leadership conference on civil rights
leadership conference on civil rights: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
What "Young Invincibles" dare not tell you (youth joblessness, Campaign for Young America, Rory O’Sullivan, Alistair Johnston) - 07/10/12
It's an indisputable fact that hundreds of thousands or millions of illegal aliens are doing jobs that unemployed young people could be doing.
So, it's a bit curious that a new report on youth joblessness by the "Young Invincibles" (part of the left-leaning Campaign for Young Americans, "CYA") doesn't mention that. We're talking about hundreds of thousands or millions of potential jobs, yet there's only one brief mention of immigration in their report.
Wade Henderson, UAW, SPLC join to harm Alabama over immigration law (LCCHR, Cindy Estrada, Mary Bauer) - 06/01/12
Yesterday, two self-styled civil rights groups and a union held a conference call to announce actions they'll be taking against Alabama's new immigration law (HB 56).
Their actions will include "escalating pressure on top companies operating in Alabama" and taking actions "through international tribunals" [1].
Dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups were invited to Obama's mini-amnesty rollout and you weren't - 08/25/11
On August 18, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security announced an administrative amnesty that could cover 300,000 or more illegal aliens.
NCLR, LULAC, SEIU, UFCW, etc. launch boycott of Arizona over immigration law (+Al Sharpton) - 05/06/10
A whole host of far-left illegal immigration profiteers today launched an organized boycott of Arizona over that state's new immigration law (nclr.org/content/news/detail/63211). See the last link for our extensive coverage of that law, and see each of the following links for our coverage of the groups. Those participating include:
"Health Equity for All": racial power groups push healthcare reform ("new majority") - 10/05/09
A group of far-left organizations have created "Health Equity for All" (healthequityforall.org) to push for "universal health care reform". And, they're doing it from an explicitly race-based standpoint and being quite explicit about their attempts to gain race-based power.
George Soros gives $5 million to push Obamacare (HCAN, NCLR, ACORN, SEIU, etc...) - 08/11/09
George Soros has contributed $5 million to the group Health Care For America Now (healthcareforamericanow.org) so that they can push Obamacare. That's dwarfed by the $35 million he's giving to help/"help" children in New York (in partnership with the federal government, [1]). As discussed here, HCAN is considered a bit on the wimpy side by the far-left, such as Jane Hamsher. That's despite HCAN including some true "liberal" stalwarts. Their steering committee includes the following:
* American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
* Campaign for...
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights supports illegal immigration, misleads about hate crimes (SPLC, MALDEF, ADL, NCLR, NHMC...) - 06/19/09
The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights has released a new report called "Confronting the New Faces of Hate: Hate Crimes in America 2009" [1]. It's the latest salvo in the attempt by several far-left groups to support massive illegal immigration and to silence their critics. They name-check several of those groups, but their exact involvement in the report isn't clear; the mentions might just be boilerplate.
For just one example of how the LCCR is attempting to mislead, see the attached picture. The ominous-looking graph on the top (from the LCCR) shows anti-Hispanic hate crimes from 2003...
NCLR conducting "National Call-In for Immigration Reform" April 27 to May 1 - 04/23/09
The National Council of La Raza is conducting "Reflection and Action: A National Call-In for Immigration Reform" (nclr.org/content/news/detail/56918):
From house call-in parties to community center and church gatherings, the goal is for participants to come together between April 27 and May 1 to reflect on immigration reform and call their members of Congress to continue the push for immigration reform. The video America’s Immigration Legacy offers reflection to advocates participating in call-ins... ..."We are part of the steady drumbeat of support for workable immigration reform, and we can...
Stimulus: Leadership Conference on Civil Rights may get up to $90 million - 02/04/09
Under the Senate version of the stimulus plan, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights may get up to $90 million for helping with the switch from analog to digital television.
From page 38 at http://readthestimulus.org/index.php?doc=s336_012709&page=38 (S.336 (S.1) Senate Democrats Bill Text 1/27):
"Legal Immigrant Children's Health Improvement Act" (Lincoln Diaz-Balart, NCLR, SCHIP) - 01/19/09
Rep. Lincoln Diaz Balart has introduced "Legal Immigrant Children's Health Improvement Act of 2009" ("LICHIA", HR319, H.R.319, link) which would add coverage for immigrant children and pregnant women to the SCHIP bill. Legal immigrants aren't able to obtain those benefits for five years.
We Can Stop The Hate: Mexico-linked groups try silencing opponents of illegal immigration - 01/31/08
The extremist-funding National Council of La Raza has started a new effort called We Can Stop The Hate (wecanstopthehate.org) which is attempting to silence those who support our immigration laws by highlighting what they call examples of "hate". Three of their cohorts in the effort have at least indirect links to the Mexican government. Note that that government has explicitly stated that they're going to be using U.S.
Karl Rove's pro-illegal immigration extended network - 07/15/06
Let's take a look at Karl Rove's new friends, the National Council of The Race ("La Raza") and who they're working with.
The group Defend Colorado New tried to pass Proposition 55 (similar to Arizona's Prop. 200 or CA's Prop. 187), but in June they were thwarted by a possibily activist CO Supreme Court.
On the other side is the deceptively-named Keep Colorado Safe. Their front people include former Denver mayor Federico Pena and former monkey-shiner Gary Hart. However, as discussed here, most of KCS's money is coming from... inside the Beltway.
The most generous supporter is the Service...
More pro-illegal immigration propaganda from the Washington Post - 03/22/06
Darryl Fears of the WaPo offers "Immigration Debate Heats Up":
Pro-immigrant activists are planning an April 10 protest in 10 cities that could pull tens of thousands of immigrant workers from their jobs. A coalition of groups including the AFL CIO, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Catholic bishops, the Day Without an Immigrant coalition in Philadelphia and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will meet today on Capitol Hill to announce their plans.
Given the news that millions of citizens of other countries have entered our country illegally and are now marching to be given rights...