zoe lofgren
Zoe Lofgren
Summary (posts follow):
Democratic House member from California, representing an area starting in San Jose and stretching south along the 101. Current or former immigration lawyer who strongly supports illegal immigration and who attempts to block immigration enforcement.
Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Cato immigration conference April 26, 2012: let's discredit them (CFR, Lofgren, Jacoby, Federal Reserve, NIF, NFAP) - 03/22/12
On April 26, 2012, the Cato Institute will be conducting an all-day conference ("Is Immigration Good for America?") supporting massive immigration. I urge anyone who'll be in the Washington DC area to attend with the goal of discrediting them as will be described below.
Immigrants' List are immigration lawyers; Daniel Strauss and Huffington Post don't reveal that (Immigration Heroes List) - 01/17/12
Immigrants List is a pro-massive immigration PAC that recently named their list of top 10 immigration heroes [1], i.e., those who support massive and/or illegal immigration. One man's hero is another man's villain, and in the case of their Heroes all are villains to most Americans who oppose massive and/or illegal immigration.
Dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups were invited to Obama's mini-amnesty rollout and you weren't - 08/25/11
On August 18, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security announced an administrative amnesty that could cover 300,000 or more illegal aliens.
DHS makes Secure Communities nationwide, no opt-out (so far). Lofgren, ACLU, NAKASEC, FIRM, CHIRLA, ICIRR, MIRA, Frank Sharry, NIF outraged. - 08/08/11
From this comes some good news for a change:
The Department of Homeland Security notified 39 governors Friday that the fingerprint-sharing program did not need their approval to operate in their states, and said it had voided agreements they had signed to authorize their states' participation, according to a copy of the letter.
DHS IG to investigate Secure Communities in [August 2010] (Zoe Lofren) - 05/20/11
Stephen Colbert shills for growers, supports bad policy in Congressional appearance (+rightwinger fail) - 09/24/10
Stephen Colbert testified before Congress earlier today and shilled for Big Agriculture and promoted bad, anti-American and anti-Mexican policy. And, the wider issue is also yet another example of failure by the rightwing commentariat, tea parties, and similar groups.
1. Coverage of Colbert's remarks is here and here.
2. Colbert is working with the United Farmworkers of America to promote their anti-American, pro-abuse TakeOurJobs effort. I've already written three posts about that effort, the latest was on Wednesday at that link. The two previous are here and here.
3. From his remarks:
Ask Stephen Colbert to oppose worker abuse, support American workers (testify before Congress) - 09/22/10
On Friday, TV comedian Stephen Colbert will be testifying before Congress and supporting a plan that runs down American workers and supports worker abuse. Please read the following and then contact him using the means below, asking him to support American workers and oppose worker abuse.
The plan Colbert will be promoting is "TakeOurJobs.com", at which the United Farmworkers of America pretend to seek Americans to take farmworker jobs.
* Colbert's plan is anti-American:
The Colbert/UFW plan is anti-American: it falsely implies that Americans are unwilling and unable to take farmworker jobs....
White House immigration meeting of amnesty all-stars: Obama, McCain, Graham, Cornyn, Gutierrez - 06/26/09
Yesterday, Barack Obama met with various members of Congress to discuss comprehensive immigration reform. His remarks are at [1], a list of attendees is at [2], and some quotes from attendees is at [3]. Nothing very important appears to have happened or been said.
Zoe Lofgren, Jerrold Nadler, ACLU try to end 287g program (4/2/09 hearing; Arpaio) - 04/01/09
Two House subcommittees will be holding a joint hearing tomorrow (judiciary.house.gov/hearings/hear_090402.html) in an attempt to block the 287g program that allows local police to cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security to locate illegal aliens. The most famous use of 287(g) involves Sheriff Joe Arpaio; he isn't scheduled to testify, but two of those who are will be opposing his efforts specifically.
In advance of the hearing, today the American Civil Liberties Union - a group that's directly collaborating with the Mexican government - called on the Obama administration to end the...
Dream Act re-introduced: you need to organize local efforts to block it - 03/27/09
The anti-American DREAM Act was re-introduced yesterday in the House and the Senate. The bill is an amnesty for a potentially large number of younger illegal aliens, and it would allow those covered under the bill to take college discounts from U.S. citizens. In other words, because of this bill, some U.S. citizens will have their college educations taken away from them by former illegal aliens.
Considering that, it's incredibly easy to block the bill and discredit those who support it. The way to do that is to ask a politician who supports the bill the question at the link above, and then...
DOJ investigating Sheriff Joe Arpaio over supposed racial profiling (Lofgren, Conyers, Nadler, Robert Scott, ACORN) - 03/12/09
From this:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office in Arizona following requests by congressional Democrats and allegations by liberal activists that the department has violated the civil rights of illegal aliens.
Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), and Robert Scott (D-Va.) requested the investigation, and activists groups such as (National Day Laborer Organizing Network, NDLON) and ACORN launched petition drives and rallies in support of the probe.
The investigation focuses on Sheriff Joe...
New York Times: if the "nativists" weren't really "anti-immigration", they'd support massive immigration - 10/03/08
The New York Times editorial board is back with yet another very special editorial (link):
One of the false pieties uttered by anti-immigration politicians is that they love immigrants. If that were true, Congress would not be having so much trouble passing a simple law to smooth out a serious kink in the legal immigration pipeline.
Seriously, does anyone - even those in their target market - buy this? One doesn't have to support all types and all levels of immigration in order to "love immigrants". That should have been obvious to even the writers of their screed.
What they're advocating for...
Bennie Thompson, Dingell, Conyers, Reyes, Ortiz, other Democrats support Sierra Club lawsuit over border fence (DHS, environmental waiver) - 04/08/08
A cast of Congressional characters (all Democrats; listed below) intends to file an Amicus Curiae brief in the case where the Sierra Club and the Defenders of Wildlife are suing the Department of Homeland Security to prevent them from using apparently congressionally-mandated waivers that would let the DHS bypass environmental and related rules in order to build sections of the border fence.
Bennie Thompson, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee attempts to portray this as a Constitutional matter:
this waiver by the Secretary of Homeland Security is a direct challenge to Congress’s...
House trying to pass amnesty "lite"? (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Baca, Zoe Lofgren) - 02/14/08
From a FAIR bulletin (link):
Capitol Hill news sources have been buzzing for the past 48 hours about backroom negotiations in the House of Representatives that may bring comprehensive immigration reform "lite" to the floor.
Congressional Quarterly reports that Congressman Joe Baca (D-CA), Chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, is leading the fight for legislation that would provide a five-year amnesty visa to illegal aliens currently in the U.S.
Secret Bush plan to deal with Bush/Rove "import Democrats" plan? (citizenship backlog) - 11/21/07
Mark Kleiman - someone who is shockingly a UCLA professor - writes [1]:
The Bush Administration plans to steal hundreds of thousands of votes, most of them Democratic votes, in the 2008 elections by the simple expedient of sitting on new citizenship applications until after the elections.
He links to his site, which mostly just links to the WaPo article "Immigrant Paperwork Backs Up At DHS" (li
The Flake-Gutierrez STRIVE Act amnesty returns... - 09/06/07
The Flake-Gutierrez STRIVE Act - a House amnesty scheme - was discussed at hearings of the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law today (chaired by former immigration lawyer Zoe Lofgren).
Google: jabs at Lou Dobbs; testifies for more H-1B - 06/06/07
A few days ago, Google's entertainment channel (?) at current.tv had an episode with a lightweight mocking (in both senses) of Lou Dobbs: current.tv/pods/google/GC03275 . This was contemporaneous with the David Leonhardt smear.
Lawsuit over ICE detained U.S. citizen (ACLU, Anna Werner, LCCR, Zoe Lofgren) - 04/26/07
A small, perfect storm of illegal immigration supporters attempting to block enforcement of our immigration laws is forming [1]:
The ACLU and Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights will soon announce a suit in the case of Kevin Reyes, a U.S. citizen who was swept up with his father during an ICE raid early one morning in San Rafael, California.
Reverend Stephen P. Bouman: globalist, illegal immigration supporter - 04/02/07
From this:
Several synod bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) urged their members of Congress and key congressional staff March 22 to enact comprehensive immigration reform in 2007 that is "humane and for the common good."
...Key components that the bishops believe help to fulfill these principles include: elimination of the family visa backlogs; fair and humane enforcement provisions and the elimination of the unnecessary detention of families and children; earned legalization of the n
H.R.1645 Summary, Co-Sponsors, Full Text (Flake, Gutierrez, HR1645, STRIVE Act) - 03/24/07
The official summary of the Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy ("STRIVE Act", aka HR1645, aka H.R. 1645, aka HR 1645, aka the "Flake-Gutierrez Massive Illegal Alien Amnesty of 2007") is here. The full text and other details are available here.
Teddy Kennedy: Massive Amnesty or Bust! (Fabian Nunez) - 03/20/07
From "Kennedy pledges his version of border bill will reach Senate" we read:
Sen. Ted Kennedy vowed Monday that immigration reform - including citizenship for illegal workers - will hit the Senate floor by June, despite attempts by the White House and other opponents to massage the bill.
With California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez by his side, the Massachusetts Democrat said he and presidential contender Sen.
Zoe Lofgren trying to tie ICE's hands (deportations, Return to Sender) - 03/08/07
Rep. Zoe Lofgren - chair of the Immigration Subcommittee and a former immigration lawyer - sent a letter to Julie Myers of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on March 1 demanding information on their recent sweeps called "Operation Return to Sender" [1].
Zoe Lofgren, former immigration lawyer, heads House subcommittee on immigration - 01/14/07
Dave Montgomery of McClatchy Newspapers offers a biased overview of immigration "reform"'s chance now that the Democrats are in charge. He specifically focuses on Zoe Lofgren:
As an immigration lawyer in Northern California, Zoe Lofgren helped struggling immigrant farmworkers keep their families together and stay in the United States...
Fight the AgJobs amnesty (precursor to full amnesty) - 01/11/07
As previously discussed, yesterday various amnesty supporters in the House and Senate reintroduced the AgJobs bill that would give amnesty to up to 1.5 million illegal alien farmworkers. In addition to the names previously mentioned:
Last year's chairman of the House immigration subcommittee, Indiana Republican John Hostetler, staunchly opposed guest-worker bills. He was not re-elected in November.
Zoe Lofgren optimistic on immigration "reform" - 12/29/06
In an interview with KCBS radio that probably had little journalistic content whatsoever, Democratic Congressperson Zoe Lofgren of San Jose expressed the hope that immigration "reform" could be passed.