john fund
john fund: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Occupy DC helps the Koch brothers, shows what democracy actually looks like: a mob - 11/06/11
The Washington DC branch of Occupy Wall Street appears to be the dimmest and least emotionally-controlled of their various chapters. And, that's really saying something.
For examples, see the videos below. In the first, they block a woman in a wheelchair from leaving a building. In the second, they use little kids as human shields.
Questions for John Fund about the Hispanic vote (Wall Street Journal, Carly Fiorina) - 11/28/09
John Fund of the Wall Street Journal offers an interview with California senate candidate Carly Fiorina (link). Fiorina is not an option, and she says the to-be-expected things.
Rather than spending time discussing why Fiorina is wrong, I encourage the readers of this site to go to Fund's appearances and ask him about this paragraph:
An issue that will give (Chuck DeVore) some traction in a primary is that Ms. Fiorina says she "probably" would have voted to confirm Sonia Sotomayor, because most presidential Supreme Court nominees who are qualified deserve a presumption of support. One can...
Senate immigration amnesty bill: the supporters - 05/21/07
Outside a number of Senators, there aren't too many who support the Senate's immigration amnesty/"guest" worker plan. This post will keep track of them, and I urge everyone to hold those below accountable whether the bill passes or not. I also urge everyone to keep calling Congress, but, even more importantly, follow the steps previously outlined to help stop amnesty.
The supporters:
* Of course: president Bush, Sens. John McCain and Ted Kennedy
* From "Few senators support the illegals bill" (link):
Sen. Arlen Specter, one of the Republicans who helped craft the deal, said it's the best they...
WND and the WSJ on Rush, Bush, and illegal immigration - 01/31/05
WND and the WSJ discuss Rush's recent conversion to slightly critical of Our Leader. See this post for Rush's remarks with links to the underlying stories.
From WND: