Seth Doane /CBS weeps for town built on illegal activity (Postville)

Seth Doane of CBS News is just the latest "reporter" to go to Postville, Iowa and report on the immigration raid that occurred there over a year ago. Like all the others, his is a completely superficial report designed to pull heartstrings in an attempt support and cover up for massive illegal activity. The main report is in "A Small Town Under Siege/Residents Still Struggle To Recover After Immigration Raid Left Economy In Tatters" (link) with another report here. For highly similar articles, see this, this, and this. None of those ask any of the town leaders tough questions; none of them point out that most residents assuredly knew what was going on; few mention or spend much time on the fact that Agriprocessors was charged with over 9000 child labor law violations and that if some had their way that would have continued. None of them point out that the town was more or less built on illegal activity, and now they're facing the consequences. Instead, their reports are little more than attempts to deceive.


Will the pigs of the third world who will be running this so called country in 20 years pull the heartstring act? when the pigs have laws disallowing whites and all non hispanics from working or owning homes and business? after all isn't it all part of the big heart of la raza ( the race ) but if people just stand by and do nothing that people have nothing coming but a third world monkey world.

_town leaders_ I'm sure they don't live anywhere near the illegal workers.