WTF? Why am I getting an Instalanche?

Welcome Instapundit readers! But, I have no idea why Insty is linking to me, considering all the bad things I've said about him over the years. In fact, it's been five years since he last linked here (for this).

However, if you're looking for the posts about minor members of the Obama administration, here's a summary page which will be added to as new announcements are made. While Napolitano will have the greatest impact, even I'm surprised that he'd give a worthless, passive-aggressive, race-baiting hack like Cecilia Munoz a job in his administration rather than simply paying off the NCLR with a grant.

As for my issues with Glenn Reynolds, the latest concerns the fact that he and Pajamas Media did not support my highly effective plan to defeat Barack Obama. For almost two years I've been trying to encourage people to go to public appearances by politicians and ask them very tough, prosecutorial-style questions designed to call them on their lies or reveal the flaws in their policies. Their responses would be videotaped and then uploaded to Youtube. See this for a tangible example, albeit pre-dating Youtube and involving someone that few have heard of.

Over 100,000 people have seen my various pleas to ask politicians tough questions, but none have done anything. However, if enough major bloggers had gotten behind that plan, someone would have been able to ask Obama - or even just one of his representatives - a real question. The desired result is illustrated here. Unfortunately, those major bloggers did nothing.

And, that's despite the fact that if regular citizens asked politicians real questions it would completely undercut the mainstream media.

If you're a visitor from Instapundit, you might want to send him an email and suggest that instead of Pajamas Media offering worthless talking head shows featuring minor pundits, they consider holding politicians accountable.


I sent him a link about your post about Tino Cuellar and how its the underling bureaucrats that get into posts that bother me. Like the one at that post. Also do you have a contact link or email.

So, your 'highly effective plan to defeat BHO' was ignored by the MSB's (main stream bloggers). But..Joe the Plumber! happened. I'll bet Joe cost BHO a couple fractions of a percentage point in votes. Joe's question is an example of what you proposed, but that memorable encounter was just a random happenstance. I think your theory is good, but, unfortunately, there's not enough blogger boots on the ground to make it work. And after Joe, politicos will now be on guard against such impertinences. Believe me, they pay attention to those fractional percentage point vote losses and the causations thereof. As far as BHO, we just needed more time, and a better candidate on our own side.

I was happy to read what Reynolds said you would talk about, the appointments.. but disappointed to read you are holding a grudge against him over your 'plan'... get real. It's very hard to get close enough to do such things, and many people already are trying. You didn't come up with this 'plan' first, you know.. :-)

What. U don't like PJTV? What have u got against self-indulgence, pasturized pap, and egoists?

_I have no idea why Insty is linking to me, considering all the bad things I've said about him over the years._ You know, there's probably a lesson to be learned from that if you think about it for a minute.

I have to wonder if those questioning at town hall meetings are screened or shut down...Regardless there may have been many people in audience anxious to ask the questions you posed....if they don't get a chance to speak...then that doesn't mean they didn't try. PS I said from the beginning ..the only thing that could have stopped the election of Obama was a video of him shooting someone at point blank range....and even then many would STILL have voted for him....Go Figure!

You've got the entire enterprise backwards. For this sort of thing to become the new normal, you need to start from the bottom level and move up. If it's perfectly normal to subject municipal, county, and state candidates to real questions, the justification for congressmen, senators, and even presidential candidates gets very thin. The fundamental problem with bottom up is that you need to create a somewhat more complicated support framework before that starts to be practical. My own plan is to create that framework for ideas like this one to hang off of.

Your idea is a good one and would be effective. Remember Macaca? Just one thing: I think it would get like Vegas casinos. After you did it they'd recognize you and then you'd always be a "security risk" and get hustled off.

We as a people will never get any kind of truth from the pigs who are owned by our enemies. Our enemies own the system and to admit to this would place our so- called government in a real light and light is what our enemies hate most of all. The political and race hate transplant from africa Obama is the best thing of evil that has happened since Hitler. Buy Guns.