List of those not calling for immigration enforcement, fewer work permits to ease unemployment

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One of the best ways to reduce U.S. unemployment would be to enforce our immigration laws and to reduce the number of work permits currently being granted; the latter was greater than the number of jobs "saved or created" by the stimulus plan.

However, it's difficult to find any political leaders (broadly defined) who support that. Almost all leaders on the left are calling for proven-ineffective solutions like a second stimulus or for things like a second WPA. Almost all leaders on the right are simply repeating CEI/AFP talking points about lowering taxes and the like. Almost none are willing to even acknowledge the fairly simple, pro-American options of enforcing our immigration laws or reducing the number of work permits. None of those are mutually exclusive: someone on the left could propose a second stimulus combined with reduced work permits; someone on the right could propose lower taxes combined with increased enforcement. Almost none are willing to do that or acknowledge the impact of immigration in any way.

Since there are so many corrupted leaders it's difficult to provide a list of those who aren't mentioning this, but some categories follow. If you'd like to do something, confront those listed - whether at their public appearances or in their comments sections - and ask them why they aren't acknowledging immigration's role in the current situation.

* The Obama administration will be holding a "Jobs Summit" today (link). Some groups weren't invited, and those who were will probably not even mention immigration.

* The tea parties. They've paid almost no attention to immigration, despite the fact that massive immigration gives more power to the Democrats and raises their taxes. Not only that, but they supported Doug Hoffman and one of their string-pullers is Freedomworks. Both support massive immigration.

* Major, establishment bloggers from the right and the left. I have yet to see a single leftwing blogger calling for the above, but at the same time neither are Glenn Reynolds, HotAir, and all the rest. If you see a major blogger calling for the above, leave a comment.

* The leaders of the Democratic Party.

* Most leaders of the Republican Party with the exception of the House Immigration Reform Caucus. See, for instance, Rep. Lamar Smith's "Recovering stolen jobs is key to American recovery" (link).

* No pundit that I'm aware of is calling for the above or even willing to mention immigration.

* Glenn Beck did a show on immigration recently, and Lou Dobbs has of course mentioned these issues. However, it doesn't appear to be a recurring theme on either Fox News or CNN.


If their is any type of " fairness doctrine" it should be an "middle class fairness doctrine" in which currently surpressed information on legal and illegal immigrations adverse effects on wages and higher taxes, on the lowering educational standards and the rising uninsured and overall lowering of the middle class standard of living. Just like climategate and immigrant crime against us's all news the MSM wants kept quite because it doesn't fit their leftist agenda

I noticed also that both the Dems and GOP House leadership (with their alternative "jobs summit") ignored mass legal and illegal immigration. And the Heritage Foundation neglected this as well (not surprising as although they oppose amnesty, they support increased legal immigration). But I appreciate Lamar Smith and the Senators who sent that letter to Nappy recently. And Krikorian had a good post on NRO today. We just have to keep on beating on this drum and support groups like NumbersUSA, FAIR and CIS etc.

A list of those who are would be shorter.

yes many things will be ease and it will be the USA And the ideals of freedom and justice and duty and name any thing you can think of. what the power pigs want is for you to disappear into the night and the third world population here. so don't fight for the monkeys don't pay the pig shits one dollar buy guns and fight when the monkey cops come for you in other words become Americans once more.