pajamas media
pajamas media: Page 1
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RealClearPolitics falls for hoax video (Trump Car Destroyed; Tim Hains; Joey Salads) - 10/19/16
On October 17, Tim Hains of RealClearPolitics posted "YouTuber Test: Car With Trump Stickers Looted, Destroyed By Black Youth" [1] featuring a video purporting to show five black youths smashing the windows of a car that had been supposedly parked in a black neighborhood. The video later turned out to be a complete hoax, featuring actors smashing the windows.
Daniel Hannan says "free movement of labour" will continue, despite Brexit. See who hyped him. - 06/26/16
From the Daily Mail [1]:
A leading Tory Brexiteer has insisted quitting the EU does not mean the numbers of people coming to Britain will be slashed - and claimed Vote Leave never said it would.
After a bitter referendum battle dominated by immigration, senior MEP Daniel Hannan insisted the Vote Leave campaign had only ever demanded control and not a specific number.
Cowardly fake patriot Bill Whittle "jokes" that Texans should shoot Californians - 01/13/14
On the video below rightwing commentator Bill Whittle - occasionally affiliated with Pajamas Media - "jokes" that Texans should shoot Californians who move to that state. He spoke at an event featuring Ted Cruz, who's seated in front row center.
Conservative bloggers who support amnesty (Rubio; Hot Air, Morrissey, Johnsen, Loesch, Moran, Mataconis...) - 01/21/13
This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative bloggers who support some form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty), specifically the amnesty proposed by Marco Rubio. This post doesn't list GOP politicians or pundits, just bloggers and other low-level members of the GOP establishment.
A question about Tea Party cleaning up trash left by Obama supporters (San Francisco, Sally Zelikovsky) - 10/09/12
A recurring theme of the Tea Parties movement is that they clean up after themselves. Literally: by picking up their own trash after their events. They contrast that with the dirty, filthy librul hippies who support Obama or who are in the Occupy Wall Street movement. This theme is largely true, but it's also incredibly ironic as I'll discuss below.
Tea Party incompetence: an example from PJMedia (Helen Smith v. John Scalzi) - 05/20/12
Here's yet another example of a Tea Party leader showing how incompetent they are (note: see Tea Parties for our extensive coverage).
There is, however, one difference between the current and most past instances.
In the past, Teapartiers seemed to have being the prime example of the "Dunning-Kruger effect" [1] as their goal.
In this case, at least the Teaparty leader has admitted they're incompetent.
"Mitt Romney, anti-gay bully" or "How Obama will be reelected" - 05/10/12
Earlier today, the Washington Post published allegations that Mitt Romney was a bully back in prep school (link). I didn't read the story, but that's not what this post is about.
I Am The 53%: Tea Party continues War on The Poor (Erick Erickson, Josh Trevino, Kevin Eder) - 10/12/11
The latest sociopathic effort from the Tea Parties is "I Am The 53%" (#IAmThe53,, a response to the Occupy Wall Street ("OWS") protests. The 53% is a reference to the fact that just 53% of Americans pay federal income tax, and it features pictures of those in the 53% holding up signs describing how they became successful (per them) on their own.
Rightwing's muted response to Brown signing unpopular, anti-American immigration law - 10/09/11
If California governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that dared raise taxes on multi-billionaires by even a few pennies, you can bet that rightwing internet activists would be up in arms about it.
Why won't Roger Simon reveal his ideology's role in California's problems? - 11/05/10
Roger Simon of Pajamas Media offers "Is California Hopeless?" [1]. It's yet another article by fiscal conservatives and free market types in which they fail to account for the highly negative role that their support for massive immigration has played in bringing California to its current state. And, not only does he fail to reveal his ideology's role in heavily damaging California, but he even wants us to suffer:
The only solution is for California to suffer — and to suffer badly. The citizens of this state need a serious beat down. This was the place where Jane Fonda popularized “No gain...
Rand Simberg's Darwinistic, anti-American citizenship policy - 08/12/10
It's time to reach into the Big Bag of Crazy known as the Glenn Reynolds / Pajamas Media universe. This time with the anti-American screed called "The Real Anchors / Anchor babies? Maybe we should worry more about native anchors" ( by one Rand Simberg. The fact that he's turning to Robert Heinlein to craft a new citizenship policy is actually the least of his sins.
PJTV whines about taxes for Beverly Hills business as millions unemployed - 04/17/10
Normally I'd prefer people to shun the Pajamas Media mini-empire, but I actually urge everyone to share this video: link. Not because it's good, but for the opposite reason: it makes them and those in the general tea parties movement look very bad.
How Crash the Tea Party could be effective (Brendan Steinhauser of Freedomworks knows!) - 04/14/10
As exhaustively detailed at the following link, the tea parties are a massive magnet for massive stupidity. They can't do anything right and the only reason they aren't little more than an embarrassing blip on U.S. political history is because their opponents are only marginally smarter than they are. Instead of trying to intellectually engage the partiers and show how they're wrong, those opponents have engaged in a long series of similarly childish activities, such as calling the partiers names or the like.
The latest example is the "Crash the Tea Party" group ( which...
Example of tea party being useful idiots (global warming edition) - 04/07/10
Not that you needed it, but the video at provides yet another in the long line of examples of the tea parties being useful idiots, in this case about global warming. It consists of a series of interviews conducted by Bob McCarty at a tea party protest in December.
Dick Armey + PJTV + Glenn Reynolds + Dana Loesch + CPAC = just how dumb are tea partiers? - 02/19/10
Earlier today, Glenn Reynolds posted what might be the shortest summary of just how incredibly dumb and gullible those involved with the tea parties are ( Savor it:
THE CONTRACT FROM AMERICA: Dana Loesch Interviews Dick Armey at CPAC.
That links to a video at Pajamas Media. So, we've got:
* Reynolds, someone who among other things has encouraged his followers to swarm politicians, hold up bunny ears behind their heads, and throw tantrums like little children...
* PJTV, which converted Joe the Plumber into a war correspondent then an echo chamber talk show...
PJTV clueless about asking tough questions (CEI, Climategate) - 11/30/09
Glenn Reynolds alerts us ( to the Pajamas Media video "Warmists Give Climategate The Cold Shoulder", subtitled "What do Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, the
Liberals cheer racism, repudiation of U.S. sovereignty at tea party protest by Nick Espinosa (Daniel Tencer) - 11/16/09
Daniel Tencer of RawStory offers "Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people from US" ( video at Both the underlying story and his treatment of it are explicitly anti-American:
9/12: Tea Party march on Washington DC live coverage (Glenn Beck, Freedomworks) - 09/12/09
Later today, one or two million (maybe less) extreme fiscal conservatives will be marching on Washington DC demanding that the government listens to them and their Randroid concerns. And, we'll be there - virtually speaking - offering coverage of this momentous event featuring millions of people throughout the day. Literally thousands of busloads of true patriots - as opposed to the other, non-patriotic Americans - will be bussed in (at their own expense) by FreedomWorks (run by the corporate lobbyist Dick Armey). Hopefully many will be wearing period costumes and playing fifes, since we know...
Jennifer Rubin /Pajamas Media has so-so advice for GOP, but doesn't get their fundamental problems ("Party of Not Obama") - 06/20/09
Jennifer Rubin of Pajamas Media offers "Rallying the Party of 'Not Obama'" (, a laundry list of suggestions for things that the GOP could oppose Obama over; it's a response to those who say the GOP should just concentrate on the positive.
Tea party turnout number: should you trust Pajamas Media or Silver's MSM-based estimate? - 04/18/09
Now, here's a tough one. Who do I trust less: Nate Silver, or Pajamas Media and Glenn Reynolds?
Silver says that a bit more than 300,000 turned out for all the tea parties (link). And, he does that by linking almost 400 events in cities across the nation to local reports with their estimates of the turnout.
On the other hand, links to
The estimated number of participants in yesterday’s tea parties - sent in by citizen journalists who signed up to the site to enter attendance data...
Instapundit chats with tea party "facilitator" from Koch-linked group - 04/08/09
Over to Glenn Reynolds ( for the latest on the "grassroots" tea parties:
PJTV: I talk with PubliusPundit - and Tucson Tea Party organizer - Robert Mayer, and with Tea Party facilitators Matt Kibbe of Freedomworks and Chris Bond of Americans for Prosperity about tea parties and where they should go next.
Click their name's link for more on the AFP; at least as of November of last year the chairman of their foundation's board was David Koch of the Koch family and they'd received money from that foundation; do a search for Kochtopus if you aren't familiar with...
Pajamas TV conducting "hearing" on stimulus healthcare effect, with Joe the Plumber - 02/11/09
Tomorrow, from noon to 2pm Eastern, Pajamas Media will be conducting their latest dog 'n' pony show, this time featuring Joe the Plumber and others holding a "hearing" on the healthcare impacts of the stimulus plan. They invite you to submit your questions that their panel will answer:
Pajamas Media blogger network fails; boo; hoo - 01/31/09
Starting on April 1, the Pajamas Media network will stop serving up ads to a network of major blogs and will be concentrating on their video line instead. You know, the video line that features talking head shows with worthless minor pundits and that I can't imagine anyone being interested in. Read the Dear Blogger letter they sent here.