lamar smith
lamar smith: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post): supports immigration reform, secretly met with Jeb Bush (Herman Cain, Home Depot, Teaparty Express, TPNN) - 05/17/13
Over three years ago I asked if the Teaparty movement will stumble us into amnesty, and before then I pointed out that supporters of amnesty include those in the Teaparty sphere.
Obama admin cooked the books: deportations are below 2008 and 2009 - 08/27/12
From their press release [1]:
The House Judiciary Committee has obtained internal U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) documents, which show that the Obama administration is cooking the books to achieve their so-called ‘record’ deportation numbers for illegal immigrants and that removals are actually significantly down – not up – from 2009.
Legal Workforce Act: too many concessions to US Chamber of Commerce? (eVerify, HR 2164) - 06/18/11
A group of House members [1] have introduce the "Legal Workforce Act" ("LFA"), which would require the use of eVerify by most workers nationwide. That would presumably make it difficult for companies to employ illegal aliens.
Lamar Smith might be weak on immigration (GOP DREAM Act?) - 12/24/10
Carrie Budoff Brown of Politico offers "Lamar Smith avoids hard line on immigration" [1]. Because we're dealing with definitions of those who aren't trustworthy (such as Brown), it's difficult to tell whether Smith will be weak on immigration matters or whether he just won't support nonsensical "boob bait for Bubba" policies.
Smith's first two hearings as head of the House Judiciary Committee will be about eVerify. However:
At the same time, he downplayed the key planks in the conservative immigration agenda... He won’t say when his committee plans to tackle birthright citizenship, the policy...
National Association for College Admission Counseling promotes anti-American DREAM Act - 06/08/10
The National Association for College Admission Counseling [1] isn't doing college-level work, offering "Debunking Myths About the DREAM Act: A Response to Rep. Lamar Smith" [2]. That anti-American bill would let illegal aliens take college educations away from U.S. citizens, and they offer their support for that anti-American bill with an attempt to respond to the Smith article here. They say:
[The DREAM Act would not] result in the loss of "seats" at colleges and universities for other students. The capacity for the American higher education system to absorb additional enrollments is far...
30 Members of Congress form the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus: free up jobs through immigration enforcement - 03/19/10
From Reps. Lamar Smith, Sue Myrick and Gary Miller comes this:
...By simply enforcing immigration laws already on the books, we could create job opportunities for American citizens and immigrants who played by the rules to enter the U.S. Instead, the Obama administration has all but abandoned worksite enforcement efforts. In the past year alone, administrative arrests fell by 68 percent; the number of criminal arrests fell by 60 percent; the number of criminal indictments fell by 58 percent; and the number of criminal convictions fell by 63 percent. This is unacceptable and is an insult to...
DHS worksite enforcement against illegal aliens plummeted under Obama, Napolitano - 11/19/09
Per this:
Criminal arrests, administrative arrests, indictments and convictions of illegal immigrants at work sites all fell by more than 50 percent from fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009... Fiscal 2008 ran from Oct. 1, 2007, through Sept. 30, 2008. Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008, and ran through Sept. 30 of this year.
The exact figures are:
* Criminal arrests: down 60%
* Criminal indictments: down 58%
* Convictions: down 63%
* Administrative arrests: down 68%
The DHS is a bit defensive:
Illegal aliens can get healthcare benefits under House bill: Congressional Research Service (HR 3200) - 08/26/09
The Congressional Research Service - part of the Library of Congress - now confirms that illegal aliens will be able to access healthcare benefits under the House healthcare reform bill (HR 3200).
White House immigration meeting of amnesty all-stars: Obama, McCain, Graham, Cornyn, Gutierrez - 06/26/09
Yesterday, Barack Obama met with various members of Congress to discuss comprehensive immigration reform. His remarks are at [1], a list of attendees is at [2], and some quotes from attendees is at [3]. Nothing very important appears to have happened or been said.
Immigration strawman arguments about: civil rights abuses, 287g, family separation, "stateless" children, alternative detention, eVerify - 05/09/09
Rep. Lamar Smith offers "Amnesty Pushers Concoct Six Straw Men" (link), a collection of logical fallacies that illegal immigration supporters use. The points raised aren't of much use unless those supporters - such as nationally-known politicians - are confronted with them, and if you can do that on video that could have a serious impact on those supporters' careers.
It includes a section about family separation, specifically referencing Luis Gutierrez' "Family Unity Tour" and including this:
But he [the strawman] forgets that children can travel to their parents’ home countries with them....
Seventy-five House members demand: no stimulus jobs for illegal aliens - 03/11/09
Yesterday, seventy-five House members - Dem and GOP - signed on to a letter to House leaders demanding that they block illegal aliens from taking stimulus plan jobs: link.
GAO report raises issues with 287g program (Joe Arpaio) - 03/04/09
Randal Archibold of the New York Times offers "Report Questions an Immigration Program That Uses the Local Police" (link):
A government report questions the effectiveness of a federal program, long criticized by immigrant advocacy groups, that deputizes police officers as immigration agents.
The report, to be released Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, says the government has failed to determine how many of the thousands of people deported under the program were the kind of violent felons it was devised to root out...
As he later says, who...