Sonia Sotomayor, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, and more quotes (on PRLDEF board for 12 years)
This post will round up Sonia Sotomayor's involvement with the far-left, illegal immigration-supporting Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF), nowadays called "LatinoJustice PRLDEF". See below for some of the details on her involvement with that group and even more questionable quotes from her.
She joined their board in 1980 and remained on the board for twelve years. During that time ("Nominee’s Links With Advocates Fuel Her Critics" by Raymond Hernandez and David Chen of the New York Times, link):
Its efforts helped bring bilingual education to public schools around the country. In 1981, the fund filed a lawsuit that prompted a federal court, on the eve of the city’s primary elections, to block voting in New York City. The suit, supported by Ms. Sotomayor and the rest of the board, alleged that the new City Council district boundaries diminished the influence of minority voters.
Ms. Sotomayor was part of a three-person committee of the board that recommended in 1981 that the fund oppose the reinstitution of the death penalty in New York State, according to board minutes from that time.
“Capital punishment is associated with evident racism in our society,” the panel wrote. “It creates inhuman psychological burdens for the offender and his/her family.”
...One of the legal defense fund’s most important suits charged that a Police Department promotional exam discriminated against minority candidates. It was filed on behalf of the Hispanic Society of the New York police. The exams, the group charged, did not really measure the ability to perform in a more senior position, and were yielding unfair results: Too many whites were doing well, and too many Hispanics and African-Americans were not...
That case was, of course, like the more recent Ricci case that Sonya Sotomeyer was involved in; it was appealed but they lost.
From September 25, 1992's "A Breakthrough Judge: What She Always Wanted" (link):
But it was her pro bono activities that an admiring Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts praised during her wrinkle-free confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in June.
For 12 years she was a top policy maker on the board of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund. She was also on the board of the State of New York Mortgage Agency, where she helped provide mortgage insurance coverage to low-income housing and AIDS hospices. In her leisure time she became a founding member of the New York City Campaign Finance Board, which distributes public money for city campaigns.
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, who recommended Ms. Sotomayor for the bench, gleefully recalled that when his judicial selection staff first suggested her name last year, they told him, "Have we got a judge for you!"...
...Even as she speaks of the courts as often the "last refuge for the oppressed,"...
..."The saddest crimes for me were the ones that my own people committed against each other," she said. She has received letters from Hispanic people from all walks of life expressing their pride in her confirmation. "I hope there's some greater comfort about the system to Hispanics because I'm there," she said...
...While Senator Moynihan is a Democrat, Ms. Sotomayor says she is politically independent, and her chatty expansiveness shuts down when she is asked about judicial philosophy. She allows that she is in the center...
...When Justice Clarence Thomas was introduced at a Second Judicial Circuit conference, was she among those who sat on her hands rather than give him a standing ovation?
"I'll take the Fifth," she said...
Yet more about her connections to the PRLDEF here.
More as it becomes available.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 06/13/2009 - 14:54
HS 18431 2009-06-13T16:54:11-05:00
If I can round out this pig by saying the so called group of little brown stinking nazi, called "lation-justice" is all about total subjugation of all other people and race's it makes the KKK Look like really great civil rights freedom fighters. by the way you do know what the brown monkeys are doing to the black monkeys in L.A.? SEARCH Mass murder on google!
eh (not verified)
Sat, 06/13/2009 - 19:09
HS 18432 2009-06-13T21:09:30-05:00
I wonder how much that group spends on "Defense" [1] vs "Education".