Tweets to Christopher C. Cuomo

Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
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Christopher C. Cuomo
In the Arena
CNN Anchor @CuomoPrimeTime 9p EST; SIRIUSXM CH 124 12-2 EST. #LetsGetAfterIt Facebook: chris cuomo Instagram: chrisccuomo
Tweets to this user:
Cuomo Prime Time's avatar
From @CuomoPrimeTime
BREAKING: The governor of California has ordered the state’s 40 million residents to stay at home to prevent the sp…
Marion Ravenwood's avatar
From @marionravenwd
@CuomoPrimeTime @ChrisCuomo Thank you for having @tomfriedman on. I dearly hope @realDonaldTrump will listen to him.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You show know by now that whatever TF said, Trump won't listen. Trump is motivated by self-interest, smart ppl like Putin know how to use that. Fredo can't conceive of it. MT @marionravenwd [to @ChrisCuomo] TY for having tomfriedman on. I dearly hope Trump will listen to him
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@marionravenwd: it's in the vital national interest to play Trump to get a better response, & also to demand your idols like @ChrisCuomo grow up & do that. Demand CC urges reporters to *really press* officials on specific deliverables. When CC won't, help me destroy his career.
Big Red Machine ⚡️🍀's avatar
From @xrpizzle
@ChrisCuomo I respect your opinion Chris but he is right about pulling businesses from China. Except the truth is…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@xrpizzle: all the millions harmed by globalism don't pay @ChrisCuomo 's wages. If he ever even slightly opposed the Big Biz NeoLiberal agenda, he knows he'd be out of a job.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
Hey senator - think chinese actions have anything to do with demonizing the people there for causing this?
Gladys Ayes's avatar
From @GladysAyes
@ChrisCuomo Well said.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GladysAyes: are you going to think what @ChrisCuomo says is "well said" if you end up on a non-existent ventilator, because he was screaming "wacist!" like a 4-year-old Fredo rather than really pressing Trump officials on getting more ventilators?
JM Rieger's avatar
From @RiegerReport
CHRIS CUOMO: There's always time to call mom. She wants to hear from you. Just so you know. ANDREW CUOMO: I called…
rumpolesghost's avatar
From @rumpolesghost1
@RiegerReport @atrupar @CNN Am I the only one that's REALLY uncomfortable with the governor's brother interviewing…
Destined4Greatness's avatar
From @BeachChairNY
@rumpolesghost1 @RiegerReport @atrupar @CNN And yet he challenged him more than ANY FOX interviewer has EVER challe…
rumpolesghost's avatar
From @rumpolesghost1
@BeachChairNY @RiegerReport @atrupar @CNN Pretty weak standard. These organizations need credibility. Cuomo can c…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rumpolesghost1: @BeachChairNY doesn't tough questions. Watching Kellyanne toy w @ChrisCuomo = watching an orca toy with a sick seal. Tragically, if he'd *really* pressed her on anything she wouldn't have dare monkeywrench the #covid19 response. Cuomo has blood on his hands.
Tamara Menard's avatar
From @menard_tamara
@ChrisCuomo You are right on Chris, the military needs to come in. Soon this country will probably be on lockdown a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@menard_tamara: 1 follower & praising the less-than-worthless @ChrisCuomo to the skies: seems a bit suspicious. BTAIM, list even 1 case where anything he's said has made Trump better. He's just entertainment for those who already agree with him He can't hold Trump accountable.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
The focus must be capacity. We know the cases are coming. We know we need more capacity. We do not know what trump…
abbie's avatar
From @abbierenn
@ChrisCuomo What is trump waiting for? Playing from behind here.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@abbierenn: Kellyanne made #Covid19 worse. She would have been much more cautious if @ChrisCuomo & the rest of the MSM could do what'd be incredibly easy for me: show her wrong to MAGA. Watching Kellyanne w Cuomo is more pathetic than watching an orca playing with a sick seal.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
And there isnt.
S M Solomon #PresidentWarren's avatar
From @snow_lynx
@ChrisCuomo That's because the party in charge can afford all the care and sick time they need. It's the rest of us…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@snow_lynx: orcas playing with seals = Kellyanne with @ChrisCuomo. Lawyers are trained to ask Socratic questions but he's never done it. He also distracts with fluff, the "magic wall", etc etc from real discussions of policy. If you want to hold Trump accountable he's no help.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
As with all attacks by is clearly not presidential by comparison...but who cares? Not a rhetorical quest…
DiDi's avatar
From @austenphile11
@ChrisCuomo I care! The media has normalized his vile behavior from the get-go. They STILL can't say he lies. He tw…
FM's avatar
From @frankmonah
@ChrisCuomo This is less about what Trump does and more about what Republicans are failing to do They enable Trump…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@austenphile11: majority look at Trump - dimwitted, failed plans, but speaks his mind sans peur & offers to help them - then they look at those like @ChrisCuomo - even dimmer, sucks up to power, can't show anyone wrong, and despises most Americans. What'd you choose?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@frankmonah: have you ever seen @ChrisCuomo & Kellyanne? She runs rings around him, constantly pivoting & dragging him into fluff. It's like watching an orca play with a seal. Lawyers are trained to use Socratic questioning & Cuomo's in desperate need of CLE.
ztalpnielk's avatar
From @ztalpnielk
@ChrisCuomo @CuomoPrimeTime @ChrisCuomo is one of the best cable persons, hands down!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ztalpnielk: @ChrisCuomo constantly gets bowled over by lightweights like Kellyanne. He's never pinned her down on anything cuz he never asks Socratic questions as real lawyers are trained to do. She's always able to pivot to her issues. He's beyond incompetent.
Christopher C. Cuomo's avatar
From @ChrisCuomo
We have right left conservative progressive and just plain Ol’ reasonable. #LetsGetAfterIt @CuomoPrimeTime Thanks f…
Allen R. Bussell's avatar
From @allenbussell
@ChrisCuomo @CuomoPrimeTime God! I miss reasonable people in power.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@allenbussell: CNN went easy on *Saddam* in exchange for access. While he was killing thousands, they looked the other way. They later admitted they won't ask pols tough questions at debates. @ChrisCuomo continues their disgraceful sycophancy.
