June 2009
(Please do not link to this page, only link to individual items)
Fri, Jun 12: -
Poll: 55% don't yet have opinion of Sotomayor; Hispanics generally in line with everyone else on how GOP should proceed
Sat, Jun 13: -
Sonia Sotomayor, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, and more quotes (on PRLDEF board for 12 years)
Sat, Jun 13: -
Someone apparently in Knoxville TN is leaving nastygrams in replies to my comments about Instapundit. Whoever could it be?
Sun, Jun 14: -
New Mexico gave out over 1000 driver's licenses to illegal aliens, others with bogus documents; Arizona no longer trusts NM licenses
Mon, Jun 15: -
Harry Reid says there are enough Senate votes for immigration "reform"; offers deportation false choice
Mon, Jun 15: -
Amnesty/immigration "reform" talking points explained