Donald Trump chooses pro-amnesty Mike Pence as VP

Donald Trump has selected governor Mike Pence of Indiana as his vice presidential running mate.

Pence is an insider and considered serious by the GOP establishment. So, this might help Trump get more establishment support and funding. However, Trump won't be able to present himself as the outsider candidate with such an insider on the ticket.

More importantly, Pence is very bad on immigration. Back in 2006, Pence had his own amnesty scheme. Pence's plan would have allowed unlimited immigration in the first three years and would have flooded the U.S. with cheap labor, doing great harm to American workers. Pence's plan was supported by among others, John Fund of the Wall Street Journal. In the same year, Pence celebrated the reelection of Chris Cannon, a truly vile loose immigration zealot. Pence's plan was bad enough a Washington Post editorial supported it.

Pence's amnesty plan was so bad, the George W Bush administration promoted it.

Pence is also linked to the pro-loose borders Koch family [1].

See Mike Pence for more. Now, a pro-amnesty establishment hack with links to the pro-amnesty Koch brothers is going to be influencing someone who his backers think would reduce immigration.

7/15/16 UPDATE: Mike Pence is now officially Trump's vice president choice. I removed the question mark from the title and removed "reportedly" from the text above.

In addition to being very bad on amnesty, Pence also supports free trade deals like the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). In December 2015 and in response to Trump's Muslims ban, Pence tweeted "Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional". Despite that, Pence tried to keep refugees from Syria from being resettled in his state. Earlier this year, a judge blocked that plan. Trump and Pence could have helped reduce the number of refugees entering the U.S. if they'd simply called for stringent screening. It's not clear if they're just playing to rubes with plans they knew would fail, or they aren't capable of understanding how their plans would fail.

[1] From time . com/3763239/mike-pence-indiana-2016-religious-freedom-law:

the Koch brothers are known to think highly of Pence. Their political group, Americans for Prosperity, has been drawing attention to Pence’s work in Indiana as a hallmark of good governorship. And Pence’s former chief of staff now runs a Koch political enterprise called Freedom Partners.

And from cnn . com/2016/07/07/politics/mike-pence-donald-trump-vp:

In recent days, Pence directed D.C.-based lobbyist Josh Pitcock and his Indiana-based campaign attorney Matt Morgan to answer the Trump campaign's vetting requests, with Pitcock handling document delivery, according to several senior Indiana Republican operatives familiar with Pence's plans who were granted anonymity to speak candidly about the process... Pitcock was part of Pence's top staff when he was a high-ranking figure in Congress as chairman of the House Republican Conference. He's an important line to another former Pence staffer there -- Marc Short, who was the top political adviser in Washington for the Koch brothers, the conservative mega-donors who so far have declined to invest in spending on behalf of Trump.