Far-left illegal alien advocates bus in anti-Arnold demonstrators (my title)
Posted Mon, May 23, 2005 at 8:25 pm
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if my title had been used, rather than "Angry Immigrants Protest at Capitol"?
In that case, we'd actually know what's going on. Instead, we get this naive and misleading report:
I note also that the California Immigrant Welfare Collaborative (the correct name of the group mentioned, although collective is certainly accurate) is a far-left organization:
CIWC's homepage is here. You'll note two things: one of their collaborators is Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. Click the link to see why that's not a good thing at all.
And, another of their collaborators is the National Immigration Law Center, which also hosts the CWIC's site. Read that link for much more on CWIC and their fellow travelers.
See also "The Enemy Within the Justice Department's Office of Special Counsel". The DOJ at one time linked to the NILC.
And, here's an action alert from the CWIC and their fellow groups advocating for the Mexican government's Matricula Consular cards.
Now, if I could do the foregoing, why couldn't CBS 5's John Lobertini?
In that case, we'd actually know what's going on. Instead, we get this naive and misleading report:
Angry immigrants tried to get the governor's attention Monday with a noisy protest outside his office...Some of these people might in fact be immigrants. Others, perhaps most of them, are actually immigrants. Oops! I forgot to call them "illegal immigrants" just like the article did. Thankfully I believe in calling things by their true names.
[...they don't like his support of the Minuteman Project...]
[Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Newark informs:] "The governor of the people is afraid of the people... He's become an embarrassment to our state."
...Immigrant groups began boarding buses for the Capitol just after sunrise to celebrate Immigrant Day. In Sacramento, they delivered an open letter to the governor and the legislature, asking them to recognize the contributions of immigrants and reject vigilantism.
[Reshma Shamasunder of the California Immigrant Welfare Collective intones:] "...Let's support comprehensive immigration reform. Let's not invite lawless folks into our state."
I note also that the California Immigrant Welfare Collaborative (the correct name of the group mentioned, although collective is certainly accurate) is a far-left organization:
(CIWC) provides information on public benefits for immigrants in California. Some of the issues CIWC addresses include: Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI), health care, domestic violence, language access, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, CalWORKs, public charge, and affidavits of support.At this point in time you're probably thinking of that guy who sells books telling you how to get as much government money as possible. Except, when they say "immigrants", I think they're talking about "immigrants" too. As in the illegal variety. And, I don't know whether Matthew Lesko has chapters on that yet.
CIWC's homepage is here. You'll note two things: one of their collaborators is Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. Click the link to see why that's not a good thing at all.
And, another of their collaborators is the National Immigration Law Center, which also hosts the CWIC's site. Read that link for much more on CWIC and their fellow travelers.
See also "The Enemy Within the Justice Department's Office of Special Counsel". The DOJ at one time linked to the NILC.
And, here's an action alert from the CWIC and their fellow groups advocating for the Mexican government's Matricula Consular cards.
Now, if I could do the foregoing, why couldn't CBS 5's John Lobertini?
mr civil rights (not verified)
Tue, 05/24/2005 - 08:44
Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Newark informs:] "The governor of the people is afraid of the people... He's become an embarrassment to our state."
...Immigrant groups began boarding buses for the Capitol just after sunrise to celebrate Immigrant Day. In Sacramento, they delivered an open letter to the governor and the legislature, asking them to recognize the contributions of immigrants and reject vigilantism.
[Reshma Shamasunder of the California Immigrant Welfare Collective intones:] "...Let's support comprehensive immigration reform. Let's not invite lawless folks into our state."
The basic function of a government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens. The radical left(such as those specimens cited above) turn this basic proposition on its head and accuse anyone trying to defend the borders of being a lawless vigilante.In other words the invaders are not lawless but those who stand in the way of the invader are lawless. The fact that such looniness is so commonly spouted in public without being greeted by howling gales of derision shows that that political discourse in the US is just barely above the level of that of a baboon troop.
mr civil rights (not verified)
Mon, 05/23/2005 - 21:44
The pro-illegal alien movement may be the most curious anti-democratic movement in the history of the West in that it depends upon the collusion of greedy business interests, greedy immigration lawyers and "hate America" radical leftists. It is clearly anti-democratic because it calls for non-enforcememt of democratically enacted immigration laws and treats the opinions of the vast majority of US citizens(who oppose illegal immigration) with contempt. More than ironic that the predominantly Euro-American businesspersons glady accept as ideological allies those who want to use uncontrolled illegal immigration as a hammer to destroy what is left of Western Civilization and in the end capitalism itself.