jobs americans wont do

jobs americans wont do: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Confused GOP funder Sheldon Adelson promotes immigration amnesty, misleads - 06/19/14

The Republican billionaires are coming out of the woodwork to support amnesty. A couple of days ago it was Fox News' Rupert Murdoch, today it's casino magnate and major GOP funder Sheldon Adelson.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, USCCB mislead about immigration in letter to John Boehner - 11/08/13

On November 7, Cardinal Timothy Dolan - Archbishop of New York and president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops - sent a letter [1] to House speaker John Boehner demanding comprehensive immigration reform.

Jason Stverak misleads about immigration and the free market (Franklin Center, Koch, Krieble) - 10/04/13

In Forbes, Jason Stverak of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity offers "To Achieve Real Immigration Reform, Put The Free Market Front And Center" ( ).

Pro-corporate Benjy Sarlin fails to follow the money on immigration reform (MSNBC, amnesty) - 09/24/13

Benjy Sarlin of MSNBC offers "On immigration, GOP swing votes want it both ways" ( ). Like other pro-comprehensive immigration reform articles it's very corporate friendly, using vulnerable illegal aliens to cover its agenda.

Rand Paul smears Americans, incl. playing Nazi card on amnesty opponents (illegal aliens in "concentration camps") - 07/01/13

Just how sleazy and anti-American is senator Rand Paul? On the video below, he says among other things this: Let's get [the millions of current illegal aliens] work visas, normalize 'em, make 'em taxpayers. They're not goin' home. Even all the crowd that are yelling 'amnesty, that person's for amnesty' are they for sending these people home? Do they want us to put them in concentration camps, on buses, and send 'em back home? I don't think anybody's proposing that.

Marco Rubio aide: some American workers "can't cut it..., can't do it, don't want to do it" (Enrique Gonzalez) - 06/16/13

Anti-Americanism undergirds a good part of the support for comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty). For an example, see all those who've used the talking point jobs Americans wont do. Sometimes they're open about it.

Questions for Kelly Ayotte about comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty, New Hampshire) - 06/09/13

New Hampshire senator Kelly Ayotte comes out for comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) in an OpEd entitled "Why I'm backing legislation to fix our broken immigration system" [1].

AFL-CIO reaches agreement with Chamber of Commerce on guest workers - 02/21/13

Richard Trumka and Tom Donohue - respective heads of the AFL CIO and US Chamber of Commerce - have released a "Joint Statement of Shared Principles" on a guest workers progr

Howard Buffett shouts "Viva Mexico!"; supports amnesty and guest workers; enables illegal immigration; wins Mex. govt award - 12/02/12

That very long title is more than justified since Howard Buffett - son of Warren Buffett - has been very busy supporting very bad immigration policies.

Peter Beinart smears GOP, sticks up for illegal immigration - 10/24/11

Peter Beinart of the Daily Beast and the CFR offers "Why the GOP Demonizes 'Illegals'" (link) in which he smears the GOP and

2006: George Will supports amnesty, guest workers; misleads with false choice; "unlimited" skilled immigration - 07/03/11

On March 30, 2006, George Will offered "Guard the Borders--And Face Facts" ( ), which was designed to support George W Bush's push for comprehensive immigration reform.

With millions unemployed, Ag Secy Tom Vilsack demeans American workers, promotes amnesty, opposes enforcement, uses bogus talking points, opposes eVerify - 05/27/11

Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Tom Vilsack held a press conference on Wednesday in which he demeaned American workers, promoted immigration "reform", opposed immigration enforcement, and used a series of bogus immigration talking points. An account of his remarks is here, with more excerpts at [1]. 1. Vilsack ran down American workers, saying: "While some American citizens step up and take (farm) jobs, the truth is even when farmers make their best effort to recruit a domestic workforce, few citizens express interest. In large part that's because this is hard, tough work." The...

UFW's anti-American satire: citizens should take illegal aliens' farmworker jobs (Stephen Colbert) - 06/23/10

The United Farmworkers of America are playing a cute, anti-American game (link): Take Our Jobs - please. That’s the message from the United Farm Workers union, which is turning the tables on Congress after years of inaction on comprehensive immigration reform. Through the campaign, United Farm Workers plans to push members of Congress to make a plea to constituents across the country: Put illegal immigrants out of work by working in the fields and packinghouses. ...The campaign “spotlights the immigrant labor issue and underscores the need for reforms without which the domestic agricultural...

Gary Johnson's immigration position disqualifies him for president or anything else (Our America Initiative, New Mexico) - 06/23/10

Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson started the "Our America Initiative" last year, possibly as a precursor to a presidential run. He's a libertarian and that means two things: a) he might as well save his donors the money because he's never going to get mainstream support, and b) he's wrong.

Paul Krugman exposes "jobs Americans won't do", has "uncomfortable facts about the economics of modern immigration" - 05/28/10

I posted a paragraph of this back in March 2006 when it first appeared, but it's worth revisiting the Paul Krugman column here [see UPDATE] where he exposes the "jobs Americans wont do" talking point for what it is and raises issues with massive illegal immigration, particularly of low-wage workers.

Dave Neiwert channels Karl Rove: supports a race-based, anti-American labor system (hacendados) - 03/22/10

Far-left illegal immigration supporter David Neiwert of Crooks and Liars, in an interview with Roy Beck of Numbers USA, channeled the bugbear of the far-left, Karl Rove, supporting a race-based labor system. In the interview, Dave Niewert supported an anti-American system where Mexican workers would do the tough, dirty jobs while Americans would - paraphrasing - sit on their verandas watching them work, just like the hacienda system popular in countries to the south. Recall back in early 2007 when Karl Rove said the following: "I don't want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make...

With millions unemployed, Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for more foreign workers (construction, farmworkers, academic) - 03/02/10

Millions of Americans are unemployed, including large numbers of construction workers. So, what does Arnold Schwarzenegger - one of the most corrupt governors in the country - do? He goes on the Greta van Susteren show on Fox News on February 23 (link) and says this:

"Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles": pro-amnesty, pro-guest worker fantasy from Robert George - 02/22/10

Robert George of Princeton University, former George W Bush official Alfonso Aguilar, and Alejandro Chafuen (see this) are the founders of the "Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles" (, an outgrowth of George's American Principles Project. See this for a recent WSJ article involving their efforts to promote comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. They say that their group "promotes conservative values and ideals within the Latino community and works to integrate Latinos into fuller and more active participation and leadership in the conservative movement...

WSJ discovers: Americans compete with immigrants for jobs (Miriam Jordan) - 05/24/09

Miriam Jordan of the Wall Street Journal offers "Job Fight: Immigrants vs. Locals/Tennessee Residents Compete for Work They Once Scorned; An All-Night Wait for Slaughterhouse Shifts" (link).

Andrew Rosenthal/NYT supports AgJobs (indentured servitude bill) - 05/16/09

The NYT editorial "Farms and Immigrants" (link) supports the recently re-introduced AgJobs farmworker amnesty/indentured servitude bill: Because it’s hard to find Americans willing to endure the heat, cold and misery of stooping in the fields - or the low wages - growers overwhelmingly use undocumented workers. An estimated 75 percent or more of the agricultural work force is here illegally. This is bad for everybody. Undocumented workers are easy prey for exploitation and unable to assert their rights. Growers constantly complain about labor shortages and are vulnerable to disruptive...

Tamar Jacoby pins immigration "reform" hopes on Obama-induced "reformist mood", bad policy, racialization - 05/07/09

America's favorite immigration "expert", Tamar Jacoby, takes to the pages of the Los Angeles Times with "The immigration debate, again" (link). It contains the usual smears ("there's a danger that populist resentments will curdle into xenophobia", Lou Dobbs and Tom Tancredo are "anti-immigrant" with "inflamed, angry followers") together with things like this: Neither the economic downturn nor enhanced enforcement has driven 12 million illegal immigrants to leave the country. Enforcement is still far from effective, either on the border or in the workplace. That "enhanced enforcement" has been...

Rosa Brooks to Pentagon; CFR, Soros; her Darwinistic, anti-American immigration policy; journalism bailout - 04/09/09

Former Los Angeles Times columnist Rosa Brooks is going through the revolving door again, this time to be an advisor at the Defense Department, specifically to Michele Flournoy the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. There's a lot about her not to like; here's just some of it: 1. She was affiliated with George Soros' Open Society Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations. 2. During the Clinton years, she advised Harold Koh in his previous position at the State Department. 3. In her farewell (for now) column, she advocates for a "government bailout of journalism" (link). In addition to...

Mel Martinez to be "irritant" to get immigration "reform"; Gebe Martinez has no concern for U.S. workers - 03/18/09

Gebe Martinez of the Politico informs us (link) that Sen. Mel Martinez (no relation) is initiating an unfocused push to get comprehensive immigration reform:

Consul: we both want a "legal, orderly and humane flow of people" - 09/27/06

It was a canard fest at Ohlone College in Fremont (Bay Area, CA) on Tuesday as Mexican Consul General Alfonso de Maria y Campos spoke about illegal immigration. All of his statements have been heard many times before from both Mexicans and Americans. And, Angela Woodall of The Argus (part of the ANG Newspapers group) served only as a transcription service. If - and it doesn't seem likely - she asked him any questions, they aren't included in her report.