Denton County [Texas] Democratic Party supports illegal immigration
As a whole, the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration. The various chapters of that organization do as well.
For the specific case of the Denton County Democratic Party, they attended the "National Day of Protest" against illegal immigration... on the other side:
The three dozen people opposing the Minutemen's protest Saturday included members of the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Denton County Democratic Party, North Texas for Justice and Peace, Anti-Racist Action and Peace Action Denton.
Previously we had news of the San Diego and Hidalgo County (Texas) chapters of that Party having links to extremists.
LULAC was also mentioned in Costa Mesa passes local immigration enforcement law; "liberals" protest.
Until they decide to get smart and support America, remember: the Democratic Party supports illegal immigration.
darraugh (not verified)
Mon, 01/09/2006 - 06:50
Correct that to l7 million service jobs going
offshore because of CAFTA. Although how many
million jobs went offshore because of clinton/gore NAFTA and bush/chaney outsourcing.
darraugh (not verified)
Mon, 01/09/2006 - 06:45
If McCain's and Kennedy's senate proposal for
citizenship for illegal aliens comes about the
US will be the best military of the third world
countries. US companies will lower wages and
Ameiricans will have to quit. Then US companies
will say Americans don't want jobs and hire illegal aliens for low or lower wages. Instead of
US companies paying $1 an hour in Mexico or $1
a day in China they will be paying those wages
to Americans and illegal aliens right here in
US. And with those low wages there will be no Social Security.
As far as McCain saying Amereicans not want those
jobs the people who had their good paying jobs
stolen offshore will take two or three of them.
Not to mention on TV said l7 million service jobs
going offshore because of NAFTA.
clinton/gore/bush/chaney all melt into one like
they were planned in some back room.