Tweets to Cej500

Cej500's avatar
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California, USA
Surfing, fishing, skiing, diving, motocross, guitars, F1, guns, friends, family and Trump.
Tweets to this user:
Pete D’Abrosca's avatar
From @pdabrosca
Probably a good day to remind you that I’m the ONLY congressional candidate in America calling for a moratorium on…
Cej500's avatar
From @cej5001
@pdabrosca It makes sense. Let's fix what's wrong then consider merit based immigration. Use money wasted on foreig…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cej5001: @pdabrosca is either very dim or just a grifter. Trump can't build his "wall", yet he thinks he'd get a moratorium? Those who'd buy his line have to be on a sucker list somewhere. P.S. Merit immigration = more Saverins. We need citizens, not carpetbaggers.
Cej500's avatar
From @cej5001
RT @Evan_G1126: @joelpollak I'm done with him. He lied and crossed a redline. #AmnestyDon
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's time to *use* Trump, not just stan/unstan him. *Use* his ego: give him non-amnesty plans (repatriations, attrition) plus smart arguments that'll smite Dem leaders & MSM. MT @cej5001 RT @Evan_G1126: @joelpollak I'm done with him. He lied and crossed a redline. #AmnestyDon