maricopa county
maricopa county: Page 1
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DOJ investigation claims Sheriff Joe Arpaio engaged in "unconstitutional policing" (immigration, Arizona, Maricopa County) - 12/15/11
The Department of Justice's politically-motivated quasi-witchhunt of Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has concluded with a report claiming that Arpaio engaged in "unconstitutional policing" and unreasonably targeted Latinos.
DOJ sues Joe Arpaio over civil rights investigation documents - 09/02/10
The Department of Justice has sued Joe Arpaio - sheriff of Maricopa County - claiming that he's obstructed their investigation into possible racial profiling. This is, needless to say, the Obama administration's latest attack on Arizona in an attempt to prevent states from doing the job the federal government won't do: try to reduce illegal immigration. And, those attacks are preventable if people would work to reduce illegal immigration in smart ways.
From the DOJ's press release [1]:
The department filed today’s lawsuit after exhausting all cooperative measures to gain access to MCSO’s...
Mexican flag, Cuban flag with Che fly at protest against Arizona immigration law - 07/30/10
Yesterday, protesters turned out in Phoenix, Tucson, and other cities in Arizona and other states to protest Arizona's new immigration law ("SB 1070") In Phoenix, they tried unsuccessfully to prevent Joe Arpaio from conducting a planned crime sweep.
The attached video is from the Phoenix protest and includes a large Mexican flag and a large Cuban flag - with Che Guevara's image - at the front of the protest.
From this: Hundreds of people representing more than 30 labor unions traveled to Phoenix from Los Angeles to be part of a protest against Arizona's new immigration law.
From this later...
Arizona helped deport 26,000 illegal aliens under 287g (Arpaio, Maricopa County) - 07/28/10
Per this biased Associated Press article, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona helped deport more than 26,000 illegal aliens under the 287g program. That's of course without that state's new immigration law, which is set to take effect tomorrow. Maricopa was responsible for about one-quarter of all those deported under 287g (115,841 total); 64 local agencies are part of the 287g program.
Joanne Lin, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, said it is alarming that one Arizona county is responsible for a disproportionate share of deportations.
The Los Angeles...
Arpaio deputies to get private training in enforcing immigration law; ACLU outraged (Kobach) - 02/10/10
According to this, all Maricopa County Sheriff's deputies will receive private training "on the authority of local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration law". Previously, just 100 of their deputies had received training from the Department of Homeland Security, but the DHS dropped that last year. Law professor and candidate for Attorney General of Kansas Kris Kobach will be providing the training (with his costs self-funded or paid by an unknown group), causing a meltdown among the supporters of illegal activity:
Alessandra Soler Meetze, executive director of the American Civil...
Immigration Reform Advocates Receive JBL Awards From Tides - 09/01/09
Source: press release located here. See the first item in the history for the full text.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Tides ( hasawarded a total of $22,500 to the 2009 recipients of the JBL Awards forExcellence in Public Advocacy. Tides' JBL Awards honor policy activists andadvocates by recognizing work that demonstrates innovative approaches tosocial change and a deep commitment to the public interest.
ACLU sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio for alleged racial profiling (Dan Pochoda) - 08/19/09
The American Civil Liberties Union - an organization that is/was collaborating with the Mexican government in a scheme that would help that government profit from illegal activity inside the U.S. - is suing Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio for alleged racial profiling and related issues ( According to the ACLU, a father and son - the first a long-term legal resident, the second a U.S. citizen - were detained by Arpaio's deputies while they were conducting an immigration raid at a business:
The lawsuit charges that the MCSO...
Maricopa County board delays Arpaio immigration enforcement funding - 04/02/09
While illegal immigration-supporting Dems hold a hearing in Washington DC about the 287g program, Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio has problems on the home front (link):
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday voted to postpone the acceptance of $1.6 million from the state to help pay for illegal immigration enforcement by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The Republican-majority board until now has consistently supported Arpaio and generally agreed philosophically with his viewpoint on illegal immigration.
Observers said the decision could signal that the board is concerned by...
DOJ investigating Sheriff Joe Arpaio over supposed racial profiling (Lofgren, Conyers, Nadler, Robert Scott, ACORN) - 03/12/09
From this:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office in Arizona following requests by congressional Democrats and allegations by liberal activists that the department has violated the civil rights of illegal aliens.
Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), and Robert Scott (D-Va.) requested the investigation, and activists groups such as (National Day Laborer Organizing Network, NDLON) and ACORN launched petition drives and rallies in support of the probe.
The investigation focuses on Sheriff Joe...
Janet Napolitano blocks Sheriff Joe Arpaio's funding for immigration enforcement - 05/13/08
From this:
Much of the money for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's immigration-enforcement efforts lately has poured out of a special pool of state money.
But New Times has learned that Governor Janet Napolitano's turning off the spigot.
In what appears to be a prelude to a major fight between Napolitano and Arpaio, the governor issued an executive order last week to develop a new task force--headed up by the state Department of Public Safety--to find and arrest tens of thousands of felons with outstanding warrants.
And, according to a letter from DPS Director Roger Vanderpool to...
Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon files FBI complaint over Joe Arpaio raids - 04/13/08
In his effort to support illegal immigration and perhaps just gain some fame, Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon now wants the FBI to investigate Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio over whether any civil rights laws were broken civil rights laws during his recent immigration sweeps (link).
In the letter, Gordon race baits, does something no one should do and relies on the characterization of an Arizona Republic editorial ("guilty of looking latino", link), and he also apparently included other news reports which may be biased as well. He includes one example of a suit that's already been filed, and...
WFMOJALI: Kyrsten Sinema (Minutemen as "domestic terrorists") - 01/19/07
Welcome to yet another premiere, this time of the new WFMOJALI feature. Those initials stand for "Working For Mexico, Or Just Acts Like It?" On the one hand I don't think it's that likely that those to be featured are actually being paid by that government. But, on the other hand, it's difficult to tell the difference between their actions and those that an actual Mexican agent would perform.
Let's kick it off with Arizona state representative Kyrsten Sinema, a member of the Democratic Party and a former Green. Back in 2005 she was part of an ACLU of Arizona team which were "monitoring" the...
Maricopa County sued over anti-smuggling law; Mexico links - 11/22/06
A potential class action lawsuit has been filed by various groups against Maricopa County, Arizona (home of Phoenix) concerning a state law designed to stop human smuggling. Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas have been using that law to arrest and charge illegal aliens with smuggling themselves into the country. Since starting that earlier this year, they've managed 180 convictions (two by jury) out of 360 arrests.
Suit filed over wire transfers - 10/19/06
Arizona Republic/Dennis Wagner/[[October 19, 2006]]/ link