Tweets to TexitMachine❌

TexitMachine❌'s avatar
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South African by birth, American by legal immigration, Texan by choice. Tarjan and Dijkstra already did that. Accurate with an AR. Delicate hands.
Tweets to this user:
GeneAndTonic's avatar
From @Genethesoup
RT @BrowningMachine: 1/ "Blue-haired San Franciscan SJW's sipping soy lattes should dictate what's acceptable discourse on the internet." h…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
They do even though it's preventable. Does that indicate great competence on the part of your leaders & their enablers? MT @Genethesoup MT @BrowningMachine: 1/ "Blue-haired San Franciscan SJW's sipping soy lattes should dictate what's acceptable discourse on the internet."
Bo Hoover's avatar
From @BoHoover
RT @BrowningMachine: TRANSLATION: "We're getting plausible deniability by handing censorship power to the SPLC, ADL, and Snopes. Remembe…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I caught Snopes covering up a lie about Katrina, never got any help with it from conservatives. Please explain. MT @BoHoover MT @BrowningMachine: TRANSLATION: "We're getting plausible deniability by handing censorship power to the SPLC, ADL, and Snopes
America(n) First's avatar
From @SeawordG
RT @BrowningMachine: How about: When limousine liberal hypocrites advocate for mass immigration, it doesn't affect them. They've insulat…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SeawordG: in August I tweeted you 'if/when Trump pushes amnesty for DREAMers, will ScottAdamsSays do a Hannity? If you so "no", explain.' I guess we've got the answer to both, right? Is a big amnesty that'd lead to an even bigger amnesty #MAGA?