jorge mujica
Jorge Mujica
Spokesman for the March 10 Committee [1], which organized the March 10 Chicago march. He's also an official with Mexico's PRD party. [2] [3]. He has some involvement either as a leader or a spokesman of the newly-formed umbrella group called the National Alliance for Immigrant Rights. [4] [5] [6]
Organized the Immigrant Workers Justice Walk of [[September 2, 2006]]
[7] March organizers seek citizenship for all immigrants
[8] This cached page says: "[Mujica] has participated in several political and community based organizations, and is currently the Secretary General of the Mexican Party for Democratic Revolution, PRD, as well as a member of the Steering Committee of the [[March 10 Movement]], organizer of the march and May Day immigrant marches in Chicago".
[9] Search for "jorge mujica" prd
[10] [[Pro-immigration groups seek formal political power]]
[11], describing the convention where NAIR was formed, says: "The most important thing is that we gave the movement a national structure that will allow us to coordinate our actions," Jorge Mujica, one of the key organizers of the convention told reporters shortly after the meeting concluded. (That page also links to this google video featuring Mujica:
Around August 10 2006 he visited North Carolina: Speakers provide immigration bill information
Called "a top official of the PRD in Illinois" in December, 2006 (In Chicago, A Tale of Two Mexican Consulates)
In an article he wrote for the [[Chicago DSA]]'s [[New Ground]] #89 (July - August, 2003), he's refered to as "Political Action Secretary of the PRD in Illinois": "Immigrants Lose Representation in Mexican Congress", link