Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform ready to push amnesty
The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform said today that they're going to push even harder for a massive amnesty for illegal aliens:
"This campaign is unprecedented in the pro-immigration community," said Cecilia Munoz, senior vice president of the National Council of La Raza, in a statement. "Never before have we brought together under one banner such a formidable political coalition to fight for passage of comprehensive immigration reform. We now have the money, the people and the political will to punch this vital issue over the goal line in Congress and make America a better place to live and work."
Formidable indeed. Here are some of the members of their group:
* Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA, allegedly has collaborated with the Mexican government)
* Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (linked to various Illinois politicians and much, much more. Their president is a member of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad's advisory council to the Mexican president. He helped organize the big marches in Chicago, and after the first he sent a letter to Vicente Fox congratulating his fellow members of that advisory council for helping organize the marches. He also spoke at Mexico's version of the White House after the march.
* The NCLR funds extremists.
* Two unions in the CCIR (Service Employees International Union, UNITE HERE) have deep links to the various immigration marches.
If you see the CCIR lobbying near you, ask them about those highly questionable links.