LULAC, Democratic Party, other illegal immigration supporters call for moratorium on deportations (Part 2)

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At a news conference in San Antonio yesterday, illegal immigration supporters called for a halt to deportations until "comprehensive immigration reform" was passed. Michelle Roberts of the AP - or her editors - appears to have forgot to include a few juicy quotes and omitted one quote source entirely.

Jim Forsyth of Reuters quotes Rosa Rosales of LULAC saying this:

"We are demanding an end to these immigration raids, where they are targeting brown faces. That is major, major racial profiling, and that cannot be tolerated... ...Every labor-intensive industry including the hospitality, construction, agriculture and restaurant industries will be adversely impacted if these raids continue."

Obviously, LULAC is a very strong supporter of illegal immigration.

Then, we turn to Carla Vela, who Forsyth only describes as a Democratic Party activist. She's actually the Chair of the Democratic Party of Bexar County (home of San Antone). Their homepage is here, and there's more on their troubled group here and here. This representative of the Democratic Party is quoted as saying:

"This unfortunately reminds me of when Hitler began rounding up the Jews for no reason and locking them up... Now they're coming for the Latinos, who will they come for next?"

I urge everyone to attend meetings by national Democratic Party leaders and ask them to take a stance on her quote.

We're also informed that other groups at the San Antonio press conference included the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (has at least one indirect link to the Mexican government), the Hispanic National Bar Association, and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (has at least one direct link to the Mexican government).

And, of course, no Reuters story would be complete without disinformatsia:

Anger at anti-immigrant rhetoric and measures is said to have hurt Republican candidates with Hispanic voters in November elections that saw the Democrats win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.


This issue alone will put the Republicans back into the majority. Illegal immigration is a concern for people that are registered Republican and Democrat. If the Democrats in the House and Senate do nothing to reduce the rate of illegal immigration into the USA and let those that are here stay, they can count on Democrats and Republicans showing their displeasure by voting Republican in 2008. I live in SW Missouri, and in NW Arkansas, just south of us, the majority of violent crime is done by illegals.

Thank you for this bit of information. I've just begun a new blog because I'm so sick of all the liberal crap that's circulating -- and I work at the Express-News, so believe me, I'm familiar with the liberal agenda. I heard Vela's quotes on WOAI last week but when I tried to find a hard copy so I could properly attribute them for a blog I'm working on today, of course, it was like she'd never said the words. Shocker that they weren't reported. Thanks so much for the info!