colorado: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Choose one person to ask politicians questions, everyone asking doesn't work - 01/15/17
If you're concerned about an issue and want to ask your representatives about it at one of their public meetings, one of the best ways to have little or no effect is to be selfish and compete to ask your questions or vent your concerns. Time and again, those who have weak questions or who just want to give an emotional appeal rush to the fore, have their say, and end up doing nothing besides making themselves feel better. That sounds harsh, but it's what happens almost every time a politician holds a public meeting.
Pro-corporate Benjy Sarlin fails to follow the money on immigration reform (MSNBC, amnesty) - 09/24/13
Benjy Sarlin of MSNBC offers "On immigration, GOP swing votes want it both ways" ( ). Like other pro-comprehensive immigration reform articles it's very corporate friendly, using vulnerable illegal aliens to cover its agenda.
Do red states give more to charity than blue states? - 08/20/12
Reuters says, "[r]ed states give more money to charity than blue states, according to a new study" (link, [1]). Just one problem: that's not true. In fact, blue states gave over twice as much in dollar terms than red (depending on the blue/red definition).
CIS: Immigrants use welfare at higher rate than natives - 04/06/11
Some of the findings of a new study from the Center for Immigration Studies ("Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs", link) include:
# In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
# Immigrant households’ use of welfare tends to be much higher than natives for food assistance programs and Medicaid. Their use of cash and housing programs tends to...
Possible massive voter fraud in Arizona and Colorado (SEIU link) (update: state denies it) - 10/25/10
A group linked to the Service Employees International Union might be involved in massive voter registration fraud in Arizona and Colorado. From Russell Pearce (link):
There has been an accusation that 65% of 5000 voter registration forms, submitted by Mi Familia Vota and One Vote Arizona, in Yuma County on the last day of filling are invalid due to the registrant not being a citizen, wrong/invalid address, false signature, etc. I also understand that these 2 groups have signed up 20,000 states wide and they have requested that 45,000 be put on the permanent early ballot. If 65% of these last...
Colorado disabled one immigration status check for unemployment benefits; 900 illegal aliens flagged anyway - 08/06/10
From this:
State politicians are calling for an audit of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment after a published report implied the Department might have intentionally tried to circumvent state law in dealing with illegal immigrants.
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Executive Director Don Mares insisted his office did nothing improper when it decided in January of last year to suspend a particular software program designed to flag illegal immigrants trying to obtain unemployment benefits...
At issue is a bill passed by the state legislature in 2006. HB-1023 was designed...
Fmr CO state Sen. Polly Baca tells American: "Go back to Europe" - 04/08/09
Polly Baca is a former Colorado state senator and a supporter of illegal immigration who is/was linked into the Western Union gravy train and who served as the spokeswoman for a pro-illegal immigration group headed by Federico Pena.
After Chris Romer's recent attempt to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens failed, she posted about it on her Facebook page. Subsequently, an Air Force veteran named Gregory Williams left a response (link; note that he thought she was still in office):
I, as a Coloradan, am glad your bill got shot down. Colorado has continued to shout 'no amnesty, no special...
Colorado: Chris Romer's in-state tuition bill for illegal aliens fails - 04/07/09
Colorado state senator Chris Romer's bill that would have given college tuition to illegal aliens at the in-state rate has failed (link). He says he'll bring it back next year; if anyone would like to prevent that, ask him a variation of the question in the DREAM Act summary on video and upload his response to video sharing sites.
Five Dems voted against the bill: Morgan Carroll, Jim Isgar, Moe Keller, Linda Newell, and Lois Tochtrop.
Dems who voted for it included Abel Tapia and:
And in an at times angry speech, Senate President Peter Groff, a Denver Democrat and one of only two blacks in...
CO Springs Gazette rescinds endorsement of Chris Romer in-state tuition for illegal aliens ("the politics of sleaze") - 04/04/09
The Colorado Springs Gazette has rescinded their endorsement of state Sen. Chris Romer's bill that would give in-state tuition to illegal aliens: link. The reason is because he and some of his colleagues took advantage of the absence of another colleague who had to take his ill father to a nursing home.
Colorado: discredit Peter Groff over in-state tuition for illegal aliens (bill passes Senate committee) - 03/06/09
Colorado state senator Chris Romer is pushing for that state to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens, and yesterday his bill passed a state senate committee (link). CO senate president Peter Groff is quoted as saying:
"For me, this is a moral issue, that we should not shackle the future of children because of the sins of their fathers."
If you oppose this bill, one of the best ways to fight it is to have an impact on the career of one of the politicians who supports it. And, you can do that by asking either Romer or Groff a very tough question - not a rant - designed to show that they're...
Elderly librarian ejected from John McCain event! (Don't worry about the details; ProgressNow) - 07/07/08
Denver, Colorado's ProgressNow - a group linked to both the Democratic Party and multi-millionaire illegal immigration supporter Jared Polis - is pushing the story of a poor, helpless, 61-year-old part time librarian who was arrested before a John McCain event just because she was holding a sign saying "McCain = Bush" (
Except, of course, there's more to it.
The "librarian" (Carol Kreck) works part-time for an "education think tank" (link). I haven't been able to determine which group that is, but it screams "Polis or affiliated" group to me...
First Data Immigration Reform panel - 10/03/07
First Data Corporation - the current or former parent company of Western Union - conducted several immigration "reform" panels around the country in 2004. The [[July 22, 2004]] version was held in Denver and is described here.
That page describes how a fight broke out, which appears to have been initiated by an illegal immigration supporter.
McCain to ILIR Let's Get it Done! - 02/21/07
Irish Echo/Debbie McGoldrick/[[April 5, 2006]]/ link
Greeley, Colorado encouraging illegal immigration - 12/14/06
Greeley, Colorado is home to Swift and Company, which was recently raided by ICE.
Jared Polis, Colorado Springs awarded by Mexican government (Ohtli award) - 12/02/06
Jared Polis is a dotcom multimillionaire who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Colorado State Board of Education. He's also donated large sums of cash to "liberal" causes and candidates. Last year, that Board produced Colorado's guide for illegal aliens, and Polis is also involved with ProgressNow.
On November 20, Polis' hard work paid off, as he was given Mexico's "Ohtli" award by their local consul general, Juan Marcos Gutierrez. As shall become clear, receiving that award might be considered a strong indication that the recipient is a Fifth Columnist:
...The award is the highest Mexican...
Karl Rove's pro-illegal immigration extended network - 07/15/06
Let's take a look at Karl Rove's new friends, the National Council of The Race ("La Raza") and who they're working with.
The group Defend Colorado New tried to pass Proposition 55 (similar to Arizona's Prop. 200 or CA's Prop. 187), but in June they were thwarted by a possibily activist CO Supreme Court.
On the other side is the deceptively-named Keep Colorado Safe. Their front people include former Denver mayor Federico Pena and former monkey-shiner Gary Hart. However, as discussed here, most of KCS's money is coming from... inside the Beltway.
The most generous supporter is the Service...
Is the Colorado Supreme Court pro-illegal immigration? - 06/13/06
That court recently blocked Coloradans from voting on an initiative that, aside from administrivia, says this:
Except as mandated by federal law, the provision of non-emergency services by the state of Colorado, or any county, city, or other political subdivision thereof, is restricted to citizens of and aliens lawfully present in the United States of America.
They took this off the ballot because they claim that it involves more than one subject, something that initiatives are forbidden from doing by Colorado's constitution.
As discussed here and here, it seems to only deal with one...
Greeley, CO: proposed ICE office meets illogical resistance - 11/20/05
From this:
...Since October, when [Weld County CO] District Attorney Ken Buck started seeking support for bringing a federal office to Greeley to expedite and increase deportations of illegal immigrants who've committed crimes in the county, proponents of the move have squared off against detractors.
WaPo gives free ad to Colorado's ProgressNow outfit - 10/10/05
The WaPo offers "Dean Camp's Tactics Applied to Colorado", a "Special to The Washington Post" article by Brian Faler:
A small advocacy group in Colorado is betting that it can take one state-of-the-art Web site [], add half a million dollars or so and end up with a potent tool that will enable it to organize the state's entire community of liberal activists.
ProgressNow, formed two years ago, is borrowing some of the online tactics that helped fuel the 2004 presidential campaign of Howard Dean, now the Democratic National Committee chairman. It has invited activists...
The Denver Post's sloppy journalism - 07/10/05
Last year a fight broke out during a one-sided immigration forum in Colorado. An anti-illegal immigration activist had attended the meeting and spoke out against the biased panel and the various statements they made. A pro-illegal immigration activist reportedly told her to shut up, and it degenerated into fisticuffs and torn clothing. The pro-illegal immigration activist, Julissa Molina-Soto, was arrested, tried, and eventually found not guilty. However, the other participant, Terry Graham, has brought a civil suit against her and the company that sponsored the forum. A description and...
"America is ours... This used to be Mexico" - 06/27/05
The Vail Daily newspaper offers up "Migrant brings his family to Colorado" (vaildaily . com/article/20050627/NEWS/106270018). It's truly a charming tale of someone who's been working illegally in the U.S. for 13 years, doing the field work that Americans won't do. Now, he's brought his whole family here: wife and four kids. They entered on tourist visas, but they're staying and three of the kids will be going to school. He's going to have to find an additional job to pay for their clothing and books.
Tying up the loose ends on Colorado's guide for the illegal alien - 02/09/05
Colorado recently removed from its website a guide that gives tips for illegal aliens living in Colorado. Those involved in producing the guide included, to varying degrees: the Mexican government, the Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Gov. Owens, various "immigrant's rights" groups, and First Data/Western Union.
Rep. Tom Tancredo complained about the guide and caused it to be removed from Colorado's site. This, of course, caused the other side to fire up their race-baiting and strike back. From a group called ProgressNow (link):
Colorado Department of Education Vice-Chairman asks:...