john mccain
john mccain: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Juan Hernandez: McCain wishes he could have pushed my agenda (and, Ruben Navarrette is soft on divided loyalties) - 12/07/08
Ruben Navarrette writes about John McCain's Hispanic outreach director Juan Hernandez, a dual citizen (U.S.-Mexico) with clearly divided loyalties who's a former cabinet-level official with the Mexican government. In Navarrette's creative re-telling of McCain's loss (link), he could have won if McCain's advisors had only let him be himself. I.e., by supporting Hernandez' agenda.
"I remember a conference call with GOP leaders from Nevada, after McCain had become the nominee," Hernandez told me recently. "I heard them telling McCain on the conference call, 'Well, we still need some reassurance...
The Non-Partisan Case Against Barack Obama - 10/29/08
You don't have to be a conservative or a Republican to be opposed to Barack Obama. Here are some of the reasons that almost anyone should oppose him:
Great: Sarah Palin immigration stance magically same as McCain's - 10/22/08
Sarah Palin was recently interviewed by Jorge Ramos of Univision [1], and she repeatedly asked him why he - a citizen of Mexico who has no interest in becoming a U.S. citizen - keeps interfering in our internal politics. She repeatedly asked him why he was allowed to take up valuable time during a CNN debate where he wasn't even identified as a foreign citizen.
Unfortunately, I'm kidding.
John McCain/Barack Obama townhall debate live coverage (10/7/08) - 10/07/08
Live coverage of the John McCain/Barack Obama town hall "debate" - concomitant with me weeping for those who want to turn our political system into something closely approximating the Soviet Union - begins now. The questions I've seen so far are simply allowing them to replay their stock speeches.
You bet BHO supports nuclear energy. His contributors depend on it.
CNN "fact check" misleads about John McCain comprehensive immigration reform stance - 09/24/08
Dear CNN:
Sorry to shout, but I see that your "Fact Check: Is Obama ad right on McCain's immigration stance?" (link) continues the same lie that several of Barack Obama's other minions have tried to promulgate.
Barack Obama Spanish-language ad continues misleading about McCain economy "strong" comment - 09/23/08
Two new related Spanish-language ads from the Barack Obama campaign - unlike their previous effort - don't appear at first glance to contain outright lies in the misstatement of a fact sense. However, they do continue the proud BHO tradition of taking someone's words out of context.
John McCain promotes illegal alien amnesty to Irish group; Irish government link; no Barletta - 09/22/08
Speaking at the Irish-American Presidential Forum earlier today in Scranton PA, John McCain promoted giving an amnesty to not just the supposed 50,000 Irish illegal aliens in the U.S., but others as well. The video is below, and per this he said:
"[There are] 50,000 Irish men and women in this country illegally who want to become citizens... we have to give them a path to citizenship... [My previous support for McCain-Kennedy] didn't make me the most popular member of my own party and it almost cost me the nomination of my party... To preserve that fragile coalition, I had to sometime take...
Jonathan Martin/Politico: please try real reporting for a change ("Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry") - 09/16/08
Jonathan Martin of the Politico is a sickening hack who's a complete failure as a reporter. His latest "scoop" is falsely titled "Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry" (link).
If only Ron Paul supporters had a brain (Adam Kokesh stunt at John McCain speech) - 09/05/08
During his GOP convention speech, John McCain was interrupted by a protester named Adam Kokesh, someone who's a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, a Ron Paul supporter, and a future Bob Barr voter. Kokesh held up a sign (per this interview with him) reading "McCain Votes Against Vets" and yelled "Ask him why he votes against vets!"
Obama favored over McCain at NCLR meet, PWW reports (Fairness Doctrine) - 07/15/08
Comrade Rosalio Munoz from People's Weekly World reports from the National Council of La Raza convention where John McCain and Barack Obama spoke:
"Incredibly, McCain did not even address the issues of the war in Iraq or his policy on health care. On immigration it was more of the same: secure the borders and no stop to the raids," said Angela Sambrano, an NCLR board member and director of the National Alliance of Latin-American and Caribbean Communities.
...Irene Godinez, 26, of Raleigh, N.C., who leads statewide public policy advocacy for the organization El Pueblo, said she thought "...
Obama, McCain, Clinton at LULAC convention (illegal immigration supporters; reconquista quote) - 07/07/08
Barack Obama, John McCain, and even Hillary Clinton will all be speaking at this year's convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), an illegal immigration-supporting group that was once patriotic but has since been radicalized. As shown by the attendees discussed below, the convention will be a nexus of those who do not support what's in the best interests of the U.S. For example, here's a 2007 quote from their national treasurer Jaime Martinez, who'll also be appearing at one of their workshops:
Jake Tapper "news" is two months old; ABC News deletes comment pointing that out - 06/11/08
For an unknown reason, on June 10, 2008 Jake Tapper of ABC News posted an entry entitled "Dragged Kicking and Screaming, Tancredo Will Pull Lever for McCain". The reader might remember that from a couple months ago, yet Tapper posted it like it happened just recently and with no acknowledgement that it was old news (link). The Tancredo quote referencing Hillary Clinton as a contender should have been a clue, but I guess Tapper needs all the help he can get. Note also that the earliest comment on the entry is from June 10, and that it's currently in their "Recent Posts" sidebar item.
I left...
John McCain back to supporting "comprehensive immigration reform", "guest" workers, H-1B visas - 05/22/08
Some people have tried to say that John McCain turned his back on "comprehensive immigration reform", i.e., a massive amnesty for illegal aliens. In a Silicon Valley speech today, McCain clarified the matter (link):
After several of the business leaders complained about the difficulty in obtaining temporary H1B visas for scientists and engineers, something the Senate immigration bill was supposed to address, Mr. McCain expressed regret the measure did not pass, calling it a personal "failure," as well as one by the federal government.
...Mr. McCain asked others on the panels for...
Rick Perlstein misleads about John McCain immigration position - 04/07/08
In The Nation, author Rick Perlstein offers "All Aboard the McCain Express" (link), which includes the following:
...McCain's bowing down before the conservative holy grail of super-harsh enforcement-first immigration reform...
In actual fact, McCain's position would be, should all be said and done, the same as Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's. The only differences are that he supposedly wants the border to be certified as secure first, something that would probably be done by the four border state governors, all of whom are cheap labor hacks. And, after it was certified/"certified",...
Follow the lettuce: Western Growers endorses John McCain - 03/18/08
From their press release (link):
Western Growers' Board of Directors has voted to endorse Arizona's John McCain in his bid to become the 44th president of the United States.
"Senator McCain has shown courage, determination and exceptional leadership skills in support of policies and principles important to Western Growers' members in Arizona and California," said Western Growers President and CEO Tom Nassif. "He has steadfastly promoted free markets, sensible fiscal policies, repairs of our immigration laws, and knows how important to our economy are the fruit, vegetable and nut producers...
John McCain supporters include George Bush and three border state governors - 02/07/08
John McCain has picked up key endorsements from three current and one former border state governors. First up:
John McCain would sign his own amnesty bill as president; tries co-opting attrition - 01/28/08
Yesterday, Tim Russert asked John McCain:
"If the Senate passed your bill, S.1433, the McCain/Kennedy immigration bill, would you as president sign it?
McCain replied:
"Yeah. But look, the lesson is, it isn't - one, it isn't going to come. It isn't going to come."
Video here.
In other news, McCain is now trying to pretend to embrace the attrition concept, whereby we'd enforce our laws and reduce non-emergency services now to encourage many or most illegal aliens to go home voluntarily. However, he only presents it as a side-effect of an amnesty rather than suggesting it as an...
Ask John McCain about his Hispanic outreach director, Juan Hernandez (former Mexican government official) - 01/25/08
John McCain's Hispanic outreach director [1] is Juan Hernandez, a U.S.-Mexico dual citizen and former Mexican government official who said the following in 2001 about Mexican immigrants to the U.S.:
"I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think 'Mexico first.'"
He also said [2]:
"We must not only have a free flow of goods and services, but also start working for a free flow of people."
Now, he's working for John McCain.
However, what McCain knows is that no one in the MSM is ever going to question his hiring accepting the volunteer efforts of [3] a pro-...
Supporters of immigration laws threatened by John McCain - 08/16/07
Senator John McCain claims that he's received death threats over his immigration stance and Associated Press writer Steven Paulson, while noting that McCain "declined to elaborate on the threats" otherwise took him at his word and refers to the threats as "unprecedented". He probably isn't lying, but then again he's probably received such threats over the course of his career. They might have picked up due to the fact that many people are upset about this issue; with more people involved, there's a greater probability that those already predisposed to make such threats will actually make them...
Senate immigration amnesty bill: the supporters - 05/21/07
Outside a number of Senators, there aren't too many who support the Senate's immigration amnesty/"guest" worker plan. This post will keep track of them, and I urge everyone to hold those below accountable whether the bill passes or not. I also urge everyone to keep calling Congress, but, even more importantly, follow the steps previously outlined to help stop amnesty.
The supporters:
* Of course: president Bush, Sens. John McCain and Ted Kennedy
* From "Few senators support the illegals bill" (link):
Sen. Arlen Specter, one of the Republicans who helped craft the deal, said it's the best they...
Adam Nagourney doesn't confront GOP candidates on immigration politics - 03/19/07
Adam Nagourney of the New York Times (with assistance from Rachel Swarns) offers "G.O.P. Candidates Confront Immigration Politics". Despite being two screens long, we're only told that GOP candidates are facing the ire of Iowa voters regarding immigration matters, but we aren't given much in the way of specifics. And, Nagourney doesn't attempt to ask Senator John McCain or others any tough questions that would reveal the flaws in their positions. About the only slight news in the piece is that McCain is backing away from Kennedy-McCain, and instead is moving towards a scheme similar to that...
Kennedy-McCain illegal alien amnesty nearing completion; business, racial groups - 02/22/07
From this:
Senators and lobbyists are putting the final touches on a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that includes an easier citizenship path for illegal aliens and weaker enforcement provisions than were in the highly criticized legislation that the Senate approved last year.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who ardently supports citizenship rights for illegals, will introduce the bill as early as next week, according to Senate sources knowledgeable about the negotiations. If the Senate Judiciary Committee can make quick work of the bill, it could be ready for...
McCain to ILIR Let's Get it Done! - 02/21/07
Irish Echo/Debbie McGoldrick/[[April 5, 2006]]/ link
Independent Task Force on Immigration - 01/15/07
A group convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which published "Immigration and America's Future:A New Chapter" ( link) in [[September, 2006]]. Supports a "new, secure Social Security card" (possibly a national ID card) and "path to legal status for unauthorized immigrants" (a massive amnesty for illegal aliens).
As of creation time, this is the list of those involved:
El Paso Times BNHR article - 01/15/07
"D.C. hears El Pasoan's ideas about reforms"
January 15, 2007
by Louie GilotEl Paso Times
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops supports Senate amnesty (Part #44849) - 09/26/06
From this:
Religious leaders Tuesday scolded lawmakers who oppose a broad immigration policy overhaul and urged them at a Capitol Hill news conference to put people over politics.
As pointed out here many times, their policies will make the situation far worse. A much better suggestion is that they think things through and put what's in the best interests of all concerned ahead of their own parochial interests, such as pushing a far-left ideology or simply filling their pews.
...[Bishop Jaime Soto of the Diocese of Orange] flew into Washington for the news conference organized by Sens....
EFE admits Goldwater "concentration camps" smear - 06/28/06
Spanish news agency EFE has apologized for its smear of Arizona gubanatorial candidate Don Goldwater. It said he wanted to hold illegal aliens in "concentration camps". Now they say:
EFE Executive Vice President Emillio Sanchez said a freelance writer for the news agency inaccurately described Goldwater's plan.
"Upon further reflection, our investigation has determined that your plan to house illegal prisoners in a tent city is consistent with accepted practices for nonviolent American prisoners in your area," Sanchez said in the letter released Tuesday by Goldwater's campaign.
Don Goldwater's "concentration camps": a setup by illegal immigration supporters - 06/23/06
Arizona gubanatorial candidate Don Goldwater has received well-deserved condemnation of his calls for "concentration camps" for illegal aliens from such stalwart Americans as John McCain (R-AZ) and Jim Kolbe (R-AZ).
However, there's just one problem: Goldwater didn't call for "concentration camps"; that phrase came from the state-run Spanish news agency EFE when reporting on his comments.
The original article is at Their report reads like something from a tabloid TV show that engages in highly selective editing:
Proponen campos de...
John McCain wants to know why he's wrong about illegal immigration - 05/11/06
One good way to reduce illegal immigration - or at least try to stop an amnesty - would be if Americans would go to appearances by politicians and ask them tough questions. Then, make sure that the question and the answer are publicized.
As an example, think what would have happened if someone had asked a difficult question during this April 7 New Hampshire appearance by Sen. John McCain (via this).
He informs his nearly-silent listeners that "our borders are broken, they are not under our control... the first obligation of every government is to enforce our borders." Then, he promotes his "...
[JOB] US-AZ-YUMA: Pick lettuce. $50 an hour. - 04/16/06
** Job offered **
Job description: Picking lettuce (link)
Rate: $50.00 per hour (must work for one year)
Contact: John McCain, Supervisor of Lettuce Operations, U.S. Senate (link)
Illegal immigration even Victorians can discuss - 03/10/06
A lot of people in the chattering classes are afraid to discuss illegal immigration because of the racial component. However, even the most Victorian "liberal" should feel free to discuss illegal immigration by the Irish, right?
Floridians: ask John McCain questions he can't answer! - 02/20/06
From this:
[Arizona Sen. John McCain] will be in Miami on Thursday and will promote a business-backed guest worker program and other immigration reforms. The Arizona senator will speak at "town hall" meeting in South Florida sponsored by the New American Opportunity Campaign. That group includes labor unions, business interests, Hispanic groups and other supporters of guest worker program.
If you're in Miami, could you please try to attend this event and publicly embarass John McCain by trying to ask him a tough question he can't answer? Unfortunately, the event isn't listed at his site (...
Five Stooges Watch - 01/23/05
"McCain urges Bush to make immigration reform a priority" [1]:
Arizona Sen. John McCain stressed immigration reform as a top priority for the start of President George W. Bush's second term and encouraged the Republican White House to focus on the issue.
McCain, business groups and Arizona U.S. Reps.