"How Obama Got Elected": documentary about Sarah Palin and media malpractice

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Former KFI talk jock John Ziegler has released his documentary "How Obama Got Elected" (link), which apparently contains example after example of the mainstream media lying about and smearing Sarah Palin. If anyone's seen it, please leave a review; note that I wasn't too very impressed with the Zogby poll Ziegler commissioned shortly after the election.

The trailer is attached; see also the early January interview Zeigler did with Palin here.

Here are over a dozen examples of the media's smears and lies about Palin.

And, on an ironic but not really unexpected note, even the promo tour for the film involves bias.

The interview Zigler did with Matt Lauer of the NBC News Today show features an introductory piece by Norah ODonnell that re-uses a pre-election smear. Back in September, the Associated Press, Charlie Gibson of ABC News, and Alternet all intentionally took a Palin quote about praying that our armed forces are being sent out on a mission that's from God out of context. They omitted the first part of the quote in order make it seem like she was supporting a modern-day Crusade. And, Nora O'Donnell does the same thing as Gibson et al, playing a Youtube video containing the second part of the quote and not providing the first part. That's then followed by a quote from Palin talking about how things she said were taken out of context.

And, O'Donnell's report also contains this Howard Kurtz quote:

What SP does is she takes a few outrageous incidents like those who question Trigg was really her baby and she uses that to paint with a broad brush the entire media establishment.

See the examples linked above; no brush can be broad enough for those hacks.

UPDATE: There's a segment from the movie here featuring discussion of an Andrea Mitchell report. And, Zigeler spoke to O'Donnell after her intro piece; that video is here.


They don't see what is right in front of them....don't suppose they will be "awakened" by this film.

The not very hidden agenda driven MSM is now being abandoned at a alarming and accelerated rate. I am a liberal democrat but I found the the election coverage last year to have been completely disgusting. The favoritism shown to Obama was embarrassingly obvious. Now newspapers across the country are being hammered with cancellations. The MSM mostly ignored or trashed William McGowan's _Coloring the News_ when it came out 9 years ago. At the time I remember reading excerpts and seeing McGowan on CSPAN, I recently read it and had my Republican dad read it as well. Pretty much everything McGowan said was true. More importantly his predictions, at a time mind you when media stocks were at record highs, have come true. The newspaper industry's narrow and cramped definition of diversity has led to its demise. If Gannett and the rest thinks they will ever make money online they are delusional.

I have a journalism degree but was forced to change my career to sales due to cash flow problems,(single mom). My brother and nephew both are reporters, one a conservative and the younger a liberal......I fear both will soon find themselves out of a job. The sad part is many ,like me, read portions of newspapers online and will sorely miss it when they collapse. Hopefully others will rise to take their place and learn that fairness and honesty in rpeorting is the most lucrative way to go.