league of united latin american citizens

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC): Page 3

See the summary for this topic on the main League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) page.

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Will James Webb oppose illegal immigration? - 10/28/06

The sometimes-credible Weekly Standard offers "Tangled Webb", discussing how Democratic senatorial candidate Jim Webb (running against incumbent Republican George Allen) is a bit more conservative than one might think from the "D" beside his name. It ends with this: ...Webb's right-wing populism and the liberalism of today's Democratic party make for an abrasive fit, and hints of it showed the other morning at Cecilia's, a Latin restaurant on Columbia Pike, in Arlington.

Hispanic voter suppression letter: evidence, Arnold, hacks - 10/17/06

[UPDATE in Hispanic voter suppression letter: from a Republican???] This is a follow-up to the story of Hispanics in Orange County having received a supposed voter suppression letter. In this post I'm going to: present evidence that the letter was sent by an illegal immigration supporter... discuss how Arnold Schwarzenegger has been politically emasculated and how his handlers don't have the U.S.'s best interests at h

Farmers Branch: will Hector Flores violate fair housing laws? - 08/28/06

Farmers Branch is a Dallas suburb that's been considering enacting a Hazelton-style ordinance designed to reduce the number of illegal immigrants moving to their city. Needless to say, various local groups including "Hector Flores, immediate past national president of the League of Latin American Citizens" are playing not just the race card but going further, saying that "the suggestions are an attempt to rid the city of all Hispanics". Ironically but

Mike Huckabee: opposition to "comprehensive" immigration reform isn't racist - 08/25/06

In May, Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee spoke to reporters in Washington D.C. Hotline was there: Huckabee, who supports guest worker programs and is not an immigration hard-liner, said he believes opposition to comprehensive immigration reform is 'irrational in many cases.' And he did not discount the causative factor of racism. "If I were to say that some of it is driven by just sheer racism, I think I would be telling you the truth.

Illegal aliens caught in LULAC van - 07/21/06

Apparently LULAC ("League of United Latin American Citizens") or one of its chapters operates some kind of van or bus service in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. Border Patrol agents saw a man acting suspiciously, and he and two friends got on one of the buses.

Chicago Democrat wants Cook County to commit crimes - 07/12/06

Cook County Commissioner Roberto Maldonado wants the county to hire illegal alien health workers: The idea is clearly illegal, immigration experts agree, but Maldonado said he will introduce the plan Wednesday to highlight the shortage of bilingual health providers at county facilities. This highlights that a large segment of Hispanic elected officials are simply racial partisans who have no real interest in doing what's in the best interests of this

USA Today: "Who supports illegal immigration?" - 05/30/06

As a follow-up to their critically acclaimed article "Nation splits 4 ways on illegals", USA Today will soon come out with an article called "Pro-illegal immigration groups split 7 ways". In the original story their "analysis" divided the nation into four groups: "hard-liners", "unconcerned", "ambivalent", and "welcoming". Only "hard-liners" want to enforce our laws.

May Day illegal immigration march/boycott: the supporters - 04/28/06

Who supports the May 1 illegal immigration boycott and/or the marches on that day? Let's keep track of them in this post. The Democrats in the California state senate support both the march and the boycott. UPDATES --5/2/06:

Dallas school board wants to hire illegal aliens; LULAC connection - 02/07/06

Dallas Independent School District trustee Joe May wants to hire bilingual teachers who are here illegally.

Dave Montgomery of KRT on Rob Allyn, Mexico's propagandist - 01/28/06

Knight-Ridder's Dave Montgomery offers a very standard sketch of Rob Allyn, the Dallas PR consultant who's been hired to spread Mexican propaganda in the U.S.: "Mexico hires public relations firm to improve its image in U.S." There is absolutely nothing new about Allyn in this article, but if you aren't familiar with his story check it out.

Who ordered the release of dozens of League City day laborers? (Julie Myers?) - 01/20/06

Did the new head of ICE, Julie Myers, order the release of 72 day laborers - all or most illegal aliens - who were picked up by immigration agents?

Coalition vows to defeat harsh immigration bill [HR 4437] - 01/20/06

From this: A U.S. coalition of business, labor unions and religious groups launched a campaign on Thursday to defeat a bill backed by Republicans that would turn some 11 million illegal immigrants into felons. The coalition of 24 organizations, many of which rarely agree on politics or economics, denounced the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month and called on the Senate to enact legislation to include a guest worker program and a path for illegal aliens to gain legal status. ..."We are extremely disappointed with the proposal that passed the House last month," said...

LULAC discredits self again with embarassing website - 01/15/06

The League of United Latin American Citizens opened a web site in December called weareracist.com. Their idea was to fight back against various Minuteman groups that put up pictures of alleged illegal aliens and the contractors who employed them. Now, they've taken it down.

LULAC gets unaccustomed questioning - 01/14/06

I don't know how many times I've seen articles from the "so-called" "liberal" media featuring unopposed quotes from the League of United Latin American Citizens, MALDEF, NCLR, and similar racial power groups. The "reporters" become even more transcriptionists than usual when dealing with these groups, and I don't think I've ever seen a reporter call them on their obvious lies.

Denton County [Texas] Democratic Party supports illegal immigration - 01/09/06

As a whole, the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration. The various chapters of that organization do as well. For the specific case of the Denton County Democratic Party, they attended the "National Day of Protest" against illegal immigration...

Ruben Navarrette Jr. defends his friend, Rob Allyn - 01/04/06

I'm not surprised to learn that San Diego Union-Tribune columnist Ruben Navarrette Jr. is a friend of Rob Allyn, the Dallas PR consultant who's been hired to spread Mexican propaganda in the U.S. ...Mexican President Vicente Fox tapped my friend, Dallas-based political consultant Rob Allyn, to be Mexico's goodwill ambassador...

Costa Mesa passes local immigration enforcement law; "liberals" protest - 01/04/06

Last month, Costa Mesa, in California's Orange County, passed a resolution allowing their police to help enforce federal immigration laws. The resolution appears to only cover those arrested for other crimes. And, it only passed 3 to 2. Those who voted for it were Mayor Allan Mansoor and council members Eric Bever and Gary Monahan. Voting against it were council members Linda W. Dixon and Katrina Foley.

LULAC criticizes Mexico's pro-illegal immigration propaganda - 12/28/05

The League of United Latin American Citizens is complaining about Mexico's choice of Rob Allyn to promote their country. To show you just where their loyalties lie, this is their complaint: Hector Flores, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, said he understands that Mr. Allyn goes to work for whoever pays him. "That's the American way," Mr.

Urgent action needed: strengthen HR 4437 - 12/15/05

Rep. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) has proposed H.R. 4437, aka the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005". It contains some strong provisions against illegal immigration and a (probably deliberately) weak provision or two. The last might indicate that this bill is actually a trojan horse designed to make massive illegal immigration legal and help pave the way for a guest worker scheme.

Huntington speech protested; "Mexican rights"; a different kind of assimilation - 10/11/05

Harvard professor Samuel Huntington spoke at Texas A&M yesterday as part of their Distinguished Lecture Series. Two hundred or so protesters were outside telling him to go home. ...But the current wave of immigration, which has been going on since 1965 and has been dominated by Mexican immigrants, has been different, Huntington contended.

Illegal aliens doing the jobs American hurricane victims could do - 09/09/05

From the AP propaganda piece "Illegal immigrants afraid to get storm aid" (link):

Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee and the "underground economy" - 08/29/05

Arkansas' "compassionate conservative" governor, Republican Mike Huckabee, paid a visit to New Hampshire over the weekend. The details are in "Arkansas governor talks politics, immigrants at GOP gathering". In the original version, the following two paragraphs have several paragraphs between them. But, when excerpted they are quite striking:

Houston Chronicle's Eric Hanson needs legal experts - 08/20/05

The article "LULAC members dispute DeLay's immigration stance" contains what you'd expect: the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) supporting illegal immigration and playing the race card to do it. After all, race is more important than being a law-abiding American Citizen, no? It includes this: "Mexicans, Central Americans and South Americans are not bombing anything strategic in America.

Bush, Big Business to join forces, oppose wishes of American public - 07/24/05

The L.A. Times has a two-pager on Bush's latest attempt to open the borders: "Immigration Rising on Bush's To-Do List". He's created a coalition called "Americans for Border and Economic Security" headed up by U.S. Reps. Cal Dooley (D-Hanford) and Dick Armey (R-Texas): The effort is designed to help Bush take control of an increasingly contentious debate that has threatened to split the Republican Party and undermine its outreach to Latino voters... A guest-worker program is favored by many Latinos and by businesses, many of them major GOP donors that depend on a steady flow of workers...

The logical approach to anti-American MSM smear jobs - 07/24/05

There has to be a (literally) logical, mathematical way to look at smear jobs by the MSM. Noam Chomsky probably has a way, but, would he help? Probably not. Thus, it falls to we amateurs to find a way. Let's look at this article: name: "Hundreds Protest N.M. Border Patrol Group" source: AP author: ALICIA A.

Arkansas' Huckabee, Tyson Foods, LULAC all aligned - 07/01/05

Arkansas' governor Mike Huckabee recently spoke before the League of United Latin American Citizens convention in Little Rock. His remarks could be best characterized as far-left, pro-open borders, pro-cheap labor, churchy pap (link):

"Texas has been conquered by Hispanics" - 06/22/05

The titular quote is from Rev. Julio Barquero, the Arkansas state chaplain of LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens). The quote is taken from the article "Border state", and here it is in context: "Little Rock is the border between Mexico and the U.S.," said the Rev.

Blacks, Hispanics to join, fight against other groups - 03/01/05

The Houston Chronicle's "Minority groups 'fighting as one': NAACP, LULAC align in symbiotic, and sometimes strained, pursuit of common goals" has all the details: ...The groups took the idea further on Monday in Austin, when LULAC state director Roger Rocha and Texas NAACP President Gary Bledsoe stood side by side on the steps of the Capitol during a rally with

"'Save Our License' may face state probe" - 02/16/05

Emphasis on the "may." From the DailyNews: The Secretary of State's Political Reform Division has ordered Save Our License, a group opposed to driver's licenses for illegal immigrants, to refile all its committee documents and submit all its campaign finance data. Meanwhile, a group representing Latino and church groups across the nation this week filed a formal complaint with the state Fair Political Practices Commission, saying Save Our License willfully violated campaign finance laws...

Bush's Open-Borders nominees - 01/17/05

Michelle Malkin discusses recent nominees Gonzales and Johanns. I was considering writing something similar based on the comments I left on this thread (redstate.org/story/2005/1/15/94511/6703): From the Border Patrol union: White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, President Bush's nominee for attorney general, got the backing of a group that promotes driver's licenses for illegal aliens, no immigr

Hillary's stealth issue for '08 - 11/26/04

[Cross-posted to the Command Post and redstate.org/story/2004/11/26/163449/72] NewsMax offers a roundup of Hillary being to the "right" of Bush on immigration matters: "Hillary Eyeing Immigration as Top 2008 Issue". There's no outright statement from her saying if she ran she'd make it a key part of her campaign, but some of the things she's said might make people think she's got that in mind.

"Aliens program costs Bush" - 08/03/04

The WashTimes reports on conservatives who won't be voting for Bush this time: Like a small but significant cluster of lifelong Republicans, the Tucson, Ariz., resident plans to make a statement by breaking with the Republican Party this year. The reason: He's furious over President Bush's proposal to grant resident status to illegal immigrants, known by critics as his amnesty program... Not that Mr.

Kerry, Edwards doublethink immigration - 07/10/04

From "Kerry promises Hispanics immigration plan": John Kerry promised Hispanics on Saturday that he would send Congress an immigration overhaul plan to make it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens. "Today, our immigration system is broken," [courtesy Ted Kennedy and others --LW] [he told] the League of United Latin American Citizens.

Bush rebuffed by "Latinos" - 07/09/04

President Bush hasn't learned: President Bush made a pitch for his proposed temporary worker program before the nation's largest Hispanic rights group on Thursday. Bush, via satellite, addressed the League of United Latin American Citizens convention in San Antonio. Bush proposed allowing legal and illegal immigrants to work in the United States under renewable three-year permits...

"Activist accused of smuggling 2 into U.S." - 04/20/04

Stifle your schadenfreude: A high-profile Latina activist upset over a series of deportations involving young, undocumented Phoenix residents was caught Thursday trying to smuggle two of them back into the United States from Mexico in the trunk of her car, officials said. Ana Lizabeth Roman de Harvey, 40, of Phoenix, was charged Friday with felony alien smuggling and a misdemeanor charge of conspiracy to make illegal entry... She faces up to five years in prison and a $250,0

Miami Herald "endorses indentured servitude" - 03/22/04

That's what the Stein Report says regarding the Miami Herald's editorial supporting the AgJobs bill ('A win-win for growers, farmworkers, America'). That bill would provide an amnesty for half a million illegal aliens. As history shows, amnesties simply lead to more illegal immigration. One amnesty leads to more illegal immigration, which requires another amnesty, which leads to more illegal immigration, repeat. As for the claim that the editorial supports indentured servitude, judge for yourself: ...AgJobs sets up a process by which illegal immigrants already working in agriculture could...

Raise your hand if you voted for Paul Craig Roberts - 01/29/03

Eugene Volokh has another discussion of a Paul Craig Roberts article here.
