Mesenbourg of Census pledges to count every illegal alien (NCLR, LULAC,NALEO, congressional apportionment)
From this:
The acting director of the U.S. Census Bureau, Thomas Mesenbourg, told that the bureau intends to work with community organizations to make sure every illegal alien in the United States is counted in the 2010 Census...
Mesenbourg's comments were made after a press conference on Wednesday where Commerce Secretary Gary Locke joined several interest groups, including Univision, the National Council of La Raza, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) to talk about efforts to ensure a full count of Latinos in the 2010 Census.
If you're sitting down, here's some of what Mesenburg said:
"Our job is to count everyone that resides in the U.S.--count them once. So, certainly that’s our goal to count every individual, every resident whether they’re documented, undocumented, whether they are citizens or non-citizens... The local communities are going to have a strong partnership program in each of the local communities, and we’re going to focus on the hard to count geographic areas. That typically has been areas with high numbers of undocumented workers but it’s much more diverse than that... So, what we’ll do is we’ll have Census Bureau folks out in those neighborhoods recruiting community organizations, faith-based organizations, and local media to get that message out that it’s safe, it’s easy, and it’s important to file your 2010 Census form... It’s more than just the Census Bureau telling them that it’s safe... We need somebody that they view as a trusted voice--somebody from that community, whether perhaps the local pastor or somebody in a community organization that can assure them that it’s safe."
Video at the link, and as detailed there, the census affects congressional apportionment; that translates into illegal aliens - i.e., citizens of other countries and mostly Mexico - in effect having polical power inside the U.S. Back in 2005 there was a proposal to block illegal aliens counting towards districting, but that issue seems to have dropped off the radar except in the occasional news report.
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Sun, 05/24/2009 - 04:28
HS 18237 2009-05-24T06:28:25-05:00
Its nice to see our Government making sure it's "safe" for illegals to be counted. Our Government should instead be making sure it's "safe" for us to live in our own Country! With treason like this, it's enough to make someone a radical right winger. I estimate there are between 35-40 million illegals in the USA. And 15 million in CA alone. Close to 50 million counting the anchors. Now go have a nice day
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 05/24/2009 - 18:21
HS 18238 2009-05-24T20:21:31-05:00
Its all about making mexico here and making you the political and race enemies of the third world. what is the point in being faithful to a disloyal country/government? one word Fear! and why do you have fear..many words; called money, home, life of PC And many others BS Words. just stop and think, no don't do that many of you would drop dead if you see the light of really. the Government is your enemy but you still think of it as your friend how sad!