national restaurant association
National Restaurant Association
Summary (posts follow):
A group that supports comprehensive immigration reform and that has worked against immigration enforcement. Not coincidentally, many restaurant employees are illegal aliens. From the last link:
"We value the work done by our employees, documented or not," said John Gay, the group's chief of government affairs and public policy in Washington.
"It's not like they broke into the bank to rob it," said Gay. "They broke into the bank to sweep the floor."
Last modified Jun 21, 2009
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Herman Cain scandal revealed: corruption and incompetence (Politico, Tea Parties) - 11/01/11
In this post I'll reveal the dirty little secrets of the Herman Cain scandal. As you might have heard, that presidential candidate is accused of some form of sexual harassment of colleagues at one of his past jobs, and the latest news is that one of the alleged victims wants to step forward and tell her side of the story (link).
Napolitano immigration meeting: you weren't represented (vast # of loose borders groups, Obama/Janet anti-287g) - 08/20/09
Earlier today, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security held a closed-door meeting with a group of what she calls "stakeholders" ( but was actually a vast pantheon (see below) of far-left, racial power, corrupt business, and in general loose borders groups all of which want some form of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. There were at least 98 participants in the meeting, and none of them represent your interests or the interests of the great majority of American citizens. Why exactly they'd hold the meeting isn't clear;...
Non-barking dog: John McCain doesn't mention immigration at National Restaurant Association show - 05/19/08
The dog didn't bark during the daytime, as John McCain attended a National Restaurant Association show in Chicago earlier today and didn't mention immigration. Maybe he's learned his lesson! Just kidding.
The text of his remarks is at for those who care.
Bush admin scam: Social Security "no match" letters will have little effect ("tough" new DHS policy) - 08/17/07
This has to be read in its entirety to be believed. The Bush administration can't even keep a scam going for a few days.
Days after unveiling a major crackdown on businesses that hire illegal immigrants, the Bush administration is now quietly admitting that its most heavily touted weapon in pursuing employers will be virtually useless.
...But Homeland Security officials acknowledged this week that because of a privacy provision in the IRS code, immigration officials will actually have no way of knowing which employers have received "no-match" letters, which have complied and which have not...
White House listening to pork producers, La Raza, Mexico-linked NALEO, NRA... just not you - 06/21/07
The White House offers a PDF entitled "What They're Saying: Border Security And Immigration Reform Agreement" and subtitled 'Business And Agriculture Groups Say "It Is Critical That The Process Moves Forward"' (PDF) [1]. It's just a collection of quotes from press releases from those few groups that support the Bush/Senate massive illegal immigration amnesty, and it contains no accompaning text other than the titles.
As simply a collection of quotes, it's not that shocking. However, it's interesting that these are the special interest groups that the White House chooses to use to bolster...
Mike Madden/Gannett News, and the Amnesty All Stars - 12/31/06
Mike Madden of Gannett News/USA Today offers "Advocates hope new Congress will act on immigration reform", the latest in a long line of similar articles (Tim Gaynor/Reuters: "Democrats' win spurs hope of immigration revamp", the NYT editorial "Signs of Hope on Immigration", Boston Herald wants to "resolve immigration reform", etc.) Certainly, the views of the other side are to a certain extent worth listening to, but one wonders whether six opponents of amnesty have been featured in their own article.
Madden informs us that "[m]illions of immigrants marched from coast to coast demanding new...
Larry Craig to lead "Secure Our Borders and Our Economy" rally - 09/11/06
Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) and friends will be holding a "rally" on Capitol Hill on Wednesday and demanding "comprehensive" immigration "reform". From their press release:
A group of lawmakers, business leaders and agriculture producers will gather on Capitol Hill to demand Border Security be paired with Immigration Reform.
National Restaurant Association wants DHS to finesse 'no-match' letters - 08/17/06
From a press release:
The National Restaurant Association this week sent a letter to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Bush touts "guest" workers at National Restaurant Association meeting - 05/22/06
Earlier today, president Bush spoke at the National Restaurant Association meeting in Chicago. In addition to discussing Iraq, he also apparently - yet again - promoted his "guest" worker scheme.
The restaurant industry makes heavy use of "immigrant" workers, the (other) NRA has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to politicians, and most of our politicians refuse to make sure that our immigration laws are enforced.
Waving Mexican flags on America's Independence Mall - 02/15/06
Independence Mall in Philadelphia - home of the Liberty Bell and of Independence Hall - was home to quite a spectacle yesterday as 1000 illegal aliens and their supporters marched against HR4437.
Some Philadelphia illegal aliens threaten to strike restaurants that illegally employ them - 02/14/06
Illegal aliens working in Philly restaurants are being asked to stay home today. The goal is to show the power of Mexican citizens illegally living inside our country and show opposition to HR4437.
Let's hope it works. It could even work doubly good if they don't show up, are fired, and then are able to sue.
National Restaurant Association and illegal immigration - 02/14/06
The National Restaurant Association is a very large trade group for restaurant owners, and they as much as admit that some of their members are employing illegal aliens. And, as "Illegal immigrants: 'Dirty little secret' of restaurant world" makes clear, many restaurants know that they are engaging in illegally activity.
Coalition vows to defeat harsh immigration bill [HR 4437] - 01/20/06
From this:
A U.S. coalition of business, labor unions and religious groups launched a campaign on Thursday to defeat a bill backed by Republicans that would turn some 11 million illegal immigrants into felons.
The coalition of 24 organizations, many of which rarely agree on politics or economics, denounced the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month and called on the Senate to enact legislation to include a guest worker program and a path for illegal aliens to gain legal status.
..."We are extremely disappointed with the proposal that passed the House last month," said...
Big Business Balks at Bush Propaganda Plan - 08/29/05
President Bush has created the Orwellian-named "Americans for Border and Economic Security" to push for his massive guest worker amnesty scheme. Now, Bloomberg reports, Big Business is balking at the plan:
..."There is a reluctance to sign up for something that might turn out not to be the type of immigration reform bill we want to see," said John Gay [1], who runs a coalition in support of guest-worker programs that includes the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, First Data Corp. and Marriott International Inc.
Republican lobbyists including Ed Gillespie, the party's former national chairman, and...
Tamar Jacoby on the Kennedy-McCain mass amnesty - 05/14/05
Tamar Jacoby has issued the following statement:
We the undersigned applaud the introduction today of Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act... [etc. etc...]
The signatories include:
Lee Culpepper (last mentioned here; works for the National Restaurant Association and is Chairman of the National Immigration Forum)
Jack Kemp
Grover Norquist
Rick Swartz:
And then there's the National Immigration Forum, the umbrella organization for high-immigration political advocacy, which works closely with sympathetic Republicans. But NIF is not like the conventional lobbying coalitions that...
McCain, Kennedy introduce Open Borders, Open Wallets bill - 05/12/05
Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy have introduced the "Open Borders, Open Wallets" bill, informally known as the "2005 Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act".
Do I really need to provide details, aren't the involvement of those two senators enough?
Anyway, their cohorts are Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Jim Kolbe (R-AZ). This is a massive amnesty program that could lead to not only transforming the 10 to 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S.
Has the Springfield Republican been radicalized? - 02/27/05
You've probably never heard of the Springfield (Mass.) Republican newspaper, but the article "Hispanics get call to political action" from Natalia Munoz seems of interest:
...A far-reaching campaign to stir political action by [Western Mass.] immigrants with and without legal papers was ignited yesterday with a talk by representatives from the Cambridge-based Centro Presente, which works with the Central American community in the state.
"There is an anti-immigrant environment here," said executive director Marรญa Elena Letona. "The hypocrisy of this country is that it denies immigrants rights...
"Mi Casa Es Su Casa? Get Real" - 12/30/04
[...Describes an anti-illegal immigration group in Utah...] GOP activists such as Sears spell trouble for George W. Bush. As the President woos Hispanic voters with Cabinet appointments, political appeals, and immigrant-friendly policies, a rebellion is bubbling up through his party's ranks. The reason: The influx of illegals is hitting such solidly red states as Arizona and Utah particularly hard. "The problem seems to get more attention during times of fiscal distress for the states," says Jeffrey S. Passel, who studies immigration at the Urban Institute in Washington.