Pomona mayor, activists, Monica Rodriguez, worried about ICE doing their job

From Monica Rodriguez of the SB Sun:
The recent roundup of 338 illegal immigrants across Southern California targeted those who had ignored deportation orders, criminals, fugitives and others.

But out of those arrests, about half - 159 - involved random people who officials came across and found to be in the country illegally but without any other criminal record, said Virginia Kice, spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement...

...Kice said that in the course of looking for specific people "it's not uncommon to find other immigration law violators."

When that happens, it is the duty of immigration officials to arrest the individuals, Kice said.

Pomona Mayor Norma Torres said city staff has gathered information involving the arrests of four other men near the Pomona Economic Opportunity Center, also known as the Pomona Day Labor Center...

...Jose Calderon, president of the Latino/Latina Roundtable of San Gabriel and Pomona Valley, said he and representatives of other organizations, including the Latino Student Union of the Claremont Colleges and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, are also working to arrange a meeting with ICE representatives within the next week.

The purpose of the meeting would be to create an avenue for communicating with ICE officials and "stopping what we consider raids," Calderon said.

It's when immigration officials make random arrests that chances increase of civil-rights violations, he said...
Oh. The humanity. This is yet another in the long line of examples showing what ethnic advocates - including the mayor, the reporter, and the named activists - really want: free immigration for all others of the same race.

If "comprehensive immigration reform" passes, how exactly is the same group going to respond to post-reform "raids"? Aren't they just going to do the exact thing they're doing now?


Since when do police, or ICE, stoop to having meetings with criminals to hear their complaints about laws being enforced? There are no civil rights violations if you are not a citizen. These groups want better communication? The let law enforcement communicate as it does best. Handcuffs and raids. Many more raids. Start with the advocacy group leadership. They can communicate their "complaints" with the sympathetic ear of the jailhouse booking officer. Then complain to the ICE bus driver. No more pandering to criminals. Can we say "dragnet"?