Karl Rove's pro-illegal immigration extended network

Let's take a look at Karl Rove's new friends, the National Council of The Race ("La Raza") and who they're working with.

The group Defend Colorado New tried to pass Proposition 55 (similar to Arizona's Prop. 200 or CA's Prop. 187), but in June they were thwarted by a possibily activist CO Supreme Court.

On the other side is the deceptively-named Keep Colorado Safe. Their front people include former Denver mayor Federico Pena and former monkey-shiner Gary Hart. However, as discussed here, most of KCS's money is coming from... inside the Beltway.

The most generous supporter is the Service Employees International Union, a far-left, pro-illegal immigration group. And, another supporter is... Karl Rove's buddies at the NCLR.

As described in the latest article, KCS was originally formed to oppose an initiative from Tom Tancredo, and:

The group included representatives from more than a dozen local organizations, including Colorado Progressive Coalition, Rights for All People, American Friends Service Committee and Padres Unidos. They were old allies, joining in 2002 to defeat the English-only measure Amendment 31.

All of those worthy groups are part of Karl Rove's extended network of friends. Others in his extended network include:

...the political consulting firm of Welchert & Britz... Catherine Han Montoya, a former local social service agency worker who campaigned against Amendment 31, was now working at the National Council of La Raza... Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund and the Center for New Community. The three groups had just begun a collaboration to help states fight anti-illegal immigrant ballot initiatives through a $1.1 million grant from Atlantic Philanthropies... [which was] created in 1982 by Charles F. Feeney with his wealth from Duty Free Shoppers Group, Ltd., has given $3.4 billion in mostly anonymous grants across the world to civil rights and educational causes... Recently, the charity has made seven grants to U.S. organizations working on the immigration issue, including $7 million to a national group behind the spring wave of immigrant rallies... In addition to pledging money, the national organizations tried to unify local immigrant advocacy groups, including the Colorado Grassroots Movement for Immigrant Justice and the Coalition for Human Dignity Beyond Borders.... [Gary] Hart sits on the group's executive committee as does Mitch Ackerman, executive director of SEIU Local 105... Eliseo Medina, executive vice president of SEIU... has traveled frequently to Denver to work on the local campaign and said he does not expect that, or financial support, to stop... Bill Vandenberg, co-executive director of the Colorado Progressive Coalition and an executive committee member of Keep Colorado Safe [is unhappy with Pena's compromise]... Vandenberg said he will focus on working with the Grassroots Movement for Immigrant Justice, rather than Keep Colorado Safe, to alter the political environment... Fidel "Butch" Montoya, an immigrant activist, said "there's no reason to celebrate" the new laws and how Initiative 55 died.


If Rove is supposed to be such a political professional, how is that that he doesn't know not to associate with anti-republican organizations like several of the above.
There are no republican votes to be obtained there, but large numbers to alienate by appearing to be in collusion with anti-American groups.