2009 immigration marches get tea party-level turnout (actually even less)
The 2009 marches in support of illegal immigration are getting a turn-out roughly equivalent to that of the tea parties or less. For the high side of figures, turn to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement at fairimmigration.wordpress.com
* Chicago: "estimated five to seven thousand" (FIRM); this says "only about 2,000"; UPDATE 2: the Preston link says "about 5000".
* Boston: "upwards of 400" (FIRM)
* Newark, New Jersey: "as many as 700" (FIRM)
* New York City: UPDATE: "hundreds" per Jesse Solomon of CNN (link). He also quotes a supposed counter-protester who supports legalization, he just wants to deport criminal aliens.
* Washington DC: unspecified, but maybe a hundred; UPDATE 2: that was based on the photo from FIRM; as it turns out there were "more than 2000" per this. See also video here. The signs in that video say "Immigrant Roots Immigrant Rights".
* Charlotte, North Carolina: "dozens" per this
* Los Angeles: "thousands" per this; (UPDATE: "several thousands" per Amy Taxin of the Associated Press, link); UPDATE 2: Julia Preston and Kirk Semple of the New York Times say one of the L.A. marches had 'about 1,000 people carrying Mexican flags and wearing T-shirts saying βLegalize America now"' (link).
* Milwaukee: "Itβs estimated that between three and five thousand people showed up Friday, versus the 30,000 people who participated last year" (link). Organized by Voces de la Frontera.
* Orange County: organizers were "hoping for a couple hundred people" (link)
* San Francisco: "hundreds" (Taxin link above)
* Salt Lake City: "more than 500" (link)
* Oregon: "perhaps 2000" in Salem and "more than 1500" in Portland (link). Janie Har of The Oregonian also falsely refers to "[i]n 2006, at the height of anti-immigration rhetoric coming from Congress". It also includes Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt telling the crowd - many or most foreign citizens - "Welcome to your State Capitol." Their Capitols are in other countries, but no doubt he wouldn't care. And, some speakers were restaurant and nursery industry lobbyists.
While the protesters might have outdrawn the tea parties in a few localities, overall a very, very generous upper estimate would be less than 100,000. They did even worse than loons waving "John Galt" signs.
*Miami: "more than 300" per Laura Wides Munoz of the AP (link).
* Bloomington, Illinois: "about 100" (link)
* Las Vegas: video here.
* Washington: "thousands" in the state as a whole including "several thousand" in Seattle. One of the few cities to have an increase in numbers over 2008 was... Yakima. (link). First Yakima, then Wenatchee!
* Houston: "about 50" (link)
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Fri, 05/01/2009 - 20:56
HS 18087 2009-05-01T22:56:46-05:00
I went down to OC civic center where the lulac goons were giving speeches in spanish. there were about 50 people there. there were more mounted police than marchers today. what a pathetic turnout. there will not be any amnesty this year, comrades.
Mary (not verified)
Fri, 05/01/2009 - 22:18
HS 18088 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2009-05-02T00:18:42-05:0
I'm all for them marching....straight home to and through the border... Ole!!!
Steve (not verified)
Fri, 05/01/2009 - 23:25
HS 18089 2009-05-02T01:25:43-05:00
I hope you're right petty, but we have to keep the presure on especially with RINOs like John Cornyn teaming up with Schumer to peddle mass amnesty.
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Sat, 05/02/2009 - 03:51
HS 18090 2009-05-02T05:51:05-05:00
the moment an amnesty bill is before congress, all hell will break loose and the constituency will be loud and unforgiving upon the greasy politicians, just like last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. there will be no amnesty this year. if bush couldnt get it through congress during boom economic times, there is no fucking way amnesty is coming during this depression.
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Sat, 05/02/2009 - 05:04
HS 18091 2009-05-02T07:04:43-05:00
Wish I could be as confident petty. With most appointments by BO being open border hacks, it is not very reassuring. Not to mention they will have the experience of their [failed] last time, to draw upon. No doubt there will be a new catchy word or "for the children" type phrase, to mislead the uninformed masses with. I just hope people will fight for whats lawful. That should be common sense.
Greg Goss (not verified)
Sat, 05/02/2009 - 13:05
HS 18092 gwg1955@comcast.net 2009-05-02T15:05:50-05:00
I've seen reports that Tea Party turn out nationally was 1M
Mary (not verified)
Sat, 05/02/2009 - 18:35
HS 18093 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2009-05-02T20:35:52-05:0
I think it is time for the tea partys to adopt a NO Amnesty agenda as well....swell the ranks of the extremist right wingers!!!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 05/02/2009 - 18:38
HS 18094 dawes57@cox.net 2009-05-02T20:38:29-05:00
All this will mean nothing the derivatives ( financial instrument value is underlying asset called futures at about 500 trillion ) is a ticking time bomb and millions of American jobs will start to disappear within one yr, if Obama open's the borders now, it appears obama has been stopped from opening the border and may see that the political ideals he holds may drop the people of this country into a civil war if he starts his move on the side of the aliens and starts his attacks on Americans his owners may have stopped this and may keep the political borders closed for now. Tea parties and the la raza hate race people may also be stopped for now, its time to wair and see what happens in the next 10 weeks.