NumbersUSA, Steve King, Teaparty Patriots assist amnesty with weak immigration rally
Yesterday, Numbers USA, Steve King, and the Tea Parties "Patriots" held an immigration rally in Richmond, Virginia that ended up helping those who favor an amnesty for illegal aliens.
Only about 60 people attended the event, showing weakness and helping amnesty supporters claim that the opposition to amnesty is small.
Steve King said something questionable yet again, helping amnesty supporters.
If your goal is to help amnesty, then encourage Numbers USA, Steve King, the Teaparty "Patriots", and other groups to keep on doing what they're doing. Their tactics are obviously ineffective or worse; if their tactics were working amnesty wouldn't be in the shape it is.
If, however, you want to stop amnesty, then use my tactics instead or in addition. You don't have to give up on the failed tactics of Numbers and King: you can still attend immigration rallies with the very select few and send FAXes to Congress. But, in addition to that, spend a little time doing things that actually work too.
See the list of more effective tactics to block amnesty for highly effective things you can do.
More on the rally:
"PHOTOS: Hardly Anyone Showed Up To Steve King’s Anti-Immigration Reform Rally"
thinkprogress . org/immigration/2013/08/12/2456691/
"Rep. Steve King Says Latino Immigrants Are From A ‘Violent Civilization,’ Will Bring ‘More Violence’ To America":
thinkprogress . org/immigration/2013/08/13/2457051/
Picture showing the small crowd:
twitter . com/mboyle1/status/367050581036109825/photo/1
"Photoblog: That Time Steve King Held An Anti-Immigrant Rally and No One Came"
americasvoiceonline . org/blog/
storify . com/americasvoice/
I've worked to show ThinkProgress and Frank Sharry's America's Voice wrong. NumbersUSA, Steve King, and the Teaparties "Patriots" are unwittingly helping them.
Please see the much more effective ways to block amnesty.
And, please write to @RoyBeck_NUSA and @SteveKingIA and suggest that they do things that are effective, rather than things that end up helping amnesty supporters.
UPDATE: In addition to ThinkProgress and America's Voice, others being helped by the rally were:
* RawStory "Steve King’s ‘grassroots’ anti-immigration rally draws pitifully small crowd"
rawstory . com/rs/2013/08/13/steve-kings-grassroots-anti-immigration-rally-draws-pitifully-small-crowd
* Ted Hesson of ABC News / Univision:
abcnews.go . com/ABC_Univision/Politics/
But at a recent rally in Richmond, Virginia, only 50 to 60 people turned out, according to Politico reporter Seung Min Kim. A reporter for the conservative outlet Breitbart News Network reported that there were "maybe 30 people." ...In photos, the event looks comically under-attended.
* Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post:
But the thing is that no one - outside the Beltway - takes [Steve King] all that seriously. The photo accompanying Politico’s report of an anti-immigration in Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s Richmond, Va., district shows exactly 14 people. (Politico claims a grand total of 60 attended the rally.)
I've worked to oppose Raw Story, Ted Hesson, and Jennifer Rubin. NumbersUSA, King, and the Teaparty "Patriots" unwittingly helped them out.
UPDATE 2: The event also helped Evan McMurry of Mediaite ("
GOP Rep. Steve King: Immigrants Come From ‘Violent Civilization’", mediaite . com/online/
Speaking at his anti-immigration reform rally in Virginia over the weekend, Iowa Congressman Steve King warned that immigrants came from inherently violent cultures and would adversely affect U.S. crime rates. The comment comes on the heels of two previous controversial remarks about immigrants that have made King the subject of severe criticism. ...“If you bring people from a violent civilization into a less-violent civilization, you’re going to have more violence, right?” King asked the tiny crowd.
The "tiny crowd" links to America's Voice.
[1] Those at the event included "NumbersUSA executive director Roy Beck, Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) founder Leah Durant, Remembrance Project director Maria Espinoza, former Reagan Justice Department official Tea Party Patriots’ George Rodriguez" per
breitbart . com/Big-Government/2013/08/13/