Julia Preston of NYT hides fact that some states will lose House seats if all Hispanics counted in Census

Julia Preston of the New York Times offers "Latino Leaders Use Churches in Census Bid" (link) which discusses the possibly sacreligous poster used by the Mexico-linked NALEO to promote participation in the Census by Latinos, specifically illegal aliens.

While that part of the story is fairly rote, she also discusses how some states will gain House seats if all Hispanics are counted. What she fails to tell her readers is that some states will lose House seats at the same time. It can't be assumed that all or most of her readers will know that, and it's more than a bit curious why she only presented one side of the story and not the other. Compare what she says in the following to the discussion of the same study at the link above:

One study suggests that Congressional delegations in eight states with large Hispanic populations could grow if all Latinos - the nation’s largest minority at some 47 million - are counted... ...An analysis by NDN and America’s Voice, an immigrant advocacy group, projected that a full count of Hispanics would lead to a significant redrawing of the Congressional map, with six states picking up one Congressional seat (Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina and Utah), while Arizona would add two and Texas as many as four.

Good for them, but if you're in Ohio, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, or Missouri, not so good for you since the same study shows that those states would lose House seats.

Please send the link to this post to public *at* nytimes.com and ask Clark Hoyt why they aren't telling their readers the whole truth.


Either a House or Senate bill, that releases millions of foreign workers into our country, will devastate the public safety net. As it is now--California--a SANCTUARY STATE--is under constant bombardment to support uncounted numbers of foreign invaders on the health care, education and penal system. America's largest population of illegal immigrants, California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, illegal low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the costs to Californians is $10.5 billion annually. California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. Since then, state and local governments have blatantly ignored the wishes of the voters and continued to pay out publicly financed benefits on illegal families. Prop 187 was brought before Judge Mariana Pfaelzer, who in November 1997 found the law to be unconstitutional. Governor Wilson appealed the ruling, which brought the case to the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. (who are extremist Liberals) In 1999, newly elected Democratic Governor Gray Davis had the case brought before mediation, and then intentionally dropped the appeals process before the courts, effectively killing the law so it--NEVER--reached the Supreme Court. Dan Stein, President of FAIR stated, "California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's SHRINKING MIDDLE CLASS TAX BASE," he added "Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become. After these fiscal numbers were released, there seem to be an intentional reluctance to offer costs for both legal and illegal immigrant cost to the US taxpayer. The latest news now is the border state of Arizona, is in dire straights financially and also heading towards bankruptcy. "This is owing to a Sacramento Liberal Assembly, which has edged the state to near bankruptcy. Only by the interruption of multi-millions of American citizens, legal residents and congregations of anti-illegal immigration groups will America prevail. Here is the Capitol switchboard number to call 202-224-3121 because your vote is needed to stop any AMNESTY. The last 1986 Immigration bill was never aggressively enforced, that is why millions of illegal immigrants roam freely throughout America? The blame can be placed upon previous administrations as they have always been in collusion with the business, including Wall Street that is the real mechanism that governs our country? That is--WHY--we are taxed to subsidize--CORPORATE WE

You'd think this would interest citizens in the 'loser' states--your vote is worth less, your power reduced, due to the allowed presence of massive numbers of non-citizens in other states.

the count means nothing but who is counting means all, its all in the game. and if the pig shit latino leaders use the old mexico city rulers you can kiss your ass bye bye. if the church of mexico city runs with this census its all over anyone not brown will be shot down. Buy Guns