nbc news
nbc news: Page 1
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After shootings, Trump helps the far-left by opposing "hate" - 08/05/19
Donald Trump has yet again enabled the cultural far-left by - after mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton - coming out against "hate". Here's what he said [1]:
August 2015: Trump supports mass deportations but also a revolving door amnesty (& inadvertently hints at repatriations) - 01/11/18
As can be seen from the Donald Trump page I've never once taken him seriously on immigration and I've always realized he's fake, his plans are bad jokes, and his arguments are unhelpful at best.
Rick Perry, NBC, Washington Post implicitly admit immigration attrition would work - 02/24/14
On the few occasions when the political establishment has even acknowledged the existence of the attrition plan to deal with illegal aliens (see the link), they've for the most part falsely claimed it wouldn't work or falsely claimed it was "cruel".
Center for American Progress corporate funders and immigration - 12/14/13
The leftwing Center for American Progress has released a list of their corporate funders for 2013 [1]. Several of the funders have a financial interest in higher immigration and in comprehensive immigration reform.
David Brooks misleads on cause of illegal immigration: it's not our laws (New York Times, Raul Labrador) - 07/07/13
David Brooks of the New York Times appeared on NBC News' Meet the Press earlier today and misled about the reason why there has been so much illegal immigration.
Univision opposes New York Times over term "illegal immigrant" (HuffPost, Maria Hinojosa, NAHJ, Chris Hayes) - 10/09/12
Jose Vargas (see the link) recently set off an intramural battle in the left-leaning media with his misleading campaign to get the New York Times and the Associated Press drop the term "illegal immigrant".
Republican Presidential Debate January 8, 2012 (NBC News, Facebook, New Hampshire, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Perry, Ron Paul, Huntsman, David Gregory) - 01/08/12
The second worthless GOP debate of 2012 starts today, January 8 at 9am Eastern. This is apparently the first morning debate of this presidential campaign season, but don't expect it to be any different from all the others. You can watch the debate live on Facebook, but it will also be shown on NBC later in the day depending on your location (reportedly the same time slot as Meet the Press).
GOP debate: September 7, 2011 (immigration, Rick Perry, Romney, Bachman, Huntsman, Cain, Gingrich, Santorum) - 09/07/11
Tonight's the night for the first major GOP debate, sponsored by Politico and NBC News and featuring Rick Perry, Mitt Romney,
WSJ/NBC poll shows little support for fiscal conservatism; 70% "uncomfortable" with cuts to Medicare, Social Security, defense - 11/18/10
Bad news for libertarians and the tea parties: a new Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll shows little support for fiscal conservative policies (link):
[The poll] shows Americans skeptical of deficit-cutting proposals laid out by the chairmen of a commission appointed by the White House. In the survey, 57% of respondents said they were uncomfortable with gradually raising the Social Security retirement age to 69 over the next 60 years. Some 41% said they were somewhat or very comfortable with the idea.
Roughly 70% were uncomfortable with making cuts to programs such as Medicare, Social...
Obama state dinner guests incl. Couric, Brian Williams, GE chairman, DreamWorks, NYT and WaPo reporters... - 11/24/09
A full list of those invited to tonight's White House state dinner - the one featuring arugula (no, really) - is here. In addition to a large number of Indian names that I don't recognize, here are some that seem more than a bit interesting:
Tom Brokaw, Wesley Clark, Tom Daschle, Obama sister, Sidwell Friends board member, others on White House Fellowships Commission - 06/17/09
The 28 members of the "President’s Commission on White House Fellowships" have been named [1] and include:
Carl Quintanilla of CNBC promotes irresponsible behavior, bad public policy (Today Show) - 06/16/09
On yesterday's Today Show, CNBC anchor Carl Quintanilla offered a highly sympathetic report on a mixed-status family: the father and children are U.S. citizens, the mother is a former illegal alien now living in Mexico. As could be expected, Quintanilla puts his ethnicity ahead of proper public policy and support for the concept of personal responsibility. The text report is entitled "Families Torn Apart by Immigration" (link):
None of this changes the fact that these families, in most cases, broke the law. And anti-immigration advocates argue the U.S. isn't tearing families apart. The law is...
Jon Stewart "The Naturalized" on History Channel will be pro-massive immigration propaganda - 05/11/09
This fall, a two-hour, Jon Stewart-produced show called "The Naturalized" will appear on the History Channel (link):
[It] follows eight individuals through the bureaucratic morass of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The special will also include interviews with undocumented and deported illegal immigrants... It's a look at that process that is very much in Jon's tone and manner," says Nancy Dubuc, History's executive VP and general manager. "The early stuff we're seeing is quite funny but really poignant and relevant."
In other words, it's going to be a snarkfest with a gooey...
"How Obama Got Elected": documentary about Sarah Palin and media malpractice - 02/23/09
Former KFI talk jock John Ziegler has released his documentary "How Obama Got Elected" (link), which apparently contains example after example of the mainstream media lying about and smearing Sarah Palin. If anyone's seen it, please leave a review; note that I wasn't too very impressed with the Zogby poll Ziegler commissioned shortly after the election.
The trailer is attached; see also the early January interview Zeigler did with Palin here.
Here are over a dozen examples of the media's smears and lies about Palin.
And, on an ironic but not really unexpected note, even the promo tour for the...
Juan Jose Gutierrez, ANSWER, Party for Socialism and Liberation, and NBC News - 11/15/06
Juan Jose Gutierrez is the director of Latino Movement USA, and NBC News featured him as a spokesman for the Hispanic community last month. A week before then, he was a featured speaker at a public forum sponsored by the "Party for Socialism and Liberation". The flyer for that is to the right, and a description of the event is here. Note that the other featured speaker was Karina Garcia, the Political Chair of the Chicano Caucus at Columbia University (columbia.edu/cu/chicanocaucus).
Did NBC News know about this? Perhaps they did, but they were convinced to run the segment without...