Who refused to help stop President Donald Trump: a list
Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States of America, despite how easy it would have been to stop him. All his loudest opponents had to do was understand what attracted voters to Trump, and then show those voters how incredibly fake he is. Instead, all his loudest opponents could do was in effect help him such as by smearing likely Trump voters or by only opposing Trump over issues that likely Trump voters didn't care about.
Just as President Trump starts out with an enemies list (per Omarosa, "Mr. Trump has a long memory and we’re keeping a list" [1]), I'll start out his reign with lists of my own: those who had the means to stop Trump and who wanted to stop Trump, but were too incredibly incompetent to do it.
The first list is Trump opponents: a list of leading Trump antagonists who completely failed at their job. They obviously tried to stop Trump, and just as obviously they were incapable of doing it despite how incredibly flawed a candidate he was.
The second list is below and it's more concrete. In January, I started the site [site coming soon] , an attempt to get Trump asked tough questions about his policies to his face. What was vitally needed was someone who'd engage Trump in real debate about real issues, and show his supporters that he isn't capable of thinking things through and that his plans would just make things worse. Those listed below were sent a link to the site and could have easily helped make it happen. Their defenders are welcome to falsely claim that discrediting Trump to his fans wouldn't have made a difference. Whether you agree with their spin or not, those listed below failed to come up with a better alternative plan. What they did do obviously failed. Those most culpable are bolded:
- #CruzCarly2016 (@mamabear4cruz) on 03/02/2016
- #EX-GOP #WriteInCruz (@txjean2014) on 04/11/2016
- #NeverTrump (@nevertrump) on 04/14/2016, 06/26/2016
- (((ExGOP Sarah))) (@sarahzview) on 06/19/2016
- (((Wendy))) (@wbvt_98fm) on 06/06/2016
- AZConservative (@azconservative1) on 08/09/2016
- Adam Baldwin (@adambaldwin) on 03/03/2016, 05/12/2016
- Alex Conant (@alexconant) on 03/13/2016
- Alex Thompson (@alxthomp) on 09/17/2016
- Ali McGuire (@__dragonwings__) on 02/17/2016
- Alice Stewart (@alicetweet) on 02/01/2016
- Alvin S. Brown, Esq. (@ustaxattorney) on 06/28/2016
- Andrew Fine (@afineblogger) on 09/07/2016
- Aubrey Clerkin (@aubreymclerkin) on 10/06/2016
- Ava Armstrong (@msavaarmstrong) on 02/20/2016
- Barry Bennett (@bbennett152) on 03/04/2016
- Ben White (@morningmoneyben) on 05/24/2016
- Beth (@bethmsh_) on 02/20/2016
- Billy Ray Bryant (@billyraybryant) on 07/25/2016
- Bliss Ville (@bliss_ville) on 04/14/2016
- Bonnie Boden (@designergirla) on 06/11/2016
- BradPapa58 (@cozmicjunkyard) on 03/16/2016
- Brian Oxman (@brianoxmanradio) on 05/10/2016, 05/15/2016
- Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) on 05/08/2016
- Brighton Walsh (@writeasrain_) on 02/08/2016
- Buh Bye GOP (@buhbyegop) on 09/07/2016
- CODEPINK (@codepink) on 07/21/2016
- Cant Stump the Trump (@cantstumptrump1) on 07/20/2016
- Cassidy Quinn (@cassidyquinn) on 05/08/2016
- Chad Gracia (@chadgracia) on 09/24/2016
- Charles Gaba (@charles_gaba) on 05/24/2016
- Charles Perry (@_charlesperry) on 06/26/2016
- Cher (@cher) on 04/24/2016
- Cheri Jacobus (@cherijacobus) on 02/03/2016
- Christopher C. Cuomo (@chriscuomo) on 03/05/2016
- Cruz'n For Ted (@cruzn4ted) on 02/09/2016
- CruzCrewGA (@cruzcrewga) on 03/11/2016
- Curtis (@zonkerpa) on 02/29/2016
- D Burr (@burrbunch) on 02/07/2016
- DLW (@dlw20161950) on 04/21/2016
- Dan Froomkin (@froomkin) on 07/21/2016
- Danis Goulet (@danisgoulet) on 05/28/2016
- David A. Graham (@grahamdavida) on 02/19/2016, 06/05/2016
- David Simon (@aodespair) on 06/16/2016, 06/17/2016
- Deb DeMoss Fonseca (@demossfonseca) on 05/05/2016, 05/14/2016, 08/21/2016
- Debbie Smith (@libsnemesis) on 02/19/2016
- DebraBondRN (@debrabond12) on 08/09/2016
- Delegate Youxia Cruz (@youxia88) on 01/30/2016
- DernDawn (@noprezzie2012) on 03/02/2016
- Douglas Heye (@dougheye) on 02/11/2016
- Erik Brooks (@chipbrooks17) on 02/03/2016
- Ex-GOP Patriot (@benwilhelm1230) on 02/17/2016
- Ex-GOP Todd Hagopian (@toddhagopian) on 02/17/2016
- Fitzzer (@fitzzer777) on 02/09/2016
- GA6ForCruz (@ga6thforcruz) on 03/06/2016
- Garry Kasparov (@kasparov63) on 09/08/2016
- George Takei (@georgetakei) on 06/12/2016
- Harold Itzkowitz (@harolditz) on 02/06/2016
- Hahn America (@hahnamerica) on 04/29/2016, 06/03/2016
- I Yam What I Yam (@nvr4get91101) on 02/17/2016
- IWantFacts (@sjh2222) on 02/26/2016
- Ian Cluroe (@icluroe) on 05/09/2016
- JAMES BUSH (@bushademocrat) on 06/05/2016
- James Lindsay (@goddoesnt) on 06/09/2016
- Jeff DeWit (@jeffdewitaz) on 02/29/2016, 03/02/2016, 05/09/2016
- Jeremiah Raber (@jeremiahraber) on 07/10/2016, 07/17/2016
- Jerry Springer (@jerryspringer) on 06/02/2016
- JewishPrincess (@luvredwhiteblue) on 04/19/2016
- Jim Snyder (@jimnews3lv) on 10/06/2016
- Joel Leyden (@joelleyden) on 02/23/2016
- JoeySkins #CRUZILLA! (@josepheach) on 02/07/2016, 02/09/2016, 03/23/2016, 03/25/2016
- Johann Sebastian Bac (@waitinginbagdad) on 05/01/2016
- John T. Hewitt (@johnthewitt) on 08/11/2016
- John Zajaros (Jack) (@johnzajaros) on 03/30/2016
- John from Texas (@supersyn67) on 02/08/2016, 02/08/2016
- Jon Mittelhauser (@jonmitt) on 09/12/2016
- Jordan Meehan (@jordanmeehan) on 06/18/2016
- Joseph (Joe) M Ryan (@josephmryan1) on 02/09/2016
- Joseph W. Lowry (@dirtyfacejose) on 02/19/2016
- Judd Apatow (@juddapatow) on 07/25/2016
- Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) on 04/29/2016
- Juliann Andreen (@juliannandreen) on 03/03/2016
- Juliet Amy (@jamy208) on 02/19/2016
- Just.In.Libertarian (@jphilman0206) on 02/08/2016, 02/08/2016
- KateM (@kathrynmilofsky) on 05/10/2016, 05/15/2016
- Kathryn Brusco (@kathrynbruscobk) on 02/06/2016
- Katie Packer (@katiepack) on 02/24/2016, 03/02/2016, 03/03/2016, 04/08/2016, 04/26/2016, 05/02/2016
- Keith Appell (@keithcrc) on 04/17/2016
- Kenny (@kennyjohnk) on 05/01/2016
- Lanhee J. Chen (@lanheechen) on 04/28/2016
- Laurie (@llh713) on 01/31/2016
- Len Taylor (@ndb4ever) on 04/14/2016
- Liz Mair (@lizmair) on 03/15/2016, 04/10/2016, 04/26/2016, 05/01/2016
- Lynn Wright (@lynn_lwrightpcd) on 02/23/2016, 03/18/2016, 03/18/2016
- MADGOD (@dj1darrell) on 03/25/2016
- Maarten Vasbinder (@kakketoe) on 09/19/2016
- Maer Roshan (@maerroshan) on 06/02/2016
- Mark Cuban (@mcuban) on 06/02/2016, 06/03/2016, 10/18/2016
- Mark Dice (@markdice) on 03/02/2016
- Mark Rogowsky (@maxrogo) on 08/21/2016
- Mark Ryan, PBS39 (@markoutthere) on 02/19/2016
- Markeece Young (@youngblkrepub) on 02/04/2016
- Mary Frances Prevost (@crimedefense) on 06/29/2016
- Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) on 05/23/2016
- Matthew (@mdnisn) on 09/08/2016
- Medea Benjamin (@medeabenjamin) on 07/21/2016
- Melanie Watson (@lonestarmomcom) on 05/02/2016
- Michael F Ozaki MD (@brontyman) on 09/30/2016
- Michael Mayo (@heymikemayo) on 03/22/2016
- Mitch Behna (@mitchbehna) on 02/09/2016, 02/21/2016
- MommaBear (@psalm11813) on 02/21/2016
- Morgan (@dmorganstl82) on 06/03/2016
- Nevada Ted Cruz (@nevada4cruz) on 02/23/2016
- NewsJunkie Ex-GOP (@keriott) on 02/04/2016
- Nicole Robertson (@muskwamedia) on 05/28/2016
- PJNET_Team (@pjnet_team) on 03/23/2016
- Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) on 06/23/2016
- Patriot Ginger Snap (@patriotginger) on 02/20/2016
- PatriotGingerSnap2 (@patriotginger2) on 02/08/2016, 02/08/2016, 03/11/2016
- Patty (@littlebytesnews) on 01/31/2016
- Paul Steinhauser (@steinhausernh1) on 02/02/2016
- PecosRoyBean (@pecosroybean) on 06/03/2016
- Prudence (@dennygirltwo) on 02/04/2016
- Queen Of Liberty.com (@mercuryoneoc) on 02/17/2016
- RDSP Editor (@rdspress) on 05/29/2016
- Ray Lopez (@raylopez640) on 04/28/2016
- Reeni (@reenit) on 02/09/2016
- ReignitingThePromise (@reignitepromise) on 03/02/2016
- Rex Dow (@dowrex) on 03/28/2016
- Richie Hecker (@richieblueeyes) on 05/27/2016
- Rick Carter Jr. (@hopeforaddicts) on 04/11/2016
- Rick Tyler (@rickwtyler) on 02/20/2016
- Rob Reiner (@robreiner) on 08/14/2016
- Robert Morrow (@robmorroliberty) on 06/24/2016
- Robert N. Wilson III (@naarobertwilson) on 02/22/2016
- Rosemary S (@rosemrys) on 08/09/2016
- Ryan McCarthy (@mccarthyryanj) on 09/17/2016
- Sam Seder (@samseder) on 09/30/2016
- Sara Murray (@saramurray) on 03/01/2016
- Sassafras~Knob (@sassafras_knob) on 03/06/2016
- Saving Liberty (@libertyusa1776) on 04/19/2016
- Scarlett Says (@scarlett_says) on 02/23/2016
- Scott Brewster (@shotwave) on 03/18/2016, 03/18/2016
- Sharon Carbine (@sharoncarbine) on 08/23/2016
- Shaun King (@shaunking) on 05/19/2016
- Sheri Winkelmann (@sheriwinkelmann) on 06/02/2016
- Silas Black (@silasblack1254) on 03/01/2016
- Smart Girl 4 Ted (@smartgirls4gop) on 02/22/2016
- Sophia Bush (@sophiabush) on 06/14/2016
- Stephanie Cegielski (@scegielskipr) on 03/28/2016
- Stephen #CruzCrew (@58163) on 04/24/2016, 05/01/2016
- Stephen Kloscak (@stevekloscak) on 02/10/2016, 02/10/2016
- Steve Deace (@stevedeaceshow) on 02/19/2016
- Steve Schale (@steveschale) on 04/26/2016
- Susan Goldstein (@susangoldstein) on 08/24/2016
- Teens with Ted (@teenswithted) on 02/10/2016
- Teri Sasseville (@terigright) on 02/10/2016, 02/10/2016
- Terry O' (@irishtea1) on 06/26/2016
- Tim Miller (@timodc) on 03/03/2016
- Truactive (@truactive) on 09/30/2016
- Trump Tiny Hands PAC (@trumphandspac) on 06/18/2016
- Vince Vasquez (@vincevasquezsd) on 05/23/2016
- barbara (@sunbeltgirl) on 02/05/2016
- bencasnocha (@bencasnocha) on 10/28/2016
- bettastothart88 (@bettastothart88) on 10/25/2016
- bluewaterdays (@bluewaterdays) on 05/16/2016
- davidcayj (@davidcayj) on 09/29/2016
- ddayen (@ddayen) on 11/02/2016
- derekwillis (@derekwillis) on 10/27/2016
- dilipsreddy (@dilipsreddy) on 11/06/2016
- el ¡Soopèr! (@soopermexican) on 04/19/2016, 06/06/2016
- evan_mcmullin (@evan_mcmullin) on 10/16/2016
- franklinfoer (@franklinfoer) on 11/01/2016
- govgaryjohnson (@govgaryjohnson) on 09/26/2016
- grantstern (@grantstern) on 11/06/2016
- greenhousenyt (@greenhousenyt) on 11/01/2016
- high horse Catholic (@unconcious0) on 02/19/2016
- hiltzikm (@hiltzikm) on 06/06/2016, 06/10/2016, 06/13/2016
- jamieleecurtis (@jamieleecurtis) on 10/14/2016
- jonathanchait (@jonathanchait) on 04/17/2016, 09/08/2016, 11/01/2016, 11/04/2016
- karoli (@karoli) on 02/22/2016
- kat4obama (@kat4obama) on 02/29/2016
- keitholbermann (@keitholbermann) on 05/29/2016, 06/05/2016
- kevincadogan (@kevincadogan) on 10/01/2016
- mattyglesias (@mattyglesias) on 09/12/2016
- mikebates (@mikebates) on 05/15/2016
- moskov (@moskov) on 09/09/2016, 10/27/2016
- realkennybone (@realkennybone) on 10/10/2016
- reidhoffman (@reidhoffman) on 09/12/2016, 10/28/2016
- slackbot (@pareene) on 06/10/2016
- stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) on 03/04/2016
- tommorton (@tommorton) on 11/01/2016
- tx4mcmullin (@tx4mcmullin) on 10/18/2016
- waynewaters (@hwaynewaters) on 02/20/2016
- ✯✯US VETERAN✯✯ (@mike_uspatriot) on 02/09/2016
2/27/17 UPDATE: I took @rosie - yes, that's Rosie O'Donnell - off the list. She RTed [site coming soon] . She could have helped save the U.S. from Trump if she'd championed the site, but I'll give her credit for the retweet. That's more than I can say for the rest.
[1] thehill . com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/