More pro-illegal immigration propaganda from the Washington Post

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Darryl Fears of the WaPo offers "Immigration Debate Heats Up":

Pro-immigrant activists are planning an April 10 protest in 10 cities that could pull tens of thousands of immigrant workers from their jobs. A coalition of groups including the AFL CIO, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Catholic bishops, the Day Without an Immigrant coalition in Philadelphia and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will meet today on Capitol Hill to announce their plans.

Given the news that millions of citizens of other countries have entered our country illegally and are now marching to be given rights to which they aren't entitled, some might hope that some reporter somewhere would look into that side of things.

Of course, since this is from the Washington Post, they don't do that. Instead, the article is mostly pro-illegal immigration propaganda. It draws a contrast between the "unsympathetic" Minuteman and a large number of sympathetic, poor, frightened illegal aliens.

The side of things the WaPo won't discuss was offered in "Mexicans demand rights in U.S. What happens if we refuse?"

Please contact your representatives and urge them not to capitulate to those demands.