National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
Summary (posts follow):
Per them: "NALEO is a non-partisan membership organization whose constituency includes the nation's more than 6,000 elected and appointed officials."
They also have a somewhat minor link to the Mexican government: they administer that government's Ohtli award. Those awards are given to foreigners who push the Mexican government's agenda inside the U.S. Past recipients of that award include Janet Murguia of the National Council of La Raza, U.S. Reps. Luis Gutierrez and Jared Polis, and U.S. Senator Bob Menendez.
Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
NCLR, SEIU, LULAC, NALEO flex their racial power and threaten Congress in new amnesty push - 12/12/12
When is ethnic nationalism and a completely race-based attitude to everything OK? When is the raw pursuit of racial power OK? When is it OK to make borderline threats against Members of Congress? When Hispanics do it, of course.
From "Latino Groups Warn Congress to Fix Immigration, or Else" by Julia Preston of the New York Times ( ):
Mitt Romney NALEO speech: ever weaker on immigration (chain green cards, comprehensive reform, guest workers) - 06/21/12
Mitt Romney spoke to NALEO - the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials - earlier today and went even weaker on immigration. Excerpts of his remarks, a discussion, and video are below.
Antonio Villaraigosa to attack Mitt Romney on immigration (racist dog whistle?) - 02/08/12
From [1]:
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a Democrat, plans to dig into Mitt Romney in a speech on immigration reform Wednesday, when he will call the candidate's rhetoric and anti-immigrant endorsers "beyond the pale."
Rick Perry panders in vain to Mexican gov't-linked NALEO - 06/23/11
Back in 2004, George W Bush pandered to the far-left, illegal immigration-supporting League of United Latin American Citizens and it didn't go very well.
Mexico-linked NALEO using religion to obtain political power (Census) - 12/15/09
Per Andrea Nill of ThinkProgress (
In response [to a protest discouraging participation in the Census], the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) has started using the Bible to target religious Latinos with a different message: What would Jesus do?
NALEO is handing out posters that illustrate the arrival of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. NALEO explains that the Gospel of Luke indicates that the reason Jesus was born in Bethlehem is because Joseph and Mary were fulfilling their civic duty by returning to the town to be...
Mesenbourg of Census pledges to count every illegal alien (NCLR, LULAC,NALEO, congressional apportionment) - 05/23/09
From this:
The acting director of the U.S. Census Bureau, Thomas Mesenbourg, told that the bureau intends to work with community organizations to make sure every illegal alien in the United States is counted in the 2010 Census...
Mesenbourg's comments were made after a press conference on Wednesday where Commerce Secretary Gary Locke joined several interest groups, including Univision, the National Council of La Raza, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) to talk about efforts to ensure a...
NCLCCL wants illegal aliens to boycott Census; Nativo Lopez, NALEO, others disagree (of course) - 04/23/09
The National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders (NCLCCL) is promoting a boycott by illegal aliens of the 2010 Census. Their president Miguel Rivera says:
"If the 12 million of our brothers and sisters are good enough to be counted, then they are good enough to be legalized."
Needless to say, those who want to profit from a large census count of Hispanics vehemently disagree, with some starting a campaign designed to counter the NCLCCL's efforts (link). Those include Nativo Lopez of the Mexican American Political Association and NALEO. The latter has an direct albeit minor link...
Mesa Police chief George Gascon to pay for DC trip out of own funds, refunds "immigration reform" group - 04/12/09
Earlier this month, Mesa, Arizona police chief George Gascon testified before Congress about his opposition to the 287g program. His testimony was sought by Rep. John Conyers and arranged through the agency of county supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox. Hiis trip to DC was paid for by what he called at the time a "group of nonprofit organizations that are seeking immigration reform". This caused a firestorm of protest, and now Gascon has decided to return the money, pay for the trip out of his own pocket, and count the time he spent in DC against his vacation time (link).
Now, here's something...
NALEO, LULAC, SEIU, Univision: ending raids for census not enough, immigration "reform" needed - 04/01/09
Following up on her report of yesterday, Hope Yen of the Associated Press informs us that a group of illegal immigration-supporting Hispanic groups - including one with a direct albeit minor link to the Mexican government (NALEO) and one whose treasurer is an extremist (LULAC) - want their race-based power and they want it now (link):
Saying traditional census outreach will not be enough, Hispanic groups on Wednesday urged the Obama administration to follow through now on its pledge to pass immigration reform or risk an undercount of millions of people.
The National Association of Latino...
Census Bureau will report directly to Obama, bypass Commerce; to help count illegal aliens, non-citizens - 02/05/09
After complains from black and Hispanic groups, the Obama administration will be requiring the Census Bureau to report directly to the White House, bypassing Judd Gregg, the Republican who was appointed to head the Department of Commerce (link).
This is clearly an attempt to make sure that as many illegal aliens and other non-citizens are counted in an attempt to obtain both money and power. Don't just take my word for it, here's an earlier statement from the New Democratic Network admitting as much.
After Gregg was appointed, the National Association of Latino Elected Officials - a group...
USCIS Task Force on New Americans releases "Building an Americanization Movement for the Twenty-first Century" - 12/21/08
In 2006, George W Bush tasked the USCIS with creating a Task Force on New Americans to spend a lot of time and effort looking into assimilation of immigrants and related topics. Now, they're released their final report, "Building an Americanization Movement for the Twenty-first Century" (summary link, PDF available in the sidebar at that page).
It's 65 pages, so a full treatment won't be offered. However:
1. Page 6 says:
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that America will be a nation of minorities without a dominant racial or ethnic group by 2042. By mid-century, whites, 67 percent of the...
"Latinos push for Cabinet posts": NCLR, MALDEF, NALEO trying to embed supporters in Obama administration - 11/07/08
"Latinos" want to be named to positions in the Barack Obama administration. Actually, it appears they want a quota system. And, it's not really "Latinos" as a group, but the familiar far-left pressure groups such as the NCLR, MALDEF, and NALEO. The second has an indirect link to the Mexican government, and the last has a direct link.
The ethnic boosting "reporter" Gebe Martinez of the Politico offers "Latinos push for Cabinet posts" (link). Here's the quota bit:
Weeks before Barack Obama won the presidency, he met privately in Washington with his former Democratic rival, Sen. Hillary...
White House listening to pork producers, La Raza, Mexico-linked NALEO, NRA... just not you - 06/21/07
The White House offers a PDF entitled "What They're Saying: Border Security And Immigration Reform Agreement" and subtitled 'Business And Agriculture Groups Say "It Is Critical That The Process Moves Forward"' (PDF) [1]. It's just a collection of quotes from press releases from those few groups that support the Bush/Senate massive illegal immigration amnesty, and it contains no accompaning text other than the titles.
As simply a collection of quotes, it's not that shocking. However, it's interesting that these are the special interest groups that the White House chooses to use to bolster...
Univision conducts citizenship drive with Mexico-linked group (NALEO) - 05/11/07
The Spanish-language TV network Univision is encouraging their eligible viewers to become (U.S.) citizens. The initiator of the campaign (NALEO) has at least one link to the Mexican government, nominating the recipients of Mexico's Ohtli award. Granted, nominating award recipients isn't as big a link as others have, but it still helps indicate where they and Univision are coming from:
During news shows, anchors pop questions from the civics test that applicants for citizenship are required to pass, such as "How many stars are on the U.S. flag?" Against a backdrop of stars soaring through the...
Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007 (Barack Obama) - 03/09/07
On Wednesday, Sen. Barack Obama introduced the "Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007". This important story was overshadowed by the most likely unimportant story about his stock holdings [1]. The CPA could be described as a "New Democrats Initiative/Funding Source for Possibly Foreign-Linked Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups" bill, and perhaps some reporters should have asked Obama and his co-horts about that.
Alfonso Aguilar/U.S. Office of Citizenship promotes "guest" workers (LULAC, NALEO connection) - 02/12/07
The "U.S. Office of Citizenship" was created a few years ago and is part of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The first and current head of the Office, Alfonso Aguilar, was appointed by president Bush in 2003. His biography reveals that he's a member of two highly questionable groups. (Go to and search, or enter this:
The first group is LULAC, the League of United Latin American Citizens. If that group has ever opposed illegal immigration, I'm not aware of it.
The other group is NALEO, the National Association of Latino Elected and...
Jared Polis, Colorado Springs awarded by Mexican government (Ohtli award) - 12/02/06
Jared Polis is a dotcom multimillionaire who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Colorado State Board of Education. He's also donated large sums of cash to "liberal" causes and candidates. Last year, that Board produced Colorado's guide for illegal aliens, and Polis is also involved with ProgressNow.
On November 20, Polis' hard work paid off, as he was given Mexico's "Ohtli" award by their local consul general, Juan Marcos Gutierrez. As shall become clear, receiving that award might be considered a strong indication that the recipient is a Fifth Columnist:
...The award is the highest Mexican...
"Clarification" letter sent to Hispanics (Tan Nguyen, MALDEF, NCLR, NALEO) - 10/25/06
Secretary of State Bruce McPherson's office has sent a letter to the 14,000 people who had been sent the Tan Nguyen letter. It's good that he's clearing things up. It's not so good that he's carrying the water - in an official state document under the California state seal - for far-left groups that support illegal immigration. From the PDF file with the letter:
The official election information letter, in English and Spanish, was mailed by the Secretary of State's Office in collaboration with the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF...
First Data Western Union and Latino Advocacy Organizations Call For Action on Immigration Reform - 10/19/06
press release/[[March 3, 2004]]
First Data Creates $10 Million Empowerment Fund
"The Fastest Way To [profit from illegal immigration]" - 07/24/04
FirstData is the parent company of Western Union, and they're now a major processor of credit card transactions in addition to their original business of money transfer.
As described here (rmpn . org/weblog/archives/permalink/002096.cfm), they've also decided to attempt to unseat U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (house . gov/tancredo/Immigration), who represents the district in Colorado where their headquarters are based.