immigration enforcement

immigration enforcement: Page 2

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Toothless Obama admin immigration enforcement: 100s janitors fired, not deported (+how many SEIU members are illegal aliens?) - 11/09/09

In Minneapolis, Minnesota earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security sent no match letters or a variant to around 1200 janitors employed by the major corporation ABM informing those employees that there was a mismatch between their Social Security numbers and other information. They were required to provide documentation by October, and when all or almost all didn't, ABM fired them; presumably all or virtually all are illegal aliens (link). However, rather than trying to deport them, DHS simply concentrated on the company. Needless to say, that makes it easy for a fired illegal...

Yale Law students, Wishnie sue ICE over 2007 immigration raid (after Elm City card passed) - 10/28/09

Yale Law students - led by professor Michael Wishnie - are suing various current or former ICE (part of the Department of Homeland Security) officials and agents over a 2007 immigration raid in New Haven, Connecticut.

Obama admininstration prosecuting illegal aliens at greater rate than Bush admin (up 110% from 2004) - 09/21/09

Daphne Eviatar of the George Soros-funded Washington Independent tizzily offers "Immigration Prosecutions Up 110 Percent From 2004" (; expect other far-left groups to go ballistic over the fact that the Obama administration is prosecuting illegal al

American Apparel to lay off quarter of workforce, presumed illegal aliens - 09/04/09

Miriam Jordan of the Wall Street Journal informs us that American Apparel will be laying off about a quarter of their workforce due to a "crackdown" by the Department of Homeland Security (link). In a letter to employees in English and Spanish, Chief Executive Dov Charney said he was "deeply saddened" that the company has to shed workers who have been at the company for several years. Mr. Charney, a champion of immigration reform, promised to give the workers priority for jobs when "you are able to get your immigration papers in order." ...American Apparel is likely to face thousands of...

Supreme Court: using made-up Social Security number isn't identity theft (immigration enforcement) - 05/05/09

From this: The US Supreme Court has ruled that a law often used by prosecutors to penalize illegal immigrants who use false identification documents to gain employment overstepped its mark. The highest US court ruled Monday in favor of Mexican Flores Figueroa, stating that the government must be required to "show that the defendant knew that the means of identification at issue belonged to another person." The court's decision is probably correct; the solution would be to modify the relevant laws in some way.

New DHS immigration raid guidelines: focus on employers, not employees - 04/30/09

Ginger Thompson of the New York Times offers "Immigration Agents to Turn Focus to Employers" (link): In an effort to crack down on illegal labor, the Department of Homeland Security intends to step up enforcement efforts against employers who knowingly hire such workers. Under guidelines to be issued Thursday to Immigration and Customs Enforcement field offices, agents will be instructed to take aim at employers and supervisors for prosecution “through the use of carefully planned criminal investigations.” ...[Employers won't like it, but] advocates who have long considered raids at work...

Napolitano on DHS partnering with ADL; admits shift in enforcement focus; trying to repeal REAL ID; "reform" is a "mission" - 04/23/09

Department of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano gave a talk to the Anti Defamation League yesterday, and her remarks are at 1. The ADL has been "training" DHS personnel about "hate" groups and others, which is more than a bit worrisome because the ADL's definition of "hate" isn't trustworthy. Nevertheless, Napolitano said this: ...the ADL and DHS have had some good partnerships. In recent years, the Department has placed our employees in your advanced training school to educate us on the tactics used by extremists and terrorists; the...

Illegal aliens from ICE raid given work permits so they can sue ICE agents? (+more) - 04/13/09

Debbie Schlussel has a scoop here. According to her sources, the reason why illegal aliens were given work authorization and then released after being caught in a raid in Bellingham, WA is so that those aliens can now... sue the ICE agents who arrested them.

Suzanne Gamboa /AP big scoop: 55 U.S. citizens deported in past eight years - 04/13/09

Suzanne Gamboa of the Associated Press - with help from Traci Carl and Peter Prengaman - offers her version of investigative journalism in "AP IMPACT: Citizens held as illegal immigrants" (

Nancy Pelosi: immigration enforcement separating families is "un-American" (Luis Gutierrez, Kelly Zito) - 03/08/09

Kelly Zito of the San Francisco Chronicle offers a heavily-biased, untrustworthy article ("Pelosi: End raids splitting immigrant families", link) about yesterday's "National Family Unity" event in San Francisco. That's part of a national tour designed to press for comprehensive immigration reform that's sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and led by Luis Gutierrez. Because Zito doesn't provide full quotes and because she doesn't even once use the word "illegal" or even "undocumented", it's not clear just how stupid the remarks from Nancy Pelosi were: "Our future is about our...

Rights Working Group wants immigration enforcement moratorium and much more (ACLU, NCLR, 248 others) - 01/09/09

The Asian American Justice Center runs the Rights Working Group, a coalition of over 250 leftwing groups, and they have a petition calling on Barack Obama to in effect not do immigration enforcement. They want a "moratorium" while the subject of raids and the like is "studied", but everyone knows what that means.

Unemployment highest in 15 years, Bush administration won't step up immigration enforcement - 12/05/08

From this: Coming on the heels of layoff announcements by major corporations, including AT&T, Labor Department reports released today show that employers cut 533,000 jobs in November, increasing the unemployment rate to 6.7 percent... The unemployment rate, meanwhile, hit its highest level in 15 years. The data also suggest that of the 430,000 Americans who had been working or seeking work in October and left the workforce in November, many were people who simply gave up looking for a job. If they'd had kept looking, the unemployment rate would be closer to 7 percent. Meanwhile, radio...

Nicole Gaouette/LAT: leftwing groups on the "lookout for immigration raids" - 09/14/08

Criminal enterprises that have fixed locations usually employ lookouts in the neighborhood where they operate who warn them of impending police raids and they frequently pay off local officials or cops. There's (perhaps) only one form of illegal activity for which the Los Angeles Times would consider that acceptable: illegal immigration, of course.

Villaraigosa, Dellums, Nickels don't want ICE immigration raids of "responsible employers" - 06/20/08

If you want examples of political corruption, illegal immigration is where you should look. The latest example is a resolution proposed by three west coast mayors at this year's Conference of Mayors meeting: they don't want ICE to conduct immigration raids of "responsible employers". Instead, they want them to only raid those companies that are abusing employees and the like.

Fabian Nunez, Mexico-linked Peter Schey, American Apparel join to support illegal immigration - 04/29/08

Yesterday, California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez held a press conference at the headquarters of American Apparel to oppose workplace raids and thus support illegal immigration. Also on hand was AA's attorney Peter Schey, someone with at least a few links to the Mexican government. Nunez is also a co-chair of the Hillary Clinton campaign, so asking her about his activities is highly recommended. From the Tiffany Hsu report (link; like Anna Gorman she doesn't mention Schey's links): "The last thing we need is to bring the type of disruption to our economy that could ultimately lead us into...

Swift meatpacking raid: manager pleads guilty, may testify against higher-ups - 03/26/08

In December, 2006, Swift & Co.'s meatpacking plants in various cities were raided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in what was probably a show raid. Now, one of their former managers has pleaded guilty (link): Christopher Lamb is a human resources manager at Swift & Company. He was arrested last summer after authorities recorded him coaching an illegal immigrant on how to use fake documents to get hired... In his plea, Lamb also admitted hiding an illegal immigrant at the plant from June 3rd to June 25th. The real story will hopefully be this: He is now expected to give...

National Council of La Raza hides behind children to oppose immigration enforcement (raids, trauma, identity theft) - 11/01/07

The extremist-funding National Council of La Raza ("The Race") has worked with the Urban Institute (info) to release a report entitled "Paying the Price: The Impact of Immigration Raids on America's Children" [1]. Reading it is to be transported into another universe.

National Latino Congreso: "No Human Being is Illegal", Nativo Lopez, Gil Cedillo, Kucinich, Cuban Five, Fairness Doctrine, and more! - 10/07/07

The 2nd annual "National Latino Congreso" - a meeting of hundreds of "Latino organizational leaders, elected officials, and activists at all levels" is currently underway in Los Angeles ( Yesterday, Anna Gorman of the Los Angeles Times offered a whitewashed report here. Let's take a look at the groups involved and some of the loony resolutions that were passed. Expect the MSM coverage to be in line with Gorman's report: it will completely cover for far-left racial demagogues and avoid mentioning the loony resolutions. Their "conveners' include: * League of United Latin...

Christine Neumann-Ortiz' monument to low wages, illegal activity - 08/08/07

From [1]: On August 8, a first anniversary commemoration of the raid at Star Packaging will unveil a mock Wisconsin Historical Marker at the site and formally declare the factory's empty shell "a monument to the nation's broken immigration system". Wednesday's 10am press conference, to be held outside the factory, will begin with the unveiling and be followed by brief addresses from speakers including Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Jorge Islas, Vice President of Sigma America, and workers affected by the raid. [Newman-Ortiz says:] "One year later,...

Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, Julien Ross, AFSC - 02/18/07

Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition ("CIRC"; statewide coordinator: Julien Ross) is a five-year old group with 80 other organizations as members. From this we learn: The coalition is directed by representatives of 12 groups, including the Colorado Catholic Conference, Service Employees International Union Local 105, and the American Friends Service Committee. The AFSC has an indirect link to the Mexican government. And, CIRC's site is hosted at AFSC's site. has a list of their demands: * driver's licenses for all immigrants, regardless of status...

Wall Street Journal not very Swift in support for illegal immigration - 12/24/06

The WSJ comments on the recent Swift & Co. immigration raids in "Not Very Swift". As could be expected, they oppose the raids. Let's look at a couple of their statements to see where their priorities lie. Immigration restrictionists would have us believe that harassing businesses like Swift, the world's second-largest beef and pork processor, helps make America safer. But so far the Swift raids haven't uncovered any al Qaeda cells, merely a bunch of hard-working people trying to feed their families. The operation involved more than 1,000 federal agents in six states. And of Swift's 15,000...

Napolitano, Arpaio complain about ICE official not doing job - 08/16/06

This is slightly surprising: Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio have written U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff strongly complaining about a top federal immigration official in Phoenix. Napolitano and Arpaio do not directly name the special agent at the Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency in Phoenix. But state government and Sheriff's office sources say the subject of the criticism is Special Agent in Charge Roberto Medina. The governor and sheriff are upset with lack of cooperation from Medina when it comes to sharing intelligence...

"Feds admit failure to stop illegal hiring" - 06/21/06

From link: Washington --- The Bush administration acknowledged Monday the wholesale failure of past efforts to enforce immigration laws in the workplace and warned that a major Senate-passed overhaul fails to provide the necessary tools to fix the problem.

WaPo: immigration laws aren't being enforced, therefore they won't work - 12/18/05

Michael A. Fletcher and Darryl Fears offer "Analysts: Crackdown Won't Halt Immigration". It includes quotes from a few people saying that enforcement alone won't work and we need a guest worker scheme. The "reporters" seem to be leading the reader to come to that same conclusion. However, in the very same article, the "reporters" inform us that we aren't really doing enforcement: Congress has passed laws to crack down on illegal immigration in the past -- most recently in 1996 -- but those efforts have met with little success, especially when it comes to holding employers accountable. In 1999...

Greeley, CO: proposed ICE office meets illogical resistance - 11/20/05

From this: ...Since October, when [Weld County CO] District Attorney Ken Buck started seeking support for bringing a federal office to Greeley to expedite and increase deportations of illegal immigrants who've committed crimes in the county, proponents of the move have squared off against detractors.

Worksite arrest of illegal aliens plummeted under Bush - 11/03/05

This article contains a chart of the number of worksite arrests of illegal aliens per year: 1997: 17,554 1999: 2,849 2000: 953 2001: 735 2003: 445 2004: 159 And, here's the letters sent out warning of a fine over violations for hiring illegal aliens: 1997: 865 1999: 417 2000: 178 2001: 100 2003: 162 2004: 3 Now, president Bush says we need to reform our immigration laws? Should anyone trust anything they say?

Will Bush give Katrina rebuilding jobs... to illegal aliens? - 09/12/05

Recent actions by our American president will make it easier for illegal aliens to take Katrina rebuilding jobs. Now, in our America, those jobs should go to American citizens, with those affected by the hurricane at the front of the list. That's just proper public policy. But, of course, in the America of the GOP elite, things are a little bit different. First, from this comes word that "U.S. officials have suspended for 45 days a requirement that employers check workers' identification." Some survivors of the hurricane will have lost their IDs, but that will also make it even easier for...

Bush to illegal aliens: once you're in the U.S., you're home free - 06/22/05

A Government Accountability Office staffer told a House panel yesterday that workplace enforcement of immigration violations had fallen sharply under the Bush administration. For an example, here are the numbers of employers who received formal letters warning about fines for possible violations of immigration laws: Clinton in 1999: 417 employers Bush in 2003: 3 employers
