California primary: Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina win; Gavin Newsom, Abel Maldonado?
The results of the California primary are not at all pretty from a pro-American immigration position.
* The winner of the Republican nomination for governor is Meg Whitman; she has 63.8% at post time versus 26.4% for Steve Poizner. She supports comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) and expect a series of hacks to use her victory to falsely claim that running strong against illegal immigration is a losing issue. She's not an option; Jerry Brown is the better choice as described below.
* At post time, Gavin Newsom leads Janice Hahn 53% to 34% for Lt. Governor. Both are bad on immigration, he as mayor of San Francisco, she as a Los Angeles City Council member who recently voted to boycott Arizona over their new immigration law. However, she's even dumber than he is and would be easier to beat. The last would matter, if not for the fact that on the Republican side Arnold Schwarzenegger protege Abel Maldonado is leading good-on-immigration Sam Aanestad 48% to 23%. If Maldonado holds on, there's no good choice for Lt. Governor.
* Carly Fiorina is the GOP candidate for Senate, going against Barbara Boxer. She also is not an option; the better option is to support Boxer as also described below. Mickey Kaus has 5.5% of the vote, not bad for someone who many voters probably don't know but far less than he could have gotten if he'd done things in better ways. His "base" consisted of Glenn Reynolds, rightwing bloggers, and maybe some stray tea parties members. If I recall correctly, he did try to challenge Boxer to a debate, but he could have gone much further such as by trying to challenge those below her, including leftwing bloggers. A fighter who'd challenge the establishment Democratic position in favor of illegal immigration he wasn't.
* For Attorney General, Kamala Harris is beating several others on the Democrat side and Steve Cooley is doing likewise on the Republican side. Harris is as bad or worse than Newsom when it comes to supporting illegal immigration; Cooley wimped out on prosecuting a hate crime but also was at least open to working with ICE on immigration. Cooley is the better option.
An impolitic note to Republicans: if you're a partisan hack, vote for Whitman and Fiorina. If, instead of putting what's best for the Republican Party before what's best for the U.S. you want to do what's best for the U.S., vote for Brown and Boxer. Neither of them are good on immigration, and one or both might be worse than their opponents on the issue. However, a bad Democrat - who can be fought against by the Republicans - is better than a bad Republican when it comes to immigration.