Tweets to Janis Owens

Janis Owens's avatar
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Janis Owens
Former Democrat old enough to know better and did. Stupidity knows no bounds.Trump supporter riding the red wave! #MAGA #KAG #TheMoreThePower #BuildTheDamnWall!
Tweets to this user:
Janis Owens's avatar
From @goober65
RT @FoxNews: .@PressSec on immigration: "I think it's outrageous that Democrats have not come to the table and tried to help fix this probl…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@goober65: when @PressSec says "fix this problem", she means amnesty. Trump is a big amnesty fan. Mike Huckabee give the MX govt free rent so they could push illegal #immigration in Arkansas to help Tyson Foods. #MAGA? #immigration
Janis Owens's avatar
From @goober65
RT @charliekirk11: Perpetual illegal immigration is part of a scheme to create societal & political chaos. When the rule of law is voided f…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The *only* real way to reduce it is to undercut Dem leaders to their base: make it politically toxic to many Dems. What -if anything- is Kirk doing about that? MT @goober65 RT @charliekirk11: Perpetual illegal immigration is part of a scheme to create societal & political chaos