Arizona coverage: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
United We Win 2010 opposes Arizona immigration law; is Eva Longoria more American than you?; Rosario Dawson; Cameron Diaz; failure - 08/08/10
A host of relatively minor Hispanic celebrity airheads are behind an effort called "United We Win 2010" [1]; the goal is to oppose the new Arizona immigration law. This post is here because a) they might have an influence on some people, b) Eva Longoria fans might want to wonder whether she thinks she's more American than they are (see below), and c) at least so far their effort appears to have failed.
Anna Gorman, Nicholas Riccardi: supporting illegal activity is mainstream, tolerant (Los Angeles Times) - 08/02/10
Anna Gorman and Nicholas Riccardi of the Los Angeles Times offer an article with a title more appropriate for an (explicit) advocacy publication: "Arizona was once tolerant of illegal immigrants. What happened?" (link).
Mexican flag, Cuban flag with Che fly at protest against Arizona immigration law - 07/30/10
Yesterday, protesters turned out in Phoenix, Tucson, and other cities in Arizona and other states to protest Arizona's new immigration law ("SB 1070") In Phoenix, they tried unsuccessfully to prevent Joe Arpaio from conducting a planned crime sweep.
The attached video is from the Phoenix protest and includes a large Mexican flag and a large Cuban flag - with Che Guevara's image - at the front of the protest.
From this: Hundreds of people representing more than 30 labor unions traveled to Phoenix from Los Angeles to be part of a protest against Arizona's new immigration law.
From this later...
Jon Kyl praised judges Susan Bolton (Arizona case), Mary Murguia in 2000 - 07/29/10
In 2000 in an unspecified [1] Arizona business publication, senator Jon Kyl not only praised Judge Susan Bolton - she of yesterday's decision that gutted the new Arizona immigration law - but Mary Murguia, the sister of Janet Murguia of the National Council of La Raza. Bolton was also apparently recommended by Kyl (
In 2000, Kyl wrote this:
"We ought to vote on judgeships based on merit, not political games. There's too much of that in Washington already. The delay in confirming these judges is hurting the people of Arizona because we need them now… The...
Judge guts Arizona immigration law: what you can do (Judge Susan Bolton) - 07/28/10
From this:
With scant hours to go before a controversial Arizona immigration law goes into effect, a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction Wednesday against the implementation of parts of the law.
U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton ruled that the federal government "is likely to succeed" in its challenge of the legality of one of the most controversial sections of the Arizona law.
That provision required police to "make a reasonable attempt to determine the immigration status of a person stopped, detained or arrested" if the officer has a reasonable suspicion that the person is in...
Arizona helped deport 26,000 illegal aliens under 287g (Arpaio, Maricopa County) - 07/28/10
Per this biased Associated Press article, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona helped deport more than 26,000 illegal aliens under the 287g program. That's of course without that state's new immigration law, which is set to take effect tomorrow. Maricopa was responsible for about one-quarter of all those deported under 287g (115,841 total); 64 local agencies are part of the 287g program.
Joanne Lin, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, said it is alarming that one Arizona county is responsible for a disproportionate share of deportations.
The Los Angeles...
Arizona boycotts not impacting tourism; hotel bookings up (Phoenix, Scottsdale) - 07/27/10
From this:
Recent data compiled by a market research group show hotel bookings across the state -- as well as in tourism hot spots Phoenix and Scottsdale -- have been on the rise the past two months.
The data from hotel industry research firm STR showed that for the state of Arizona, hotel occupancy was up 5.7 percent in May and up 8.3 percent in June compared with the same time a year ago.
In Phoenix, occupancy was up 10.6 percent in June; in Scottsdale, it was up 10.7 percent for the same period. Revenue also was up, with Arizona hotels raking in $148 million last month -- up more than 11...
Johnny Sutton says Arizona immigration law is constitutional - 07/22/10
The video at shows former federal prosecutor Johnny Sutton saying that the Arizona immigration law is constitutional, that concerns about it are "a mountain out of a molehill" and that the law is "very reasonable".
Seven other countries want to join with Mexico in opposing Arizona immigration law - 07/19/10
From this:
Seven other Latin American countries want to join Mexico in supporting a lawsuit challenging Arizona's immigration enforcement law.
Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru filed separate, nearly identical motions to join Mexico's legal brief supporting the lawsuit filed by U.S. civil rights and other advocacy groups.
A federal judge formally accepted Mexico's filing July 1 but did not immediately rule on the latest motions filed late last week.
Arizona law challenger was accused of stealing toys from poor children - 07/19/10
No, really. The group Chicanos Por La Causa and Phoenix police officer David Salgado are pursuing one of the many lawsuits against Arizona over that state's new immigration law. And, Salgado has a history (link):
Back in 1997, David Salgado and his police officer brother, Rick, were accused of taking toys intended for needy children and instead giving them to their own extended families.
“It was unbelievable that somebody would put personal greed over a family they could make a difference with for a lifetime,” said [W. Steven Martin, founder of the W. Steven Martin Police Toy Drive, a charity...
Meg Whitman highlights how much she agrees with Jerry Brown, still misleads about immigration - 07/16/10
Meg Whitman offers "Americans must come together to address the problem of illegal immigration" (, [1]), which is basically a rewrite of the previous misleading Whitman editorial about immigration. Since the new editorial and the old one repeat the same lines, see that link for part of why she's misleading, and the below for additional reasons.
But, first, here's this admission that should be more than a bit shocking to many of the Republicans who chose her over Steve Poizner (bolding added):
In this race, my Democratic opponent, Jerry Brown, has said very little about most issues...
Michigan, eight other states file brief in support of Arizona immigration law - 07/15/10
From this:
States have the authority to enforce immigration laws and protect their borders, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said Wednesday in a legal brief on behalf of nine states supporting Arizona's immigration law.
Cox, one of five Republicans running for Michigan governor, said Michigan is the lead state backing Arizona in federal court and is joined by Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia, as well as the Northern Mariana Islands...
"By lawsuit, rather than by legislation, the federal government seeks to negate this preexisting...
CBS poll: support for Arizona immigration law at 74% - 07/14/10
According to a new CBS News poll (link), support for the new Arizona immigration law is at a very high 74%:
* 57% say the law is "about right"
* 17% say the law "doesn't go far enough"
Contrast that with 23% who say it "goes too far".
Michigan AG to file brief in support of Arizona immigration law; help him find others - 07/12/10
From this:
Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox plans to file a legal brief supporting Arizona's immigration law, and he's asking other state attorneys general to join him... He tells them in a letter sent Monday that the U.S. Justice Department's legal challenge to the law "seeks to remove the power of the states" to enforce their own statutes at the same time as federal immigration laws.
Granted, some of this may be political: he's running for governor. In any case, you can help his quest by contacting your state's attorney general (and state representatives) and asking them to come out in...
ABA files second amicus brief against Arizona immigration law (DOJ + ACLU) - 07/12/10
The American Bar Association has filed [1] their second amicus brief in suits against the new Arizona immigration law.
LULAC, Mexico-linked Schey join, file suit against Arizona immigration law - 07/11/10
Peter Schey of the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law - someone with a series of links to the Mexican government - has now joined with the League of United Latin American Citizens in a lawsuit against Arizona over their new immigration law (link):
The complaint, filed Friday in federal court in Phoenix as a class action, alleges that Arizona's training materials recently developed and distributed to Arizona law enforcement agencies to implement the law "exacerbate the conflicts between the United States Constitution and federal laws on the one hand, and Arizona law on the other...
Dana Milbank misleads about Arizona and immigration crime (for the most part) - 07/09/10
Dana Milbank of the Washington Post offers "Headless bodies and other immigration tall tales in Arizona" (link) in which he misleads about some aspects of immigration crime in that state, even if he gets some things right. He also helps reveal problems that supporters of Arizona's new immigration law have; more on that below. And, of course, he illustrates again just how much disdain the Beltway establishment has for the concerns of those in border states.
I'll stipulate that Milbank is probably correct about Jan Brewer's claims about decapitations, however he cranks...
Meg Whitman highlights opposition to Arizona immigration law on Spanish-language billboard - 07/08/10
The pandering by the Meg Whitman campaign has reached a new low, although I fully expect her to get even worse. The latest low is a billboard in Spanish (pictured right or below) which highlights her opposition to both the new Arizona immigration law and to Proposition 187.
The story about this (link) says that's a Whitman billboard and the picture is a screengrab of a video, so I'm assuming that it's been verified as coming from the campaign. And, it matches what she's said in previous pandering attempts, but somehow as a billboard it seems more in-your-face to the millions of Californians...
Five things you can do about the Obama administration suing over Arizona's immigration law - 07/06/10
[NOTE: See also a discussion of the June 25, 2012 Supreme Court ruling]
The Obama administration is suing Arizona over their new immigration law, and here are five things you can do. Please don't just read this and move on; if you want to oppose the lawsuit take a few moments and send the link to this page - or just your summary of one of the steps - to your social networks:
Obama immigration speech, July 1, 2010 - 07/01/10
On Thursday, July 1, 2010, Barack Obama gave a speech in support of comprehensive immigration reform and his remarks are at
In recent days, the issue of immigration has become once more a source of fresh contention in our country, with the passage of a controversial law in Arizona and the heated reactions we’ve seen across America. Some have rallied behind this new policy. Others have protested and launched boycotts of the state. And everywhere, people have expressed frustration with a system that seems...
Chris Christie supports immigration "reform" (aka amnesty) - 06/30/10
The latest GOP/conservative savior is New Jersey governor Chris Christie, despite the fact that what he supports would increase spending and reduce the GOP's power. In a recent interview [1], he implied opposition to the new immigration law in Arizona and came out in support of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. The latter would lead to millions new Democrats joining the voter rolls and would lead to even more illegal immigration and even more spending. From [1]:
On the hot-button topic of immigration reform, he said he has long declined to “demagogue” the issue as a former U.S....
Federal agencies in effect join boycott over Arizona immigration law (Education, Border Patrol) - 06/24/10
From this:
Two federal agencies have joined the "boycott Arizona" trend and nixed conferences there out of concern over the state's immigration law, a Democratic Arizona congresswoman said, calling the development "very troubling."
..."It is very troubling when the federal government becomes involved in a boycott against our state," (Rep. Gabrielle Giffords) said in a written statement. "Although I personally disagree with the immigration law, it came about because of growing frustration over the federal government's unwillingness to secure the border. The federal government's participation...
Obama, Democrat, far-left opposition to Arizona immigration law giving comfort to Mexico - 06/23/10
Sara Miller Llana of the Christian Science Monitor lets us know that "Mexico sees silver lining in Arizona immigration law" (link). You might call it giving comfort (if not aid), but that's only because you're an American:
From the view south of the border, times could not be worse in terms of America's disregard for Mexico.
But a curious thing is happening. Mexicans are also seeing a new level of American discontent percolating over US immigration initiatives, much of it coming from unexpected corners.
“I know that there are many Americans for the law, but there are many against it too,”...
Mexican government challenges Arizona immigration law in court (ACLU's suit) - 06/22/10
The Mexican government is now taking legal action against the new Arizona immigration law, filing a brief in support of "Friendly House", the suit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU is also directly collaborating with that government on a related matter; whether this comes as a surprise to them or whether they helped bring it about isn't known. However, it puts the ACLU and other far-left groups, the Mexican government, and the Obama administration all on the same page. From this:
A 28-page amicus curiae brief filed in U.S. District Court says that Mexico has a "...
Tamar Jacoby: feds suing over Arizona immigration law would block immigration "reform" - 06/22/10
In a guest editorial promoting - of course - comprehensive immigration reform, Tamar Jacoby says that the feds suing over the new Arizona immigration law would be a mistake (link):
John Cornyn: sticking point to GOP using Arizona immigration suit against Democrats? - 06/22/10
The Obama administration will probably file a lawsuit against Arizona over their new immigration law; per Jake Tapper it might come next week. Some GOP leaders are encouraging that party to use it as a campaign issue, but according to this (obviously speculative) report, John Cornyn - chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee - might be the sticking point:
But the consultant, who has urged clients to take a strong stance on immigration, does not expect Cornyn to make the Arizona law a national issue to batter Democrats, for fear of offending Hispanic constituents at home.
Gil Cedillo pushes California boycott of Arizona over immigration law - 06/21/10
California state senator Gil Cedillo - someone who occasionally acts more like an agent of the Mexican government than a U.S. official - is pushing a non-binding resolution in support of a boycott of Arizona over their new immigration law (link):
Some 40 state lawmakers, including members of the Latino Legislative Caucus, plan to introduce a resolution this week that urges the state to "cease California investments in Arizona" and calls for Major League Baseball to reconsider its decision to allow Arizona to host the 2011 All-Star Game.
The non-binding resolution also includes a "travel...
DOJ may challenge Arizona immigration law: what to do - 06/18/10
Earlier this month in an interview with TV reporter in Ecuador, Hillary Clinton stated that the Department of Justice will be challenging the new Arizona immigration law in court. I was a bit skeptical since she's not the DOJ and she might have been basing it on an assumption rather than knowledge.
However, CBS News now offers this (link):
Now a senior administration official tells CBS News that the federal government will indeed formally challenge the law when Justice Department lawyers are finished building the case. The official said Justice is still working on building the case.
Arizona sheriff says doesn't have complete control of his county (border-related crime) - 06/15/10
Earlier this month and before, supporters of illegal immigration were harping on stories like this that tried to downplay worries about immigration crime in Arizona. Now, see this:
Pinal County investigators say an area known as the smuggling corridor now stretches from Mexico's border to metro Phoenix.
The area , once an area for family hiking and off road vehicles has government signs warning residents of the drug and human smugglers.
Night vision cameras have photographed military armed cartel members delivering drugs to vehicles along Highway 8.
"We are three counties deep. How is it...
Is Terry Goddard the right choice for governor of Arizona? Part 1 - 06/13/10
Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard is running for governor of that state, and he recently conducted a fundraising tour in New York City ("New York City?"). Erik Eckholm of the New York Times says (
"Please give us help in trying to defend what really matters," Mr. Goddard told the lunch group. He accused Republicans of diverting attention from the state's dire economic condition and the true border problem: crime and violence associated with drug cartels.
Goddard's definition of "what really matters" differs from most Americans; a clear...
Gallup poll: Hispanics 2-to-1 for Democrats both before and after Arizona immigration law - 06/11/10
From a new Gallup poll (link):
Hispanic voters nationwide haven't shifted their congressional voting preferences since the signing of Arizona's new immigration law on April 23. Their preference for the Democratic candidate over the Republican candidate, 61% to 32%, in April 23 to June 8 interviewing almost identically matches the 60% to 32% margin recorded between March 1 and April 22. White voters and black voters also haven't changed their voting intentions.
Bear in mind, of course, that this was a nationwide poll and wasn't of, say, Mexican-Americans in Arizona or Southern California....
Linda Sanchez bases smear of laws like Arizona's on non-credible SPLC, Andrea Nill - 06/03/10
Rep. Linda Sanchez recently spoke out against laws like the new Arizona immigration law, saying (report here, audio here):
"There's a concerted effort behind promoting these kinds of laws on a state-by-state basis by people who have ties to white supremacy groups.. It's been documented. It's not mainstream politics."
Obviously, in her mind effective immigration enforcement isn't "mainstream", despite the fact that the great majority of Americans (i.e., the mainstream) support it. But, it gets worse:
...Sanchez told the newspaper after her speech that she based her accusation on online stories...
SEIU funding lies about Arizona immigration law ("Stops in Arizona", "Travel Advisory Hotline") - 05/28/10
The Service Employees International Union is running web ads for a "Travel Advisory Hotline" (1-800-958-5068). When you call it you're treated to the SEIU lying, misleading, and playing the race card on the new Arizona immigration law. And, when you click the web ad you're taken to, complete with the (since corrected) text on the attached graphic.
Police chiefs who opposed Arizona immigration law in progressive PERF group (Eric Holder) - 05/27/10
Yesterday, a group of police chiefs met with Attorney General Eric Holder and indicated their opposition to the new Arizona immigration law.
How is Chandra Bhatnagar lying and misleading about Arizona's immigration law? (leave a comment showing how) - 05/21/10
Chandra Bhatnagar of the American Civil Liberties Union offers "Arizona violating treaty ratified by U.S." in which he makes various false and misleading statements about the new Arizona immigration law (link).
Democrats in Congress cheer Mexico's president after he complains about Arizona's immigration law; what to do about it - 05/20/10
In a shocking display earlier today, Democrats in Congress gave Felipe Calderon, president of Mexico, a standing ovation after he criticized the new Arizona immigration law at a joint meeting of Congress:
John Morton: ICE might not process illegal aliens arrested under Arizona immigration law - 05/20/10
John Morton, the Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary who heads ICE, visited Chicago yesterday and promised to ramp up immigration enforcement. Then, he said this (link):
Echoing comments by President Barack Obama and others in the administration, Morton said that Arizona's new law targeting illegal immigration is not "good government." The law makes it a crime to be in the state illegally and requires police to check suspects for immigration paperwork.
Morton said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona officials. The best way to...
Obama slams Arizona immigration law at press conference with Mexico's president - 05/19/10
Video of the first part of Barack Obama and Felipe Calderon of Mexico speaking earlier today at the White House is at and the second part is at
2002 DOJ memo: local police have "inherent power" to arrest illegal aliens (Arizona immigration law challenges) - 05/18/10
From this:
In the legal battle over Arizona's new immigration law, an ironic subtext has emerged: whether a Bush-era legal opinion complicates a potential Obama administration lawsuit against Arizona.
The document, written in 2002 by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, concluded that state police officers have "inherent power" to arrest undocumented immigrants for violating federal law. It was issued by Jay S. Bybee, who also helped write controversial memos from the same era that sanctioned harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects.
The author of the Arizona law -- which has...
Marco Rubio changes position on Arizona immigration law, again - 05/17/10
On May 7th, Marco Rubio was asked by Jason Mattera whether he would have voted for Arizona's new immigration law. He stated (
"The second one that passed hit the right note. Yes."
Now, he's changed his tune and on Spanish-language TV (link):
"The law, how it is now, do you support it, yes or no?" Maria Elvira Salazar asked on Mega TV's Maria Elvira Live.
"I don't support states taking this into their own hands," Rubio replied. "I think this needs to be dealt with at the federal level. What I support is the change they made to the law, because that...