illinois coalition for immigrant and refugee rights
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR): Page 2
Summary (posts follow):
See the summary for this topic on the main Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) page.
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Dreams Across America: all aboard the pro-illegal immigration train - 06/14/07
"Dreams Across America" [1] is the latest stunt from supporters of a massive illegal alien amnesty, consisting of about 100 people taking a train Washington DC to lobby for "reform".
Ezra Klein, useful idiot - 05/31/07
Pictured right is a blogad currently running on the site ( of Ezra Klein of TAPPED (The American Prospect).
100+ Hispanic groups send letter supporting illegal immigration, opposing raids - 05/08/07
The National Council of La Raza ("The Race") has led the charge to send a letter to president Bush (cc'ed to Michael Chertoff and Julie Myers) complaining about the recent workplace raids [1]. The list of "grassroots" organizations involved is in the extended entry, and some are "interesting": CASA of Maryland, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (one of whose founders marched alongside a former Mexican consul general in an illegal immigration march), the odious Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (their president is linked to...
Chicago: fake document raid leads to pro-illegal immigration protest - 04/25/07
Rally 'round the document forgers! A federal raid against ID fraud yesterday in Chicago shows one of the dangers of failing to enforce the immigration laws: illegal activity becomes defined as a part of ethnic solidarity. In the past, Italian-American groups have complained about things like The Godfather. In this situation, ethno-centric reporters and groups are condemning enforcement of federal law and excusing illegal activity. And, needless to say, at least one Catholic Church is involved.
From Esther J. Cepeda of the Chicago Sun-Times comes "'Soldiers...
Night of 1,000 Conversations (including 900 Useful Idiots) - 03/23/07
The "Rights Working Group" is trying to organize Moveon-style house parties throughout the U.S. on Thursday, April 5, 2007, supposedly to support due process in our immigration system. In fact, it appears to be a backdoor way to promote immigration "reform", aka a massive amnesty. And, some of the organizers lined up are linked to the Mexican government. Details here:
Their "one-pager" ( ; actually a two pager) includes a blurb from the Washington Post propaganda piece "Deporting a Model...
New Americans Immigrant Policy Council (Illinois) - 03/20/07
Created by Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich by an Executive Order on [[November 19, 2005]]. link
Their report was issued around [[December 13, 2006]], and it resulted in this [1]:
We Are America debates in Chicago - 03/18/07
"We Are America" debates in Chicago/Socialist Worker/Sam Jordan/[[June 9, 2006]]/ link
Describes a [[June 4, 2006]] meeting of that the We Are America Alliance in Chicago.
Reports that those attending included:
Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform ready to push amnesty - 03/13/07
The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform said today that they're going to push even harder for a massive amnesty for illegal aliens:
"This campaign is unprecedented in the pro-immigration community," said Cecilia Munoz, senior vice president of the National Council of La Raza, in a statement. "Never before have we brought together under one banner such a formidable political coalition to fight for passage of comprehensive immigration reform. We now have the money, the people and the political will to punch this vital issue over the goal line in Congress and make America a better...
Year later, battle goes on - 03/11/07
Chicago Tribune/Antonio Olivo/[[March 11, 2007]]/ link
Discusses the [[March 11, 2007 Chicago march]]
subtitle: Immigration rally marks anniversary of massive march
Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007 (Barack Obama) - 03/09/07
On Wednesday, Sen. Barack Obama introduced the "Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007". This important story was overshadowed by the most likely unimportant story about his stock holdings [1]. The CPA could be described as a "New Democrats Initiative/Funding Source for Possibly Foreign-Linked Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups" bill, and perhaps some reporters should have asked Obama and his co-horts about that.
Chicago immigration activists ready Washington push - 03/06/07
Chicago Tribune/Antonio Olivo/[[March 5, 2007]]/ link
...Chicago activists plan to blitz lawmakers with phone calls and bus caravans to Washington in hopes of winning more rights for legal and undocumented immigrants.
ICIRR First Draft of Batavia September 1 march press release - 02/26/07
The file is entitled a "first draft" of a press release concerning the September 1 Chicago march and it's cached here and in the 18:41, 26 February 2007 revision:
September 1 Chicago march - 02/26/07
A small group of illegal immigration supporters walked the 42 to 50 miles (reports vary) from Chicago's Chinatown (meant to symbolize that we're a nation of immigrants) to Dennis Hastert's office in Batavia, Illinois. It took them four days, starting [[September 1, 2006]] and finishing [[September 4, 2006]]. Only "around 3000" showed up for the final rally. AKA the "Immigrant Workers Justice Walk".
Monday's immigration rally to snarl traffic, not business - 02/24/07
Chicago Business/Lorene Yue/[[April 28, 2006]]/ link
... organizers of May 1 Chicago march [include] the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Casa Michoacan and the Local 1 and 73 chapters of the Service Employees International Union, have chosen not to bill their event as a boycott.
May 1 Immigrant Rights March: 'Birth of a Movement' - 02/23/07
Newstips(Community Media Workshop)/Gordon Mayer/[[April 25, 2006]]/ link
More than 100 leaders of the immigration rallies that have swept from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. since early March gathered Saturday ([[April 22, 2006]]) at the UNITE HERE union headquarters, 333 S. Ashland, for an all-day meeting to discuss the movement behind the marches.
Juan Salgado letter to Vicente Fox - 02/22/07
The following letter was sent by Juan Salgado - president of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - to Mexican president [[Vicente Fox]]. URL:
Standing FIRM Summit Pushes for Immigration Reform - 02/08/07
New America Media/Naomi Briley[[February 8, 2007]]/ link
WASHINGTON--Last week over 200 immigrant rights leaders from across the country joined together, building strategies for immigration reform. The three-day conference, hosted by the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), was held at the Galludet University in Washington, D.C.
Immigrants put pressure on Congress - 01/31/07
Chicago Tribune/Emma Graves Fitzsimmons/[[January 31, 2007]]/ link
An alliance of Chicago immigrant advocates called on Congress Tuesday to give undocumented immigrants legal status when the Democratic majority takes another look at immigration reform in February.
Will Rod Blagojevich pro-illegal immigration scheme violate law? - 12/13/06
In November 2005, Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich - a very strong supporter of illegal immigration - created the "New Americans Immigrant Policy Council" (press release link) to come up with ways to deal with immigrants in his state. The report from the NAIPC has been released, as has a report from a similar panel. Blago has endorsed their findings, but has not committed any money. And, whether any money will be found is still to be determined.
As even the WaPo discloses ("Ill. Governor To Announce New Benefits For Immigrants" by Kari Lydersen), these benefits would be for both legal and...
Rights group sues Ariz. to stop wire transfer seizures - 10/19/06
Capitol Media Services/Howard Fischer/[[October 19, 2006]]/ link
An immigrant rights group wants a federal judge to block Arizona from using a tactic Attorney General Terry Goddard says is necessary to block human- and drug-smuggling rings.
Legal papers filed in U.S. District Court contend warrants issued by Goddard's office to seize wire transfers of $500 or more violate federal constitutional requirements that government must have probable cause before taking the money.
Suit filed over wire transfers - 10/19/06
Arizona Republic/Dennis Wagner/[[October 19, 2006]]/ link
ICIRR in suit against Terry Goddard over Western Union wire transfers - 10/19/06
The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights ("ICIRR") is "sponsoring" a class action lawsuit against Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard over that state's program that tries to stop human smuggling by seizing Western Union wire transfers that meet certain criteria. ICIRR is "sponsoring" three nobody plaintiffs - at least one of whom is a legal resident - who had money seized and couldn't get it back because they couldn't prove that the transfers were legitimate. The attorney is Matt Piers; another attorney who may have just filed the papers is Tim Eckstein (azstar).
As detailed...
Chicago Giant put rest of country on notice - 10/07/06
Chicago 'Giant' put rest of country on notice/April 2, 2006/Scott Fornek
It started with about two dozen Latino community leaders trading ideas in a former church in the Pilsen neighborhood, hashing out how best to protest a U.S. House bill that would crack down on illegal immigration.
It ended three weeks later with a rally in the Loop attended by more than 100,000.
Economic boycott planned next in push for immigration reform - 10/07/06
Arizona Republic/Daniel Gonzalez and Yvonne Wingett/[[April 12, 2006]]// link
"Immigration Protests May Not Spur Votes" - 09/05/06
From this:
Immigration protests that drew hundreds of thousands of flag-waving demonstrators to the nation's streets last spring promised a potent political legacy a surge of new Hispanic voters.
"Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote," they proclaimed.
But an Associated Press review of voter registration figures from Chicago, Denver, Houston, Atlanta and other major urban areas that had large rallies found no sign of a new voter boom that could sway elections.
Gabe Gonzalez - 09/04/06
director of organization for the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Immigrant march en route to Hastert's digs
Why this immigrant rights march is brought to you by Miller
Organizers of May 1 Chicago march - 09/02/06
Includes:Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
El Cucuy es Raza! (Bustamante, Cedillo, NCLR, voting) - 08/02/06
Popular Spanish-language radio host El Cucuy (real name: Renan Almendarez Coello) is on a 10 city bus tour trying to register members of his audience as voters. He kicked off the campaign in San Jose (California) on Monday, and joining him on his fun bus were Lt. Gov.
Chicago immigration "debate": ICIRR pulls out; far-lefties go nuts - 05/05/06
An immigration "debate" was scheduled in Chicago yesterday, to feature the local Minuteman Project chapter squaring off against the Blagojevich-linked Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
The "Immigrant" Rights Movement - 04/30/06
Did you know there's a growing "Immigrant" Rights Movement? Of course, most Americans will refer to that "movement" as "foreign citizens who are here illegally marching in our streets making a show of force and demanding rights to which they aren't entitled", but many news/propaganda organizations seem to prefer the first term. And, not just because it's shorter but - of course - because it's highly misleading.
There are currently hundreds of articles in Google News that use the titular phrase.
Illegal immigration supporters split over May 1 boycott - 04/20/06
Rachel Swarns of the New York Times informs us in "Immigrant Groups Plan Campaign to Bring Legal Changes" that:
1. There's a split among illegal immigration supporters. Some groups continue to support the "Great American Boycott of 2006", while others, including those in the "National Capital Immigration Coalition", oppose the boycott.
2. The illegal immigration-supporting groups plan to "transform the immigrant community into a powerful, organized political force" and plan to encourage voting by "immigrants".
Regarding the second, "immigrants" can't vote. Only native-born or naturalized...
Mexicans demand rights in U.S. What happens if we refuse? - 03/21/06
Could you please send the article "Saturday's Immigrant Rights March: Who kicked the sleeping giant?" to all of your representatives and urge them to read it?
It concerns the recent illegal alien rally in Chicago and it's written by Joshua Hoyt of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, a group closely linked to
Blagojevich-linked group agitating illegal aliens, calls for general strike - 03/08/06
A group of illegal aliens and supporters of illegal immigration are planning a large march in Chicago on Friday, March 10:
That page explains that they want to legalize "undocumented immigrants". They also want Illinois to be a "SANCTUARY" for "all immigrants". And, they're calling for a "National GENERAL STRIKE".
So, citizens of other countries who are here illegally are marching for rights to which they aren't entitled, and making demands.
Blagojevich stand behind NOI member on Illinois hate crimes commission - 03/03/06
From this (nofollowpolicy):
"On Wednesday, [Governor Rod] Blagojevich expressed support for Claudette Marie Muhammad, director of community outreach for the Nation of Islam, a black Muslim group led by the Rev. Louis Farrakhan...
Floridians: ask John McCain questions he can't answer! - 02/20/06
From this:
[Arizona Sen. John McCain] will be in Miami on Thursday and will promote a business-backed guest worker program and other immigration reforms. The Arizona senator will speak at "town hall" meeting in South Florida sponsored by the New American Opportunity Campaign. That group includes labor unions, business interests, Hispanic groups and other supporters of guest worker program.
If you're in Miami, could you please try to attend this event and publicly embarass John McCain by trying to ask him a tough question he can't answer? Unfortunately, the event isn't listed at his site (...
"Protesters decry Lipinski's vote on immigration bill" - 12/30/05
From this:
Hispanic community activists gathered Wednesday in front of the office of U.S. Rep.
Mexicans demand citizenship rights... in Aurora, Illinois - 09/26/05
"Nearly" one thousand people - many or most of them illegal aliens from Mexico and other countries - marched through Aurora IL demanding that House Speaker Dennis Hastert support the Kennedy-McCain massive amnesty scheme. The march was organized by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. See the link for more information on that organization.
Throw another PIIPP on the pile - 07/26/05
[A "PIIPP" is a "pro-illegal immigration puff piece".
Miami Herald "endorses indentured servitude" - 03/22/04
That's what the Stein Report says regarding the Miami Herald's editorial supporting the AgJobs bill ('A win-win for growers, farmworkers, America'). That bill would provide an amnesty for half a million illegal aliens. As history shows, amnesties simply lead to more illegal immigration. One amnesty leads to more illegal immigration, which requires another amnesty, which leads to more illegal immigration, repeat.
As for the claim that the editorial supports indentured servitude, judge for yourself:
...AgJobs sets up a process by which illegal immigrants already working in agriculture could...