Tweets to Yossarian

Yossarian's avatar
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I'm Bob Sacamano
Tweets to this user:
Oliver Darcy's avatar
From @oliverdarcy
Reminder: Pompeo is on all the Sunday shows tomorrow.
Yossarian's avatar
From @YoYo69498756
@oliverdarcy Ask him if the Taliban were going to sleep at Mar A Lago
Ramin Talaie's avatar
From @RaminTalaie
@oliverdarcy @abbydphillip ASK: Why is Trump meeting Taliban days before 9/11???? Am I the only one??
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Which is smarter/more patriotic: have experts come up with tough questions that'd show Pompeo's policies wrong, or your idea? MT @YoYo69498756 [oliverdarcy says Pompeo will be on morning shows] Ask him if the Taliban were going to sleep at Mar A Lago
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
No you aren't, & none of the others who've had the same thought could figure out the problem with it. Trump won & will again precisely because of those like you enabling those like CNN. RT @RaminTalaie ASK: Why is Trump meeting Taliban days before 9/11???? Am I the only one??