the national interest - 06/11/12
Speaking about Marco Rubio's supposedly limited DREAM Act proposal, Roy Beck of Numbers USA says (link):
Lamar Smith might be weak on immigration (GOP DREAM Act?) - 12/24/10
Carrie Budoff Brown of Politico offers "Lamar Smith avoids hard line on immigration" [1]. Because we're dealing with definitions of those who aren't trustworthy (such as Brown), it's difficult to tell whether Smith will be weak on immigration matters or whether he just won't support nonsensical "boob bait for Bubba" policies.
Smith's first two hearings as head of the House Judiciary Committee will be about eVerify. However:
At the same time, he downplayed the key planks in the conservative immigration agenda... He won’t say when his committee plans to tackle birthright citizenship, the policy...
Glenn Beck urges donations to illegal immigration-supporting U.S. Chamber of Commerce - 10/14/10
Earlier today, Glenn Beck urged his fans to donate to the US Chamber of Commerce, a group that strongly supports illegal and massive immigration. In 2006, GOP Rep. James Sensenbrenner suggested that the Chamber register as a foreign agent due to what they support.
Isabel MacDonald admits Lou Dobbs didn't hire illegal aliens (The Nation) - 10/07/10
Earlier today, The Nation released an article called "Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite" (link) by independent "journalist" Isabel MacDonald of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
It's been taken by most to say that Dobbs employed or hired illegal aliens, when in fact a close reading shows she doesn't make that claim. In fact, there's no evidence in the article that he actually hired or employed illegal aliens: they were employed by others who did work for Dobbs or with whom Dobbs had a services contract. Thus, anyone who says that Dobbs hired or employed illegal aliens is at least making an...
Dave Neiwert channels Karl Rove: supports a race-based, anti-American labor system (hacendados) - 03/22/10
Far-left illegal immigration supporter David Neiwert of Crooks and Liars, in an interview with Roy Beck of Numbers USA, channeled the bugbear of the far-left, Karl Rove, supporting a race-based labor system. In the interview, Dave Niewert supported an anti-American system where Mexican workers would do the tough, dirty jobs while Americans would - paraphrasing - sit on their verandas watching them work, just like the hacienda system popular in countries to the south.
Recall back in early 2007 when Karl Rove said the following:
"I don't want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make...
NumbersUSA harassed at immigration march by far-left, open borders fascists - 03/22/10
Roy Beck of Numbers USA attended yesterday's pro-illegal immigration march, and you can watch the reception he received on the video at which is also attached right or below. On the video, persons dressed as mimes surrounded him as he attempted to speak to the camera and blew whistles at him in an attempt to shut him up. Not only that, but from their posting about the day's events (link):
After threatening Roy, the mimes were ordered by Park Police to remain between 7th and 14th streets. Then they huddled and one ran to Park Police claiming one of Roy's African American...
"Fiscal conservatives" ignore (or support) massive and illegal immigration, despite the costs - 02/12/10
From Numbers USA (link):
For those of you whose primary political interest is stopping the growth of government or even shrinking it, you have to contend with national leaders who say they agree with you but who refuse to deal with immigration. They say immigration is a "social" issue that isn't related to government spending and deficit issues. They couldn't be more wrong...
...Even stranger is that this gargantuan driver of bigger and bigger government was promoted and continues to be supported by the Republican National Committee and by the Republican leadership of the U.S. Senate and...
Hundreds of thousands more foreign citizens got work permits than any stimulus jobs "created or saved" - 10/30/09
The Obama administration claims (link) that the stimulus plan "saved or created" about 650,000 jobs. Meanwhile, since the plan was enacted, 1,125,000 foreign workers have gotten work permits to work in the U.S. (whether green cards or temporary). That's almost a half a million difference, and not on the American side of the ledger.
The calculations are here:
*Each month, the feds give out about 160,000 first-time permanent and temporary work permits to working-age foreign citizens.
* The 160,000 working-age foreign citizens are divided almost equally into those getting permanent work permits...
Leith Anderson of NAE misled: NAE member Salvation Army is "neutral" on amnesty (update: even more don't sign on) - 10/19/09
[UPDATE BELOW] Last week, the National Association of Evangelicals passed a pro-comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) resolution, and Leith Anderson from that group - in Congressional testimony - strongly implied that all NAE members supported the resolution. His testimony included this:
We actually had a vote today on this resolution with leaders in the National Association of Evangelicals and there was no dissent... On the board there are 75 (members) who represent the head of denominations.
As it turns out, Leith Andersen was being misleading: the Salvation Army neither supports...
*All* National Association of Evangelicals leaders support amnesty, massive immigration; how to take action; UPDATE: not all - 10/12/09
From Numbers USA (link):
Leaders of most of the nation's evangelical Christians made a shocking endorsement of illegal-alien amnesty today [Oct. 8] in Senate testimony.
Their spokesman -- the head of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) -- said high immigration is increasing membership in evangelical churches and is good for the economy...
...Rev. Leith Anderson, president of the NAE, was invited by Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) to testify in favor of the Senate immigration chairman's push to create amnesty legislation this fall.
Sen. Schumer asked Rev. Anderson if many of his colleagues...
Grijalva bill might restrict Border Patrol in Arizona; contact your reps (H.R. 324) - 09/22/09
Numbers USA informs us (link) that Rep. Raul Grijalva's Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area Act (H.R. 324) "would cover a gigantic area of Arizona" - including illegal immigration corridors - but it doesn't provide for the Border Patrol:
The Border Patrol is increasingly being limited in its enforcement on various park lands. Promoters of illegal immigration inside the federal government seem to be on a trend of turning parks into sanctuaries for illegal alien traffic.
The fear is that the H.R. 324 designation will be used to prevent the Border Patrol from setting up communication towers...
Chuck Schumer to discuss outlines of his immigration "reform" plan today - 06/24/09
From this:
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who also chairs the Senate Immigration Subcommittee, will unveil an outline for an immigration reform bill on Wednesday that will likely detail a plan to offer amnesty to the nation's more than 11 million illegal aliens.
...Sen. Schumer plans to announce on Wednesday the principles that will guide the immigration reform bill that he plans to introduce to the Senate later this year. His announcement comes one day before Pres. Barack Obama will host Congressional leaders at the White House to discuss immigration reform.
UPDATE: See Schumer, Senate...
Obama admin to make it easier for illegal aliens to get stimulus, other government jobs? (e-Verify) - 06/12/09
Numbers USA says:
Informed sources are telling our Capitol Hill Team that the Obama Administration plans to announce today or tomorrow new orders and rules that will gut most of the improvements in fighting illegal immigration at the end of the Bush Administration...
We are told that (a potential) new Obama Executive Order will retain the language requiring contractors to verify new hires (using eVerify). But it will eliminate the language requiring them to verify all previously employed workers on the contract.
That means that all the illegal aliens already working for federal contractors...
E-Verify extended for six-months; Leahy, Reid block five-year extension - 03/10/09
A six month extension for the EVerify program was successfully added to the omnibus spending bill, but an amendment from Sen. Jeff Sessions to extend it for five years was blocked through the machinations of Patrick Leahy.
Lobbying for immigration "reform" - 01/29/07
Mike Madden of Gannett News has a brief round-up of the money that was spent lobbying for and against immigration "reform" in 2005 and the first part of 2006 here.
According to a Gannett study, $3.3 million was spent in that period, and most of that was the pro side. They also mention the Center for Responsive Politics. Their raw data is here, but it looks like some of the dollar figures might include all lobbying an organization does, not just that related to immigration.
A sidebar shows some of those lobbying for and against the Senate amnesty. On the against side were NumbersUSA,...