ed morrissey

ed morrissey: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

An Obamacare benefit to the GOP: more Job Creators - 02/27/14

Could Obamacare end up being an electoral boon for the GOP? Let me explain in the context of the video below. The video - from Time Warner Cable News - shows a Job Creator complaining that he can't expand his business to two more locations: if he does he'll hit the 50 employer limit imposed by Obamacare and have to either pay a fine or provide healthcare to his employees.

How the Reason Rupe poll misleads on immigration amnesty (Emily Elkins, Ed Morrissey) - 03/02/13

Ed Morrissey of HotAir will grasp at any straw to support amnesty, and the latest is "Reason-Rupe poll shows majority approves path to citizenship, oppose targeted drone killings of Americans" [1] referring to a poll by Reason Magazine [2].

Conservative bloggers who support amnesty (Rubio; Hot Air, Morrissey, Johnsen, Loesch, Moran, Mataconis...) - 01/21/13

This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative bloggers who support some form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty), specifically the amnesty proposed by Marco Rubio. This post doesn't list GOP politicians or pundits, just bloggers and other low-level members of the GOP establishment.

To Ed Morrissey, patriotism has a price tag (Gerard Depardieu, Hot Air, going Galt) - 12/17/12

Those in the libertarians/fiscal conservative sphere tend to put loyalty to money ahead of loyalty to country. An example from earlier this year is at the link, and another example is offered by the case of Gérard Depardieu. That French actor has "gone Galt" by giving up his French citizenship and moving to Belgium in part to avoid high taxes ( peekURL.com/zEf4J2g ).

HotAir readers: Ed Morrissey isn't capable of blocking amnesty, but we are - 11/13/12

Dear readers of HotAir: We disagree on many topics, but many of you agree with me on reducing illegal immigration and blocking amnesty.

Ed Morrissey ready to capitulate on amnesty (Hot Air, immigration) - 11/07/12

Ed Morrissey of HotAir is ready to help the GOP deal itself a losing hand, and is trying to round up others. Morrissey quotes ( peekURL.com/zSYJQs5 ) this from Jeff Poor of the Daily Caller:

Two examples of conservative failure (CPAC, rap, Crowder, Reynolds, V. Jackson) - 02/11/12

The first example is from an Ed Morrissey post [1] about a Friday event at CPAC ("Conservative Political Action Conference"):

Wall Street Journal, Ed Morrissey ignore immigration impact on teen unemployment - 07/01/11

The Wall Street Journal posts [1] and Ed Morrissey of HotAir hypes [2] an editorial blaming the minimum wage for very high teen unemployment (see this).

What Ed Morrissey forgot to tell you about the Japanese tsunami and capitalism - 03/13/11

Ed Morrissey of HotAir uses the recent tragic earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Japan as a launching point to promote his idea of free market capitalism. Except, he forgot to mention free market capitalism's possible role in the current nuclear issues associated with the tragedy (link): Well, the question here is whether wealth allows for adaptation - or whether an economic system’s openness to adaptation leads to the wealth necessary to recover from disasters. The wealth of Western democracies based on capitalism owes its existence to economic and political environments where capital could...

Ed Morrissey, Glenn Reynolds, Newsbusters don't tell whole truth about Bell, California - 09/22/10

Eight public officials in the city of Bell, California were recently arrested regarding the pay scandal in that city (link).

Ed Morrissey: the Birther's Joe McCarthy (Sharron Angle) - 07/02/10

Ed Morrissey of HotAir recently conducted an interview of Sharron Angle, and even his commenters call him out for engaging in McCarthyism on the Obama citizenship issue. Morrissey says [1]: In the past few days, rumors have swirled that Angle is a crypto-Birther. I asked her “flat out” whether she believed Barack Obama was born somewhere other than Hawaii, and she replied, “No. Is that flat-out enough for you?” Angle says she “wasn’t dodging” the caller on the radio show now being parsed by the media, in which she replied that the Supreme Court had already ruled on that issue, but instead...

Democrats skip townhalls to avoid tea party "patriots" - 06/07/10

Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times offers "Democrats Skip Town Halls to Avoid Voter Rage" (nytimes.com/2010/06/07/us/politics/07townhall.html): the tantrums that those in the tea parties threw at last summer's public meetings have caused many Democrats to avoid open meetings this time around: Of the 255 Democrats who make up the majority

Carol Shea-Porter "p0wns" her Teaparty constituents, including a doctor - 04/02/10

The video at peekURL.com/v5rn15o shows New Hampshire Rep. Carol Shea Porter basically lecturing her constituents at a townhall yesterday. Those on the video (and the one at peekURL.com/vuimsnv ) just aren't in her league. And, that's saying something since Porter appears to be quite a piece of work.

"Demand Question Time": another bipartisan sham (petition, demandquestiontime.com) - 02/03/10

A series of Beltway insiders, bloggers, and journalists have launched an online petition at demandquestiontime.com calling for repeats of the recent question and answer session Barack Obama held with House GOP leaders. In and of itself this isn't such a bad idea, at least from the entertainment standpoint. However, it's a very bad idea to the extent that it will be falsely presented as a real dialogue about vital issues. It's yet another sham, a slightly elevated version of debates held on the Hannity show. As can be seen by the questions asked at the first event, the GOP isn't about to ask...

Martha Coakley immigration position: ignored status as DA; supports massive immigration - 01/16/10

The audio at verumserum.com/?p=11595 has a radio interview with Martha Coakley about immigration. She doesn't appear to be a raving loose/open borders loon, but her position is bad, she admits that she wasn't fully doing her job, and part of her position is quite "business-friendly". See [1] for a discussion of the not-fully-correct video and the headline at the page, but the more important thing is her position:

Why is Ed Morrissey promoting a skilled immigration edge case, and will HotAir take a fall on amnesty? - 12/16/09

Over at HotAir, there's nothing I can find about yesterday's re-introduction of an amnesty bill.

Carly Fiorina supports massive skilled immigration ("There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore") - 11/06/09

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina recently announced her candidacy as a Republican for senator from California; she's trying to unseat Barbara Boxer. While the latter is a highly worthy goal, she appears to be a globalist, profits-at-any-cost supporter of massive immigration at least of the skilled variety.

Ed Morrissey of HotAir notes GOP problem, but not smart enough to figure out a solution - 09/07/09

Ed Morrissey of HotAir offers "An end to fringe mainstreaming?" (link) in which he worries about the backlash from the Democrats and the MSM over the Van Jones resignation. He also shows that solving problems isn't exactly his forte: ...we can expect the media to hold Republicans to the standards the conservative punditry imposed on Van Jones, and to be a lot more aggressive about it than they were with Jones himself... it means that no one who ever expressed public support for Birthers to get the benefit of the doubt. The two conspiracy theories are different, but they both are entirely...

Ed Morrissey must think that Hawaiian state law is a "Birther theory" - 07/23/09

Low-level conservative commentator Ed Morrissey of HotAir recently got a special treat: a shout-out from Media Matters for America in their article 'Unlike Dobbs, some conservative media think birthers are "nutburgers"' (by Julie Millican, mediamatters.org/research/200907220051). Rather than criticizing him, they were giving him a cookie for helping "[to] debunk[] the birth certificate rumors" about Barack Obama, linking to Morrissey's "The sadly obligatory SCOTUS birth-certificate post" [1] as proof of just how reasonable he was. Just one problem: the HotAir post they linked to contained a...

How to get a link from HotAir (note: must be completely shameless) - 06/01/09

The following cartoon from Chris Muir is, as are many others of his cartoons, unintentionally hilarious (link).

Ed Morrissey makes reasonable albeit unrealistic case for tea parties - 04/15/09

Ed Morrissey of HotAir links to a new Gallup poll called "Views of Income Taxes Among Most Positive Since 1956" (link) and opines [1]: If 48% believe that their taxes are just right, it might be because that’s the exact same percentage that will pay zero in the near future, according to Barack Obama’s tax policies. With Obama’s emphasis on refundables, 48.7% of Americans will wind up paying no income tax at all. For them, zero is the right amount, and they have no reason to be unhappy... yet ...Unfortunately, in a short period of time, even those people will have to start paying taxes, and...

Dennis Roddy /Pittsburgh PG, SPLC, LGF, HotAir, Kos use tragedy to smear opponents - 04/05/09

Dennis Roddy of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette offers "Suspect in officers' shooting was into conspiracy theories" (link) about the recent shooting of three police officers in Pittsburgh by an obviously deranged 22-year-old. He takes advantage of that tragedy to smear his or his paper's opponents: Mr. Poplawski's view of guns and personal freedom took a turn toward the fringes of American politics. With Mr. Perkovic, he appeared to share a belief that the government was controlled from unseen forces, that troops were being shipped home from the Mideast to police the citizenry here, and that Jews...

"Fullerton Tea Party" was not a "tea party", don't be fooled - 03/08/09

Yesterday, radio hosts John and Ken from KFI in Los Angeles held a "tea party" in Fullerton (Orange County) that was attended by somewhere between 8,000 and 15,000 people. Despite what you'll hear from the usual suspects, this wasn't one of the classic tea parties in the Ayn Rand/"taxation is theft"/"greed is good" sense. Instead, it was based on something that John and Ken had been pushing before the "tea parties" started and it was mostly a protest of local California issues relating to Arnold Schwarzenegger. They glommed on to the "tea party" idea and did feature some discussion about the...

Ed Morrissey /HotAir misleads about Obama birth certificate - 12/04/08

Ed Morrissey of HotAir offers "The sadly obligatory SCOTUS birth-certificate post" (link) in which he joins the long line of people misleading about the Obama citizenship issue. As with others, he links to the Sara Olkon/James Janega article and, among many other misleading statements, says: The State of Hawaii only keeps birth certificates from births in Hawaii. The State of California only keeps birth certificates from births in California, Minnesota only keeps those from births in Minnesota, and so on. They don’t store information on births outside of their state. Why would they bother...

Conservatives: here's why not to vote for Obama or at least why to vote against him - 10/21/08

Mary Katharine Ham and some other guy offer "The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama" [1]. It lays out a non-smear case against BHO over several categories: abortion, taxes, his radical associations, foreign policy judgment, his disdain for the heartland, his habit of playing the race card, and his lack of accomplishments. And, it will serve a valuable purpose for those millions and millions of conservatives who were planning on voting for BHO.

Is "Barack Obama" a complete scam? (Philip Berg lawsuit; Indonesia) - 10/11/08

Could "Barack Obama" be a complete fake? Hillary Clinton supporter and decades-long Democrat Philip Berg is suing Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), claiming he's not eligible to be president. From this: the Plaintiff, Philip J. Berg, a Philadelphia attorney, alleged that Defendant Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible for the Office of the President because Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when his mother married an Indonesian citizen and naturalized in Indonesia. Plaintiff further alleged that Obama followed her naturalization and failed to take an oath of allegiance...

Senate immigration amnesty bill: the supporters - 05/21/07

Outside a number of Senators, there aren't too many who support the Senate's immigration amnesty/"guest" worker plan. This post will keep track of them, and I urge everyone to hold those below accountable whether the bill passes or not. I also urge everyone to keep calling Congress, but, even more importantly, follow the steps previously outlined to help stop amnesty. The supporters: * Of course: president Bush, Sens. John McCain and Ted Kennedy * From "Few senators support the illegals bill" (link): Sen. Arlen Specter, one of the Republicans who helped craft the deal, said it's the best they...

Captain Ed: "Why Tom Tancredo Is Not A Serious Candidate" - 04/04/07

Captain Ed of Captain's Quarters comments on the Hugh Hewitt interview with Tom Tancredo here. Hewitt asked Tancredo about the John Campbell/Jim Gilchrist race in Orange County, taking him to task for supporting the latter: Hugh Hewitt: ... [L]et me move on. GOP question, just two years and three months ago, Tom, you endorsed an American Independent Party candidate over the Republican nominee in a special election out here in Orange County. Is that material to a campaign for the GOP nomination, that you threw the Republican overboard just two years ago? ... ...HH: You threw the Republican...

CPAC Day 2: Captain Ed's transcription service - 03/02/07

The blog fight is on! Yesterday, "Captain Ed" posted an interview with Mike Huckabee. In a vain attempt to get someone - anyone - attending CPAC to ask anything remotely approaching a difficult question, I responded ("NoMoreBlatherDotCom"), the "Captain" responded, and now I have the feeling I'm about to be banned from yet another site. I posted the following comment:

NAU apologists - 11/24/06

[List below updated 12/11/07] Recently, Rep. Tom Tancredo was quoted as saying this: "People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the United States is an internationalist... He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that – it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going... I know this is dramatic – or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic – but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not...

George Bush intentionally misleads about John Kerry Iraq comment - 10/31/06

Speaking in Georgia about an hour ago, president Bush intentionally distorted John Kerry's earlier comments about Iraq. Yesterday, speaking at Pasadena City College, Kerry said this: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."