NCLR, SEIU, LULAC, NALEO flex their racial power and threaten Congress in new amnesty push
When is ethnic nationalism and a completely race-based attitude to everything OK? When is the raw pursuit of racial power OK? When is it OK to make borderline threats against Members of Congress? When Hispanics do it, of course.
From "Latino Groups Warn Congress to Fix Immigration, or Else" by Julia Preston of the New York Times ( ):
The nation’s largest Latino organizations warned Congress on Wednesday that they will keep a report card during the immigration debate next year, with plans to mobilize their voters against lawmakers who do not support a comprehensive immigration bill.
At a news conference here, seven Latino groups and one labor union were showing their muscle, after the record turnout of Hispanic voters in the November elections played a pivotal role in President Obama’s re-election victory.
Janet Murguía, the president of N.C.L.R., also known as the National Council of La Raza, said the election had been a “game-changer” that conclusively “made the political case for a bipartisan solution” on immigration.
“We have worked to build our power and now we intend to use it,” Ms. Murguía said. “The bottom line,” she said, “is that Latino voters went to the polls with the economy on their minds but with immigration reform in their hearts.”
...“Make no mistake, we will be watching,” said Eliseo Medina, international secretary-treasurer of the Service Employees International Union, which led one of the most extensive Latino voter drives. The report card will show “who stood with us and who stood against us” on immigration reform, Mr. Medina said...
...“We realized that people were attacking us personally,” said Maria Teresa Kumar, president of Voto Latino, a voter mobilization group. The Latino groups will focus on lawmakers in states and districts where their voters can make a difference. For those who do not support reform, Ms. Kumar said, “in 2014 it may not look pretty for them.”
...“We can no longer see enforcement-only policies moving through Congress,” said Chris Espinosa, national advocacy director for the Hispanic Federation. “We have secured our borders, now it’s time to get to other elements of immigration reform.”
...“Failure is not an option,” Mr. Medina said. “Comprehensive immigration reform is going to happen. Whether it will be over the political bodies of some of the current members of Congress,” he said, “only they can decide.”
The groups marching in unison were:
* National Council of La Raza (see also Janet Murguia)
* Service Employees International Union (see also Eliseo Medina)
* League of United Latin American Citizens
* National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)
* Hispanic Federation
* Voto Latino
* Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)
* Mi Familia Vota
See the first four above for extensive coverage of their past, frequently questionable statements and actions.
One specific thing you can do about this is to ask GOP leaders who support amnesty why they want to give people like Murguia or Medina even more race-based power. Suggest they put the U.S. ahead of any money they're being paid or benefits they hope to receive from supporting amnesty.