
michigan: Page 1

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Pete Hoekstra's Chinese "Now" ad (Debbie Spendit Now, Super Bowl, racism, stupidity, corruption) - 02/06/12

The video below (cached) is a controversial new ad from former Rep. Pete Hoekstra that ran during the Super Bowl. In it he calls his opponent for Senate from Michigan Debbie Stabenow "Debbie Spendit Now" and refers people to the site debbiespenditnow.com.

Immigrants' List are immigration lawyers; Daniel Strauss and Huffington Post don't reveal that (Immigration Heroes List) - 01/17/12

Immigrants List is a pro-massive immigration PAC that recently named their list of top 10 immigration heroes [1], i.e., those who support massive and/or illegal immigration. One man's hero is another man's villain, and in the case of their Heroes all are villains to most Americans who oppose massive and/or illegal immigration.

Michigan gov Rick Snyder against Arizona-style immigration law, wants to "celebrate diversity" - 05/22/11

Michigan governor Rick Snyder (GOP) has scored a hat trick: he's not fiscally extremist enough for the tea parties [1], the far-left is on the march against him [2], and he's also weak on immigration. From this: Speaking to the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, Gov. Rick Snyder said that an immigration law such as the one passed last year in Arizona [note: something similar is proposed in Michigan] would "encourage a divisive atmosphere." ...Earlier this year, in a talk before a Muslim group, Snyder said Census 2010 data showed a steep decline in Michiganโ€™s population, and...

Michigan, eight other states file brief in support of Arizona immigration law - 07/15/10

From this: States have the authority to enforce immigration laws and protect their borders, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said Wednesday in a legal brief on behalf of nine states supporting Arizona's immigration law. Cox, one of five Republicans running for Michigan governor, said Michigan is the lead state backing Arizona in federal court and is joined by Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia, as well as the Northern Mariana Islands... "By lawsuit, rather than by legislation, the federal government seeks to negate this preexisting...

Michigan AG to file brief in support of Arizona immigration law; help him find others - 07/12/10

From this: Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox plans to file a legal brief supporting Arizona's immigration law, and he's asking other state attorneys general to join him... He tells them in a letter sent Monday that the U.S. Justice Department's legal challenge to the law "seeks to remove the power of the states" to enforce their own statutes at the same time as federal immigration laws. Granted, some of this may be political: he's running for governor. In any case, you can help his quest by contacting your state's attorney general (and state representatives) and asking them to come out in...

Ohio, Illinois, NY, NJ, Penn to lose political power due to massive immigration (House seats; also: IA, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO) - 11/19/09

According to a new study (americasvoiceonline.org/pages/the_new_constituents), due to massive immigration particularly by Latinos, the results of the 2010 Census - used to apportion congressional districts - will result in the following changes (chart from the HuffPost article discussed here): States gaining House seats: Texas (+4), Arizona (+2), Florida (+1), Georgia (+1), Nevada (+1), Oregon (+1), South Carolina (+1), and Utah (+1). States losing House seats: Ohio (-2), Illinois (-1), Iowa (-1), Louisiana (-1), Massachusetts (-1), Michigan (-1), Minnesota (-1), Missouri (-1), New Jersey (-1...

Regional White House Forums on Health Care Reform visiting California, Iowa, MI, NC, VT; ask questions - 03/06/09

Later this month and in April, the Barack Obama administration will be conducting "Regional White House Forums on Health Care Reform" in California, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina and Vermont [1]: In keeping with the Obama administrationโ€™s commitment to a transparent, accountable government, the forums will be an opportunity for Americans from all over the country to voice their concerns and ideas about reforming our health care system... They will be open conversations with everyday Americans, local, state and federal elected officials โ€“ both Democrat and Republican -- and senior Obama...

March 10 Committee - 10/30/07

Also known as the March 10 Movement, March 10 Coalition, Diez de Marzo Committee. Home page at movimiento10demarzo.org At their site, they declare their unconditional support for Elvira Arellano as well as all other "immigrants" who are in the process of being deported. They also call on all those immigrants who are being deported to apply for asylum and to seek asylum in local churches. They also oppose employer sanctions and programs to check the SSNs of employees.

March 25 Coalition flyer - 03/18/07

From march25coalition . org/organize May 1st, 2007 we will be out in the streets, not shopping or selling, if possible not working; but Marching. On February 3rd & 4th, 2007, a Conference hosted by the March 25th Coalition culminated in a call for a national day of actions for workers and Immigrant's Rights. The day, May 1st, 2007.

Organizing the new movement - 02/21/07

Socialist Worker/[[April 28, 2006]]/Lee Sustar/ link

Independent Task Force on Immigration - 01/15/07

A group convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which published "Immigration and America's Future:A New Chapter" ( link) in [[September, 2006]]. Supports a "new, secure Social Security card" (possibly a national ID card) and "path to legal status for unauthorized immigrants" (a massive amnesty for illegal aliens). As of creation time, this is the list of those involved:

ACLU claims U.S. violating human rights obligations (OAS) - 11/02/06

The American Civil Liberties Association - which has at least one indirect link to the Mexican government - together with the National Employment Law Project and the Transnational Legal Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law [1] (run by Sarah Paoletti [2]) have filed [3] a petition with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (part of the Organization of American States): ...to find the United States in violation of its universal human rights obligations by failing to protect millions of undocumented workers from exploitation and discrimination in the workplace. The...