trump opponents
List of incompetent Donald Trump opponents
This page will have an ever-growing list of prominent Donald Trump opponents. Since it would be fairly easy to reduce Trump's popularity but Trump continues to be popular and could become our next president, these prominent Trump opponents are by definition incompetent. They want to stop Trump, but for various reasons they're incapable of figuring out how to do it.
Trump is popular because tens of millions of people think he's going to solve their legitimate concerns about free trade and mass immigration. All Trump's prominent opponents have to do is show Trump supporters that he won't help them.
For a tangible example, many Trump supporters think he'd not only build a wall along the Mexican border but he'd make the Mexican government pay for it. If "President Trump" tried that, Congress and the courts would block it. The best that would happen is that - like Arizona's SB1070 - it would be tied up in the courts for years and gutted. Trump proxies like Jan Brewer know this.
Since Trump Wall is Trump's signature issue, forcing Trump or at least a Trump proxy to admit how it would fail would tend to undercut Trump to his base. Yet, those listed below can't even conceive of doing that. Instead, everything they've done against Trump has only made him more popular. Instead of correcting their obvious failed tactics, they just repeat the same old failed tactics expecting a different result.
Our site Stump Trump has an action plan to ask Trump or at least his proxies tough questions that would undercut Trump to his base, and that's the only way to stop him. Many of those listed below have been sent that plan and could help make it happen if they wanted to. They refuse to do so, preferring tactics that obviously don't work.