glenn reynolds
Glenn Reynolds - Instapundit: Page 3
Summary (posts follow):
See the summary for this topic on the main Glenn Reynolds - Instapundit page.
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Tea parties continue mostly helping Obama at new, relaxed pace - 05/10/09
Remember how all the tea parties forced a sea change in Washington DC as formerly corrupt political hacks - weighed down by the tons of tea bags they'd received - changed their ways? Yeah, me neither. In fact, Obama will probably be into his second term before many of those involved realize just how dumb their leaders are.
* One slight glimmer of non-stupidity comes to us from Buffalo, where the leader of one group - despite indicating several other problems - exhorted people to "Go to the public appearances of your state legislators. Call them out on these issues they have voted on. . . ....
"CodeRed": angry renters, tea partiers descend on Tucson city council meeting (Instapundit misleads) - 05/06/09
Here's what Glenn Reynolds says (
MORE LOCAL ACTIVISM: Tucson Tea Party sends 1000 activists to City Council Meeting.
I don't need to tell you that the truth is a bit different:
1. The page he links ( says that more than 1000 turned out, yet the two MSM reports linked only say more than 700. The third doesn't give a number. And, the linked page includes this: The Tucson Tea Party, Arizona Multi-Housing Association, as well as the Tucson Realtors' Association encouraged their members to attend. How many real estate agents were there?...
Jim Geraghty/NRO's idiotic ACORN-style plan (+ his idiotic email reply) - 04/23/09
Last week, Jim Geraghty of National Review's "Campaign Spot" weighed in on where the tea parties should go next and offered the following idiotic, ACORN-style plan (link, bolding added):
If 100-1,000 people show up at a rally, the event may or may not get media coverage, and that coverage may or may not be snarky or dismissive. Congressmen may or may not notice, and the President's spokesman will announce he's not aware of them... But if 100-1,000 people show up at a town council, city council, etc. meeting, in most places, that's an earthquake. It varies widely, but most local government...
Baby steps: Instapundit finally pushing my two year old idea to ask politicians tough questions on video - 04/19/09
Since February 2007, when I attended an Obama rally and unsuccessfully tried to ask him a tough question, I've spent endless hours trying to get others to do something similar with him or other politicians; see the question authority page for the overview and an action plan.
Jan Schakowsky: tea parties are "despicable". Here's how to affect her political career - 04/18/09
A few days ago, Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois said that the tea parties are "despicable" and "shameful." Now, Glenn Reynolds informs us ( that she'll be making an appearance at the Peoria County Democratic Women's May Day Dinner on May 3 (link), saying:
I WONDER IF ANY “TEA PARTY” PROTESTERS WILL SHOW UP?... There were 3,000 Tea Party protesters in Peoria. They might take exception to her calling them despicable and shameful.
If you'd like to do something about this, there are two basic ways to do it:
1. Stand around outside with signs. However, there are...
Tea party turnout number: should you trust Pajamas Media or Silver's MSM-based estimate? - 04/18/09
Now, here's a tough one. Who do I trust less: Nate Silver, or Pajamas Media and Glenn Reynolds?
Silver says that a bit more than 300,000 turned out for all the tea parties (link). And, he does that by linking almost 400 events in cities across the nation to local reports with their estimates of the turnout.
On the other hand, links to
The estimated number of participants in yesterday’s tea parties - sent in by citizen journalists who signed up to the site to enter attendance data...
Hartford tea party draws 3000; Instapundit thinks that would worry Chris Dodd - 04/15/09
Glenn Reynolds opines ( "Hartford Courant: Hartford Tea Party Draws Thousands. That can't make Chris Dodd feel any better" and links to the contention that 3,000 turned out at that event (link).
Tax Day Tea Party open thread: turnout numbers, pictures, sanity... (UPDATE: "They wanted to be like Code Pink") - 04/15/09
The Tax Day Tea Parties are finally here! All across the U.S., a sub-miniscule fraction of the U.S. population will be standing on street corners holding signs that will make them look bad and ultimately help Barack Obama by giving the false impression that his opposition is "mean-spirited" and weak in numbers.
Pictures and turn-out numbers will follow as this momentous (for them) day progresses...
NOON UPDATE: From the looks of it, the parties will be incredibly lucky to get 100,000 at all events combined, and it will probably be far under that figure.
And, Glenn Reynolds shows exactly where...
Instapundit chats with tea party "facilitator" from Koch-linked group - 04/08/09
Over to Glenn Reynolds ( for the latest on the "grassroots" tea parties:
PJTV: I talk with PubliusPundit - and Tucson Tea Party organizer - Robert Mayer, and with Tea Party facilitators Matt Kibbe of Freedomworks and Chris Bond of Americans for Prosperity about tea parties and where they should go next.
Click their name's link for more on the AFP; at least as of November of last year the chairman of their foundation's board was David Koch of the Koch family and they'd received money from that foundation; do a search for Kochtopus if you aren't familiar with...
Winner! Tea party in deep blue district draws 300 where Dem Rep. got 103,033 votes; 0.2% of all those who voted - 04/04/09
If there's one thing the tea parties have taught us, it's that Glenn Reynolds is not a math professor. The "parties" are using a technique - street protests - that rely on sheer numbers. Yet, the numbers just aren't there: there are only so many "kulaks" [1] in the general population.
The stupidity of the tea parties rolls on, at much reduced rate - 03/30/09
1. Over the weekend, there were apparently just three "parties": Buffalo; Stamford, Connecticut; and Essex County, Massachusetts.
2. The aftermath of the one in Essex County is promoted by Glenn Reynolds at and About a hundred people showed up. The Congressman for that area appears to be John Tierney, a Democrat. In 2004, he got 213,000 votes and his GOP opponent got 91,000. That means that the 100 people represent 0.05% of the votes he got, and 0.1% of the votes his opponent got. I'm sure he's scared out of his wits.
Three more signs the "tea parties" are a poorly-planned and pointless waste of time - 03/22/09
In case you needed them:
Instapundit now *promoting* loony protests but still refusing to just go Galt - 03/21/09
Way back in December 2002, I went to the first of several "peace" protests in order to take pictures of the wacky signs and such. I ended up getting a few "Instalanches" (links from Instapundit) out of it, and Andrew Sullivan even linked to one of them.
Sen. Mitch McConnell now promoting Randroid "tea parties"? - 03/18/09
The attached somewhat slickly-edited video of news reports about the tea parties is from the Youtube user SRCC07, someone who doesn't give any indication to who they might be on their profile (
However, oddly enough, most of their videos appear to be things like statements from U.S. Senators, mostly Mitch McConnell. And, there's a Senate Republican Communications Center (SRCC).
Jason Mattera asks Charlie Rangel stupid question - 03/09/09
Standing athwart our descent into Idiocracy, HotAir correspondent Jason Mattera decided to help us descend even further by asking Charlie Rangel about his tax problems on the attached video.
Is any politician worried about the "tea parties"? (Rep. Sam Farr, Carmel/Monterey) - 03/08/09
Another worthless "tea party" protest was held today, this in the Carmel/Monterey area of California. A few pictures are here.
Why is this worthless? For an example, let's take a look at this handy chart showing the winning election percentages from Rep. Sam Farr, the Democrat who represents that area (
2008: 73.4%
2006: 75.9%
2004: 67%
2002: 68%
2000: 69%
1998: 65%
1996: 59%
1994: 52%
1993: 52%
Even Hugo Chavez must be envious. Yet, the only thing that Glenn Reynolds (, Pajamas Media, and their shadowy friends have...
"Fullerton Tea Party" was not a "tea party", don't be fooled - 03/08/09
Yesterday, radio hosts John and Ken from KFI in Los Angeles held a "tea party" in Fullerton (Orange County) that was attended by somewhere between 8,000 and 15,000 people. Despite what you'll hear from the usual suspects, this wasn't one of the classic tea parties in the Ayn Rand/"taxation is theft"/"greed is good" sense. Instead, it was based on something that John and Ken had been pushing before the "tea parties" started and it was mostly a protest of local California issues relating to Arnold Schwarzenegger. They glommed on to the "tea party" idea and did feature some discussion about the...
"Tea Parties": an astroturfed Koch family movement (FreedomWorks, Instapundit, Rick Santelli) - 02/28/09
Now I know why Rick Santelli disgusts me: the "Tea Party" stimulus protests may be an astroturfed project of the wealthy Koch Family (called "the Kochtopus", see this).
Rick Santelli is enough to make me a Democrat - 02/22/09
Reading how Los Angeles wants to spend their stimulus money and the rest brought out my inner Republican. Watching the videos featuring CNBC reporter Rick Santelli (link, link) brought out my inner Democrat. They're now fighting each other as my id watches from the sidelines.
Glenn Reynolds promotes Kochtopus, jeering of a Senator, and not fully effective protests; dismisses Katrina concerns - 02/20/09
It's been a great week for Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit. In between sending people off to Amazon, he:
Pajamas TV conducting "hearing" on stimulus healthcare effect, with Joe the Plumber - 02/11/09
Tomorrow, from noon to 2pm Eastern, Pajamas Media will be conducting their latest dog 'n' pony show, this time featuring Joe the Plumber and others holding a "hearing" on the healthcare impacts of the stimulus plan. They invite you to submit your questions that their panel will answer:
Does Glenn Reynolds really oppose the stimulus, or is he just playing a game? Let's ask. - 02/10/09
Glenn Reynolds ( currently gets almost 400,000 visits per day, and he's posted several anti-stimulus plan blurbs. But, as with his election coverage in which he supposedly opposed Barack Obama, the fire just doesn't seem to be there (see "Instapundit, or The Strange Case of the GOP Hack Who Didn't Shill During the Election").
Pajamas Media blogger network fails; boo; hoo - 01/31/09
Starting on April 1, the Pajamas Media network will stop serving up ads to a network of major blogs and will be concentrating on their video line instead. You know, the video line that features talking head shows with worthless minor pundits and that I can't imagine anyone being interested in. Read the Dear Blogger letter they sent here.
Joel Kotkin /Mark Schill promote a "North American Energy Community" (how the EU started) - 01/04/09
Joel Kotkin and Mark Schill offer "Go north young man", a globalist screed calling for the creation of a "North American Energy Community" (link):
...A U.S.-Canada energy consortium - with the eventual involvement of Mexico - provides us out from our fundamental geopolitical dilemma: how to grow our economy while reducing our dependence on imported energy and, over time, carbon-emitting fuels. This could take the form of something like a North American Energy Community, which would help coordinate research, development and environmental resources across the continent...
It goes on. I left...
Andrew Revkin/NYT: 11 weak science questions for Obama (dot Earth) - 01/02/09
Andrew Revkin writes the "dot Earth" blog for the New York Times, and he offers "11 Questions for Obama’s Science Team" (link). As one might expect, all of the questions are to one degree or another variations on, "Comrade Lysenko, tell us of the wonders of your system." About the only slightly tough question concerns ethanol. None of the questions challenge fundamental assumptions or expose flaws in the reasoning of Obama or his science selections.
WTF? Why am I getting an Instalanche? - 11/28/08
Welcome Instapundit readers! But, I have no idea why Insty is linking to me, considering all the bad things I've said about him over the years. In fact, it's been five years since he last linked here (for this).
Eliot Spitzer returns; so, was he set up to hush him up about the financial crisis? - 11/16/08
Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer makes his triumphant return into the spotlight with the Washington Post editorial "How to Ground The Street/The Former 'Enforcer' On the Best Way to Keep Financial Markets in Check" (link). I am, needless to say, in a forest of conflicted emotions:
Live coverage: John McCain/Barack Obama Hofstra "debate", 10/15/08 - 10/15/08
Live coverage of the "debate" at Hofstra University between John McCain and Barack Obama commences now.
McCain is taking BHO to task for the "Sarah Palin is a ****" t-shirts and for BHO's implication of widespread rabble-rousing at McCain/Palin rallies.
And, BHO is stumbling. He indeed has a "glass jaw", yet no one wants to take advantage of his lack of experience at being challenged.
Senate immigration amnesty bill: the supporters - 05/21/07
Outside a number of Senators, there aren't too many who support the Senate's immigration amnesty/"guest" worker plan. This post will keep track of them, and I urge everyone to hold those below accountable whether the bill passes or not. I also urge everyone to keep calling Congress, but, even more importantly, follow the steps previously outlined to help stop amnesty.
The supporters:
* Of course: president Bush, Sens. John McCain and Ted Kennedy
* From "Few senators support the illegals bill" (link):
Sen. Arlen Specter, one of the Republicans who helped craft the deal, said it's the best they...
CNN BlogParty, Blog Party, BlogStock - 11/07/06
The latest example of the mainstream reaching out to bloggers is CNN's "BlogStock", aka a "blog party" (1). They've invited a couple dozen mainstream bloggers to blog live from an internet cafe in Washington DC. Apparently this is supposed to be cutting edge, but most of those involved are partisan hacks. And, some of them qualify more as party operatives, with three of the "bloggers" working for magazines and one of those being the publisher editor-in-chief of the mag.
George Bush intentionally misleads about John Kerry Iraq comment - 10/31/06
Speaking in Georgia about an hour ago, president Bush intentionally distorted John Kerry's earlier comments about Iraq. Yesterday, speaking at Pasadena City College, Kerry said this:
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
WalMart: no more "undocumented" workers for us! - 10/27/05
Our guiding light Insty links to the site for some reason or other. Doing a search, our crack team came upon this bit:
We have been such a successful retailer because we focus our efforts on running our stores. Like many companies, we entrust our suppliers and contractors to do the hiring - and that means hiring only documented workers.
History's erasers - 01/27/05
Yesterday, Instapundit linked to a post about Rep. David Dreier's social security card proposal. That post is at a group blog known as Liberty & Power which is part of the "History News Network", which doesn't appear to be a cable TV network, just a web site spun off from George Mason University.
I left a comment suggesting that Dreier was just proposing this bill expecting it would fail but that it would show to his constituents that he was trying to do something. I also left a comment on this thread. However, both comments have now been deleted, but thankfully I saved a copy of the...
Insty points to this Michael Barone article which proposes an Alaskan-oil-revenues type plan for the people of Iraq. Which is great. But, all I could think about as I read it was, "how much could I skim off the top if I were the one in charge of it?" Not that I or those in charge would, just something to tuck away in the far recesses of your mind.
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